Indian Bank on Slow Recovery After Transferring Eight Billion.

Indian Bank on Slow Recovery After Transferring Eight Billion.


In a surprising turn of events, United Commercial Bank (UCO), a prominent state-owned bank in India, is grappling with the aftermath of mistakenly transferring nearly 8.2 billion Indian rupees. The occurrence, ascribed to an ‘internal specialized issue’ influencing the Prompt Installment Benefit (IMPS), has pushed the bank into a challenging recuperation handle. This article digs into the points of interest of the incident, the steps taken by UCO to correct the blunder, and the broader suggestions for managing an account division.

Date of IncidentSpecify the dates during which the erroneous transfers occurred (Nov 10-13, 2023).
Amount TransferredDetail the total amount mistakenly transferred (approximately 8.2 billion INR).
Technical Glitch CauseExplain the internal technical issue affecting the IMPS that led to the error.
Service Disruption PeriodIndicate the period during which UCO temporarily shut down its IMPS service.
Recovery ProgressState the latest update on the recovery efforts, including the percentage recovered (£6.2 million or 79%).
Steps Taken for RecoveryOutline the measures taken by UCO to recover funds, such as blocking receiver accounts.
Reporting to AuthoritiesMention the bank’s action of reporting the incident to law enforcement for necessary action.
Table: UCO Bank Incident Overview

The Technical Glitch and Erroneous Transfers.

UCO elucidates that an error in its online transfer services led to the erroneous payment of customers for transactions initiated by customers of other banks. Intriguingly, the bank disbursed funds without actually receiving the corresponding amounts. This glitch affected the IMPS from November 10 to 13, prompting the bank to temporarily shut down the service during this period.

Recovery Efforts and Progress.

Indian Bank on Slow Recovery After Transferring Eight Billion.

As of the latest update, UCO has managed to recover £6.2 million, approximately 79% of the total amount mistakenly deposited into customers’ accounts. The bank highlights the active measures taken, including the blocking of the accounts of the receivers, to reclaim the funds successfully. UCO has initiated proceedings to recover the remaining sum and has reported the incident to law enforcement agencies for necessary action.

Operational Integrity and Customer Assurance

UCO reassures its customers that despite the incident, all other critical systems of the bank remain operational and available. The bank emphasizes its commitment to providing secure services to its clientele. While the full financial impact of the mistake is yet to be ascertained, UCO pledges transparency and promises to report any confirmed impact promptly.

Financial Repercussions and Market Response

Within the budgetary domain, the occurrence has cleared out a stamp on UCO’s execution, with a detailed diminish in net benefit. Press Believe of India (PTI) uncovers that the bank recorded a net benefit of 4.02 billion Indian rupees within the quarter finishing September 2023, stamping an eminent decay from the 5.05 billion Indian rupees detailed amid the same period final year. This downturn underscores the potential consequences of such technical glitches on a bank’s bottom line.

Lessons for the Banking Sector.

Indian Bank on Slow Recovery After Transferring Eight Billion.

The incident at UCO serves as a stark reminder of the challenges banks face in maintaining the integrity of their online transfer systems. It underscores the critical need for robust technical safeguards and proactive measures to prevent and address such errors. As digital transactions become increasingly prevalent, the banking sector must continuously evolve to ensure the security and reliability of its digital infrastructure.

Road to Recovery and Rebuilding Trust

As UCO navigates the aftermath of this ‘mistaken’ transfer, the banking sector, regulators, and customers will keenly observe how the bank implements corrective actions. Beyond financial restitution, UCO faces the task of rebuilding trust and confidence among its customer base. The incident serves as a cautionary tale for financial institutions globally, urging them to prioritize the resilience and security of their digital infrastructure to uphold the trust of their clients and the keenness of the monetary framework as an entirety.


In conclusion, the road to recovery for UCO involves not only rectifying the financial implications of the mistake but also addressing the broader implications for trust and confidence. The incident at UCO highlights the inherent risks in digital banking and the imperative for continuous vigilance and improvement. As the banking sector learns from this incident, it is hoped that robust measures will be put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future, ensuring the security and reliability of digital financial transactions.

