A Comprehensive Plan for IT Exports and Telecom Development.

A Comprehensive Plan for IT Exports and Telecom Development.

In an offer to usher in a cutting-edge period of imaginative progress and monetary improvement, the government of Pakistan has laid out a driven orchestration. This comprehensive strategy focuses on boosting family IT sends and developing the progression of the telecom fragment, inevitably arranging Pakistan as a major player in the world’s progressed economy.
One of the foundations of this visionary arrangement is the foundation of uncommon centers devoted to preparing a stunning 1 million specialists inside the nation. This initiative not only empowers the workforce but also opens up vast opportunities for skilled individuals to participate in the burgeoning digital marketplace.

Economic Growth.

A Comprehensive Plan for IT Exports and Telecom Development.

Besides, the arrangement incorporates an urgent move towards nearby fabricating of savvy gadgets, including portable phones, inside Pakistan’s borders. This not as it were diminishes moment costs but moreover fortifies financial development by making occupations and cultivating a culture of advancement.

The change of Pakistan’s advanced economy is at the cutting edge of this arrangement. With a yearning objective of expanding IT sends from the current $2.6 billion to a surprising $15 billion, the government is clearing the way for a vigorous and universally competitive IT segment.

In addition to boosting exports, the government plans to establish special technology zones. These zones will serve as hubs of innovation and collaboration, attracting both domestic and international tech companies, and further propelling Pakistan’s tech ecosystem onto the world stage.

Pakistan Aims.

Ventures in the telecom framework are moreover an imperative component of this technique. By progressing and extending the nation’s broadcast communications systems, Pakistan aims to supply its citizens with way better network and get to to advanced administrations, eventually bridging the computerized separate.

Not to be neglected, the development of a cloud foundation could be a significant angle of this arrangement. As more businesses and people depend on cloud-based administrations, the development of a robust cloud foundation will guarantee information security, openness, and proficiency within the computerized age.

According to the report,

A Comprehensive Plan for IT Exports and Telecom Development.

It has been decided to ensure the implementation of the proposed digital economy plan, infrastructure sharing framework, and ecosystem master plan for IT sector development, using the platform of the Special Investment Facilitation Council. Implementation of the plan will be ensured.

In a striking move to impel Pakistan into the advanced age and cultivate financial development, the government has revealed a driven arrangement planned to promote the nation’s status within the worldwide tech field. This comprehensive methodology includes a wide cluster of activities aimed at not as it were expanding residential IT sends out but also supporting the telecom segment and the advanced economy.

Central to this visionary plan is the establishment of specialized centers dedicated to training a staggering 1 million freelancers within the IT sector. By equipping a vast workforce with the necessary skills, these centers aim to empower individuals and bridge the skills gap, ensuring that Pakistan remains competitive in the digital marketplace.

Creating Jobs.

Furthermore, the government intends to create 2 lakh additional high-tech IT human resources as part of a long-term strategy. This forward-looking approach recognizes the importance of fostering a sustainable pool of talent to support the growing tech ecosystem in Pakistan.

A pivotal component of this comprehensive plan is the preparation of a draft regulation for smartphone financing, slated for completion by the next month. This regulation will play a pivotal role in promoting accessibility to smartphones, thereby expanding digital inclusion and connectivity among the population.

Furthermore, a committee comprising specialists will be shaped to survey and refine the counterfeit insights approach. This forward-thinking approach recognizes the transformative potential of AI in different segments, including healthcare, instruction, and industry, and looks to guarantee that Pakistan saddles this innovation for the advantage of its citizens.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s comprehensive arrangement for IT exports and telecom improvement could be a confirmation of the government’s commitment to grasping the computerized age. By preparing a million consultants, creating high-tech talent, regulating smartphone financing, and forming an AI arrangement, Pakistan sets its position within the worldwide tech scene. This reflects the nation’s commitment to drive financial development, advancement, and success within the advanced time. It envoys a brighter future for all its citizens.

In a resolute endeavor to propel Pakistan into the forefront of the digital age and foster economic growth,

A Comprehensive Plan for IT Exports and Telecom Development.

The government has unveiled an ambitious plan designed to elevate the nation’s status in the global tech arena. This comprehensive strategy includes numerous initiatives. It seeks to boost domestic IT exports, nurture the telecom sector, and foster a conducive environment for innovation and investment while strengthening the digital economy.

Central to this visionary plan is the establishment of specialized centers dedicated to training a staggering 1 million freelancers within the IT sector. By equipping a vast workforce with the necessary skills, these centers aim to empower individuals and bridge the skills gap, ensuring that Pakistan remains competitive in the digital marketplace.

Furthermore, the government intends to create 2 lakh additional high-tech IT human resources as part of a long-term strategy. This forward-looking approach recognizes the importance of fostering a sustainable pool of talent to support the growing tech ecosystem in Pakistan.

A pivotal component of this comprehensive plan is the preparation of a draft regulation for smartphone financing, slated for completion by the next month. This regulation will play a pivotal role in promoting accessibility to smartphones, thereby expanding digital inclusion and connectivity among the population.

A Comprehensive Plan for IT Exports and Telecom Development.

Adoption of AI.

Moreover, a committee comprising specialists will be shaped to audit and refine the fake insights arrangement. This forward-thinking approach recognizes the transformative potential of AI in different divisions, including healthcare, instruction, and industry, and looks to guarantee that Pakistan tackles this innovation for the good thing about its citizens.

The document outlines proposals to provide industrial power tariffs to the telecom sector for 3 to 5 years. This aims to cut operational costs and stimulate growth and investment within the industry. Moreover, IT companies will be encouraged to register in special economic zones, fostering an environment conducive to innovation and economic development.

