Help the Stack on Children Let Them Appreciate Learning.

Help the Stack on Children: Let Them Appreciate Learning.

Reassessing the Burden of Instruction for a Brighter Future.

In the quest for quality education, why do we place such a heavy academic burden on our children? Can we alleviate this burden? Why do we subject our children to an extensive curriculum in small classes while increasing the goals for each subject on our syllabus every year?

Help the Stack on Children: Let Them Appreciate Learning.

The weight of education.

Students are often engrossed in exam preparation such as quizzes, midterms, finals, and more. The result is a flawed school system where students feel constant pressure. They are taught to memorize rather than truly understand, and the joy of learning takes a back seat.

You may have seen students lugging backpacks, sometimes weighing more than 10 kilograms. Is this really necessary? How can students bear such a heavy load, and how can we bring justice to this situation?

A balanced approach.

Help the Stack on Children: Let Them Appreciate Learning.

Do we really ought to incorporate devout studies, general information, and other subjects in our educational modules, rather than centering on craftsmanship, sports, and other social exercises? This would progress our children’s general improvement and improve their mental and physical capacities.

For English, Urdu, and Math, do we really need to introduce any subjects beyond the basics in the early years of education? Children need to learn numbers, reading, speaking, listening, and writing in these subjects. Therefore, we should pay more attention to these foundational skills. Subjects like the Arts and others indicate that we are not effectively using our children’s time in the early years of education.

We don’t need such an abundance of subjects in small classes. Only when necessary should we introduce English and Urdu languages and stories. Art plays and other extracurricular activities should be part of our curriculum. Children should feel a connection to their school and education rather than fear the syllabus, teachers, or educational pressure.

Reevaluating the curriculum.

Help the Stack on Children: Let Them Appreciate Learning.

As students progress to higher grades, they can be introduced to other subjects, but even in this process, careful consideration should be given to the subjects taught. We should never think, “Children should be exposed to everything, because that mentality will not make our educational system better.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s 21st-century aptitudes, computer science, or any other subject. We have to expel superfluous fabric from the educational modules to make it more viable. In any case, it’s disastrous that at whatever point there’s an educational programs audit, it ordinarily leads to including more subjects or fabric to the syllabus.

A Call for Change.

Help the Stack on Children: Let Them Appreciate Learning.

On a school’s site in Pakistan, it’s specified that they instruct eight subjects in lower grades, including English, Urdu, Math, Science, History, Geology, Computer Science, and Devout subjects. These are very a part of subjects. After seeing this, it’s not astounding that understudies tend to lean toward repetition memorization over understanding. Do understudies truly require so numerous subjects?

Numerous instruction specialists have highlighted that this approach is causing issues in understanding and learning. Educating, learning, and understanding are endlessly distinctive. Instructors frequently complain that they cannot moderate the instructing handle, which is causing trouble for understudies in learning and understanding. Usually, they need to cover the complete syllabus, and they have a lesson arranged for each subject.

Help the Stack on Children: Let Them Appreciate Learning.


Within the rest of the world, colleges concede understudies based on three A-levels, but in Pakistan, we want our understudies to seem in exams for Islamic Ponders, Urdu, and Pakistani Considers. In Pakistan, understudies at the middle-of-the-road level are required to think about seven subjects, including English, Urdu, Islamic Thinks About, and Pakistani Ponders, in expansion to three major subjects.

The issue of over-burdened educational modules is clear, and it influences our youth’s improvement adversely. We ought to keep in mind that expanding the scholastic burden doesn’t fundamentally lead to way better learning results.

Guardians, if you don’t mind abstain from forcing over-the-top weight on your children and provide them the opportunity to appreciate learning and instruction. Let’s reassess our instruction framework, help the burden on our children, and let them thrive scholastically, rationally, and physically, guaranteeing a brighter future for all.


1. Why is there such a heavy academic burden on children in the quest for quality education?

The academic burden on children is often attributed to an extensive curriculum, constant exams, and the pressure to cover numerous subjects. This FAQ explores the reasons behind this weight and its impact on students.

2. How does the current school system contribute to the pressure on students?

The current school system, with its emphasis on exams and memorization, often leads to constant pressure on students. This FAQ delves into the flaws in the system, where understanding takes a back seat to rote memorization.

3. Why are extracurricular activities like art and sports essential for children’s overall development?

This FAQ discusses the importance of a balanced approach to education, advocating for the inclusion of extracurricular activities like art and sports to enhance children’s mental and physical capacities.

4. Should early education focus more on foundational skills like reading, writing, and basic mathematics?

Examining the early years of education, this FAQ questions the need for an abundance of subjects and suggests a focus on foundational skills like language and numeracy.

5. How can the curriculum be reevaluated to make it more effective?

The FAQ explores the need for a careful reevaluation of the curriculum, emphasizing the importance of removing unnecessary subjects and focusing on practical, relevant content.

6. Why is the current approach to curriculum reviews counterproductive?

This FAQ addresses the tendency to add more subjects or content during curriculum reviews and discusses why this approach may not lead to a better educational system.

7. How does the over-burdened curriculum affect students’ learning and understanding?

Education experts have pointed out that an overburdened curriculum can hinder students’ learning and understanding. This FAQ explores the challenges this approach poses to both teachers and students.

8. What is the impact of the current exam system on students’ mental and physical well-being?

This FAQ delves into the issues caused by the current exam-centric system, including the strain on students’ mental and physical well-being.

9. How can parents contribute to alleviating the burden on their children?

Discussing the role of parents, this FAQ encourages parents to avoid imposing excessive pressure on their children and instead focus on creating an environment where learning is enjoyable.

10. What changes are needed in the education system to ensure a brighter future for children?

The FAQ concludes by calling for a reassessment of the education system, advocating for a reduction in academic burden and a focus on holistic development for a brighter future.

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