FAQs: UCO Bank Incident

Q1: What caused the erroneous transfers at UCO Bank? A1: The incident was caused by an internal technical glitch affecting the Prompt Payment Service (IMPS) of UCO Bank, leading to mistaken transfers.

Q2: How long did the service disruption last? A2: The IMPS service disruption at UCO Bank occurred from November 10 to November 13, 2023.

Q3: What steps has UCO taken for recovery? A3: UCO Bank has actively blocked the accounts of receivers and has recovered approximately 79% (£6.2 million) of the total amount.

Q4: How has the incident impacted UCO Bank financially? A4: The incident has impacted UCO Bank’s financial performance, resulting in a notable decline in net profit for the quarter ending September 2023.

Q5: What measures has UCO taken to prevent future incidents? A5: UCO Bank emphasizes the need for robust technical safeguards and commits to proactive measures to prevent and address similar errors in the future.

Q6: Is there any assurance for customers regarding the security of other bank systems? A6: UCO Bank reassures customers that despite the incident, all other critical systems remain operational and secure, pledging transparency in reporting any confirmed impacts promptly.

Q7: How is UCO Bank planning to rebuild trust after the incident? A7: UCO Bank acknowledges the need to rebuild trust and confidence, and beyond financial restitution, it is committed to addressing the broader implications for trust and confidence among its customer base.

A 'shock' to the trade deal between Canada and India.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

Canadian Prime Serve Justin Trudeau, who came to India to go to the G20 summit final week, was stuck in India for two days after the conclusion of the summit due to a breakdown in his private plane.

Be that as it may, in no time after he entered Canada, news came that Canada had suspended the progressing arrangements on an exchange understanding with India. A representative for Canada’s Exchange Serve Mary Ann affirmed Friday that Canada has suspended arrangements on a reciprocal exchange bargain.

Keep in mind that amid the G20 conference, Indian Prime Serve Narendra Modi and Canadian Prime Serve Justin Trudeau allegedly had a warm dialog.

Narendra Modi was rankled by the developing notoriety of Sikh separatists in Canada and occurrences such as ‘inciting violence’ against Indian negotiators. Whereas Justin Trudeau said that by fueling these issues, India is committing “obstructions in Canada’s residential legislative issues”.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

In truth, the relationship between India and Canada is breaking down due to the Sikh separatist development. Canada-India relations have been strained for some time presently due to the exercises of pro-Khalistan organizations in Canada.

In July this year, pro-Khalistan organizations in Canada put up blurbs of a few Indian ambassadors and called for focusing on them. After this occurrence, India summoned the Canadian minister posted in their nation and emphatically protested the exercises of pro-Khalistan individuals and organizations in their nation.

In June 2023, ‘Khalistani’ pioneer Hardeep Singh was killed in an advertisement in British Columbia, Canada. After this, numerous nations saw scenes of expanding pressure between Sikh separatists and the Indian government. Supporters of Khalistan held challenges against the slaughtering of Hardeep Singh in a few cities around the world, including Toronto, London, Melbourne, and San Francisco.

Sometime recently Hardeep Singh, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, who was announced as radical by the Indian government, was slaughtered in May 2023 in Lahore, Pakistan.

Death of pro-Khalistan leaders and accusations against India.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

Not only this, but in June 2023, UK-based Avtar Singh Khanda died under mysterious circumstances. He is said to have been the head of the Khalistan Liberation Force.

Sikh separatists alleged that he was poisoned. The separatist Sikh organizations termed it a ‘target killing’ and alleged that the Indian government was killing Sikh separatist leaders.

Be that as it may, the Indian government has not however formally said anything about these charges. Sikhs make up two percent of India’s populace and a few Sikh separatists have been calling for a partitioned nation for Sikhs, ‘Khalistan’

India charges that the Trudeau government has fizzled to break down on Sikh separatists dynamic in Canada. The Indian government charges that these separatists are included in anti-India exercises in Canada, the Joined Together Kingdom, and the Joined Together States.

One of the major reasons for the current pressure between India and Canada is the exercises of Sikh separatists in Canada.

In Canada, the pro-Khalistan development is running so uproariously that a submission has been held concerning Khalistan, an isolated nation for Sikhs.

Fissures in the relationship were visible during the G20 conference.

Relations between India and Canada further soured when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi openly expressed his displeasure at the activities of Sikh separatists during the G20 conference.

Trudeau was seen hastily shaking hands with Narendra Modi during the official greeting at the conference and then leaving quickly.

The picture was seen as a ‘strain’ between the two countries’ relations. Later, during the conversation with Trudeau, Narendra Modi raised the issue of activities of pro-Khalistan elements and organizations in Canada.

Media reports said that Narendra Modi was quite angry with Trudeau on this occasion.

According to media reports, he said that pro-Khalistan elements are inciting people to attack Indian diplomats. They are too actuating individuals to assault Indian international safe havens whereas Canada on the other hand is incapable of halting them.

Be that as it may, there are moreover reports that Justin Trudeau said that Canada will continuously secure flexibility of discourse, quiet challenge, and opportunity of expression.

Agreeing with him is usually exceptionally imperative to Canada. Canada has continuously been committed to anticipating viciousness and diminishing contempt. “It must too be remembered that the personal activities of some people don’t speak to Canadian society as an entirety,” Trudeau said.

Is Trudeau on the back foot?

Trudeau’s statement did not go down well with the Indian government and since then the bitterness in the relationship between the two countries does not seem to be diminishing.

In contrast, Trudeau accused India of influencing Canada’s domestic politics. India was expressing its views on the issue of Khalistan and business was also discussed. But Trudeau’s new stance seems to put him on the back foot. Therefore, he has also raised his voice on the tension with India.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

Is the trade deal really in trouble?

Amid the strained relationship between Canada and India, talks on an exchange bargain by the Canadian government show up to be vacillating. After nearly a decade, the advance was made within the talks on the free exchange assertion between the two nations. There have been six rounds of arrangements between the two nations concerning this assertion.

In Walk 2022, the two nations continued arrangements on a between-times assertion on the EPT (Preparatory Advance in Transactions on an Exchange Assertion).
Beneath such understandings, the two nations essentially diminish or kill obligations on most products exchanged between them.

Indian companies are requesting duty-free get to Canadian markets for their textile and calfskin merchandise. Alongside this, there’s also an ask from India to improve the visa rules for specialists in Canada. Canada, on the other hand, is requesting the opening of Indian markets for its dairy and rural items.

What is the volume of bilateral trade between India and Canada?

India was Canada’s tenth-largest exchanging accomplice in 2022. Within the monetary year 2022-23, India traded merchandise worth 4.10 billion dollars to Canada, compared to 3.76 billion dollars within the monetary year 2021-22.
Whereas Canada sent out merchandise worth $4.05 billion to India in 2022-23, this volume was $3.13 billion in 2021-22.

As distant as benefit exchange is concerned,

Canadian annuity stores have contributed 55 billion dollars to India. Canada has contributed $4.07 billion in coordinate speculation in India since 2000.

At least 600 Canadian companies are operating in India whereas another 1000 companies are searching for trade openings here. On the other hand, Indian companies are dynamic in IT, computer programs, common assets, and managing account segments in Canada.

India’s major sends out to Canada incorporate gems, valuable stones, pharma items, ready-made articles of clothing, natural chemicals, light designing hardware, and press and steel items. Whereas India imports beat, newsprint materials, wood mash, press scrap, minerals, and mechanical chemicals from Canada.

The recent diplomatic tensions between Canada and India have cast a shadow over the prospects of a bilateral trade deal. Despite warm dialogues between Prime Ministers Trudeau and Modi, the rift caused by the activities of Sikh separatists in Canada has strained relations between the two nations.

India’s concerns about the growing influence of pro-Khalistan elements in Canada have led to a suspension of ongoing trade negotiations. The Canadian government’s commitment to protecting freedom of speech and expression, while commendable, has not alleviated India’s apprehensions.

Trudeau’s assertion that personal actions do not represent Canadian society as a whole has failed to assuage Indian concerns. As both countries navigate through these challenging times, the fate of the trade deal hangs in the balance.

What caused the breakdown in Canada-India trade negotiations?
  • The breakdown in trade negotiations was triggered by concerns over the growing influence of Sikh separatists in Canada and incidents of violence against Indian diplomats.
What are the major points of contention between Canada and India in trade talks?
  • Canada seeks access to Indian markets for its dairy and agricultural products, while India seeks duty-free access to Canadian markets for its textile and leather goods.
What is the volume of bilateral trade between India and Canada?
  • In the fiscal year 2022-23, India exported goods worth $4.10 billion to Canada and imported goods worth $4.05 billion from Canada. Canadian pension funds have invested $55 billion in India, while Canada has invested $4.07 billion in direct investment in India since 2000.
How have diplomatic tensions affected Canadian businesses in India?
  • Canadian businesses operating in India, particularly in sectors such as IT, banking, and natural resources, may face challenges amidst diplomatic tensions. However, both countries continue to explore trade opportunities despite the strained relations.
What steps are being taken to address the issues causing tension between Canada and India?
  • Both countries are engaged in diplomatic dialogues to address concerns regarding Sikh separatist activities and trade negotiations. The resolution of these issues will determine the future trajectory of bilateral relations.
G20 meeting Does the Chinese President's non-participation send a message to India

G20 meeting: Does the Chinese President’s non-participation send a message to India?

US President Joe Biden’s upcoming visit to India for the G20 summit has sparked significant attention and discussion, particularly in light of the absence of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping. Amidst geopolitical tensions and diplomatic maneuvers, the dynamics surrounding the summit have become a focal point for international observers and analysts.

G20 meeting: Does the Chinese President’s non-participation send a message to India?

US President Joe Biden has said that he is looking forward to his visit to India to attend the G20 summit. However, he also said that he was disappointed that his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping did not attend the meeting.

In response to questions from media representatives on Sunday, President Biden said that he is going to India. He also said that he is going to meet Xi Jinping soon. According to media reports, he was referring to the ‘Asia Pacific Economic Co-Operation Forum meeting to be held in San Francisco at the end of this year. According to the White House, President Biden will arrive in Delhi on September 7 and hold bilateral talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 8, while he will attend the G20 meeting on September 9 and 10.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that President Xi Jinping will not attend the 20th meeting. It should be noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin is also not participating in the meeting. He has informed this to Prime Minister Modi over the phone. Speaking to the media, India’s Special Secretary for G20, Maktish Pardeshi, said that India is waiting for China’s written notification regarding Xi Jinping’s visit. Until something comes out in writing from China, we can’t say anything about it. The issue is being watched very closely in New Delhi’s diplomatic circles. They are treating Xi Jinping’s non-participation in the summit as ignoring India’s G20 presidency.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that President Xi Jinping will not attend the 20th meeting. It should be noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin is also not participating in the meeting. He has informed Prime Minister Modi over the phone. Speaking to the media, India’s Special Secretary for G20, Maktish Pardeshi, said that India is waiting for China’s written notification regarding Xi Jinping’s visit. Until something comes out in writing from China, we can’t say anything about it. The issue is being watched very closely in New Delhi’s diplomatic circles. They are treating Xi Jinping’s non-participation in the summit as ignoring India’s G20 presidency.

G20 meeting: Does the Chinese President’s non-participation send a message to India?

According to analysts, the ongoing border tension between India and China has increased again for the last four years. The reason for this is that in the past few days, China has issued a new map to show its share of Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh.

India has strongly condemned the move and termed the map as unacceptable. Disputes between the parties persist at several places in eastern Ladakh, particularly Deepsang and Demchuk. However, there have been several periods of negotiations between the two countries at the level of military commanders. Analysts are speculating on the reasons for Xi Jinping’s non-attendance.

He said that the two leaders had an informal meeting during the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, and it was expected that Xi Jinping would attend the G20 meeting and the two leaders would discuss border disputes. will have a chance to resolve. ‘It is not good for India’

One of the senior analysts of international affairs, says that the holding of the Group 20 meeting is a big event for India. The Indian government was waiting for it and wanted the meeting to be a complete success. Because the credit for its success would go to the Modi government.

He said that Vladimir Putin is not attending because of the Ukraine war and other domestic issues. But now it is being understood that even Xi Jinping is not coming. According to him, the non-participation of these two big leaders is not a good thing for India and it can be said that the success of the meeting on the scale that India was expecting will not be so successful now.

He says that China is the second largest economy in the world after America. The absence of the presidents of China and Russia will affect the success of the meeting. This is why Joe Biden has expressed frustration. Analysts believe that there are many disputes between the United States and China, and if the Chinese president had attended the meeting, there would have been a possibility of his meeting and discussion with Joe Biden, and the parties would have had an opportunity to resolve mutual disputes.

The issue of Ukraine is high on the agenda at the Group B summit. The position of Russia and China on Ukraine is completely different from that of the United States and Western countries. If both of them had come, there could have been a concrete discussion regarding Ukraine. But their non-participation will also affect the decisions of the meeting.

The issue of Ukraine is high on the agenda at the Group B summit. The position of Russia and China on Ukraine is completely different from that of the United States and Western countries. If both of them had come, there could have been a concrete discussion regarding Ukraine. But their non-participation will also affect the decisions of the meeting.

G20 meeting: Does the Chinese President’s non-participation send a message to India?

Some analysts say there is speculation that Xi Jinping wants to see India, which wants to demonstrate its culture, pluralism, and economic strength through the G20 summit, in trouble. Besides, they believe that their non-participation will lead to India’s withdrawal. That is why they decided not to come.

Modi will now be able to keep his word openly’ Former diplomat Ashok Sajjanhar says Xi may have decided because he was confused about meeting and negotiating with certain leaders such as Joe Biden and Narendra Modi.

However, he also says that his non-participation gives the impression that he, as the leader of a major power, is not serious about his global responsibilities regarding this meeting.

According to him Xi Jinping not coming is good for India. Upon their arrival, the host and national and international media would focus on their activities, conversations, and body language.

In his opinion, in this case, the attention would be diverted from the substantial discussion on the G20 agenda. The second thing is that in his absence, Prime Minister Modi will be able to speak openly.

However, they also say that it would have been good if they had come. In this case, there would be an opportunity to resolve the border dispute between India and China. After October 2019, the two leaders held brief meetings in November last year in Bali and this year in Johannesburg. A detailed meeting was likely in Delhi.

Meanwhile, the Indian Air Force has announced ahead of the G20 meeting that it will conduct military exercises in the northern sector bordering China and Pakistan. According to news agency ANI, the exercise will be on a large scale and warplanes like Rafale, Mirage 2000, and Su-30 MKI will participate in it.

The absence of President Xi Jinping from the G20 summit presents both challenges and opportunities for India and the global community. While it may complicate efforts to address pressing issues such as border disputes and geopolitical tensions, it also provides an opportunity for Prime Minister Modi to assert India’s position and engage openly on the international stage. As the summit approaches, the world watches closely, anticipating the outcomes and implications of this significant diplomatic event.

What is the significance of President Biden’s visit to India for the G20 summit?

President Biden’s visit to India underscores the importance of diplomatic relations and multilateral cooperation between the US and India, particularly within the context of the G20 summit. His attendance reflects the strategic partnership between the two countries and their shared commitment to addressing global challenges.

Why is the absence of President Xi Jinping and President Putin notable at the G20 summit?

The absence of both President Xi Jinping and President Putin raises questions about the dynamics and outcomes of the summit, particularly regarding discussions on critical issues such as border disputes, geopolitical tensions, and economic cooperation. Their non-participation could impact the effectiveness and outcomes of the summit’s deliberations.

What are the implications of President Xi Jinping’s decision not to attend the G20 summit?

President Xi Jinping’s decision not to attend the G20 summit raises concerns about China’s engagement in international diplomacy and its commitment to addressing global challenges. It also highlights ongoing tensions and disputes between China and other countries, particularly in the context of border disputes and geopolitical rivalries.

How does the absence of President Xi Jinping affect India’s role as the host of the G20 summit?

The absence of President Xi Jinping from the G20 summit poses challenges for India’s leadership and agenda-setting efforts as the host country. It may complicate efforts to address regional and global issues, including border disputes and economic cooperation, and could impact the overall success and outcomes of the summit.

What are the potential implications of the Indian Air Force’s military exercises ahead of the G20 summit?

The Indian Air Force’s announcement of military exercises in the northern sector bordering China and Pakistan signals India’s preparedness and strategic posture in the region. It underscores India’s commitment to safeguarding its territorial integrity and security interests amidst geopolitical uncertainties and regional tensions.