In addition, events will be organized under the Digital Foreign Direct Investment Initiative, aimed at attracting foreign investment into Pakistan’s burgeoning digital economy. This initiative not only showcases Pakistan as an attractive destination for investment but also fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange on a global scale.


In conclusion, Pakistan’s tech plan underscores its dedication to global tech prominence. Training freelancers, developing high-tech talent, regulating smartphone financing, and shaping AI policy position Pakistan for digital era growth and prosperity.

The government’s forward-thinking approach, encompassing incentives for industry and events to attract foreign investment, promises to usher in a brighter future for all its citizens.
According to the officials, participation in international IT expos, conferences, and trade shows will be ensured, telecom tribunal will be established to resolve disputes, it has also been decided to improve the quality of IT graduates.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

1. What is the primary focus of Pakistan’s comprehensive plan for IT exports and telecom development?
  • The plan aims to boost domestic IT exports, nurture the telecom sector, and create a conducive environment for innovation and investment to strengthen the digital economy.
2. How many freelancers does the government plan to train within the IT sector?
  • The government plans to train a staggering 1 million freelancers in specialized centers dedicated to IT training.
3. What is the long-term strategy for creating high-tech IT human resources in Pakistan?
  • The government intends to create an additional 2 lakh high-tech IT human resources as part of a long-term strategy to support the growing tech ecosystem.
4. What role does smartphone financing play in the comprehensive plan?
  • The preparation of a draft regulation for smartphone financing is a pivotal component, aiming to promote accessibility to smartphones, expand digital inclusion, and enhance connectivity among the population.
5. How does the plan address the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in different sectors?
  • A committee of specialists will be formed to audit and refine the artificial intelligence policy, recognizing its transformative potential in sectors such as healthcare, education, and industry.
6. What incentives are provided to the telecom sector according to the document?
  • The document proposes providing industrial power tariffs to the telecom sector for 3 to 5 years, aiming to cut operational costs, stimulate growth, and encourage investment in the industry.
7. How does the plan encourage innovation and economic development within the IT sector?
  • IT companies are encouraged to register in special economic zones, and events under the Digital Foreign Direct Investment Initiative will be organized to attract foreign investment, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
8. What steps are taken to ensure the quality of IT graduates in Pakistan?
  • It has been decided to improve the quality of IT graduates, ensuring they meet the standards required for the evolving tech industry.
9. How does the plan aim to resolve disputes in the telecom sector?
  • A telecom tribunal will be established to resolve disputes within the telecom sector, providing a mechanism for fair and efficient conflict resolution.
10. How does the government plan to showcase Pakistan on the global tech stage?

Participation in international IT expos, conferences, and trade shows will be ensured, demonstrating Pakistan as an attractive destination for investment and collaboration on a global scale.

Gangs Unleashed Analyzing the Escalation of Violence in Sweden.

Gangs Unleashed: Analyzing the Escalation of Violence in Sweden.


In recent times, Sweden has been grappling with a disturbing surge in gang-related violence, casting a long shadow of apprehension over the nation. Varpi Media’s latest report paints a grim picture, showcasing a disconcerting rise in gang-related fatalities. Final year alone, the passing toll came to an amazing 60, with more inauspicious estimates for the current year. These disturbing insights ask the address: What is fueling this surge in pack savagery, and what can be done to moderate it?

The Recent Tragedies

The devastating impact of gang violence became painfully evident when a tragic explosion claimed a life recently. Equally distressing, a shooting incident in the capital just yesterday resulted in the loss of two more lives. These incidents have pushed this month’s gang war death toll to a harrowing 12. Each casualty represents not just a number but a life, a family left shattered, and a community plagued by fear.

The Root of the Problem

Gangs Unleashed: Analyzing the Escalation of Violence in Sweden.

Neighborhood Swedish media outlets have pointed to an aggravating and forced quarrel between two match groups inside the Foxtrot wrongdoing bunch as the essential driver behind the later spike in group fighting. The continuous control battle between these groups has unleashed a wave of savagery that has resounded all through the country.

Understanding the Escalation

To address this pressing issue, it is essential to delve deeper into the factors that are fueling the surge in gang violence.

Socioeconomic Factors

One of the crucial factors that push individuals toward gang affiliation is economic disparity. The allure of quick money and a sense of belonging within gangs can be enticing for those facing limited opportunities for financial stability and upward mobility.

Additionally, limited access to quality education exacerbates the problem. When young people are denied access to a good education, they are often left with few alternatives but to turn to gangs for a sense of purpose and identity.

Law Enforcement’s Response

Gangs Unleashed: Analyzing the Escalation of Violence in Sweden.

In reaction to the heightening viciousness, law authorization offices have been compelled to require activity. Attacks, captures, and escalated reconnaissance endeavors have become commonplace in ranges tormented by pack clashes. Whereas these measures are basic for keeping up open security, they are as it were portion of the arrangement.

Community’s Perspective:

Inhabitants living in these regions hook with consistent fear due to the continuous savagery, making it troublesome for them to lead typical lives.

Furthermore, the diligent danger of savagery disturbs everyday schedules, takes a toll on community members’ mental well-being, and prevents the general well-being of these neighborhoods. For numerous, the basic act of progressing to work, school, or the basic supply store gets to be a nerve-wracking endeavor.

In light of these challenges, it becomes apparent that the community’s point of view underscores the pressing requirement for comprehensive methodologies to address group viciousness

The Need for Prevention and Rehabilitation

Gangs Unleashed: Analyzing the Escalation of Violence in Sweden.

To address the root causes of pack savagery, it is basic to contribute to preventive measures and recovery programs that offer reasonable options for the charm of packs. These activities can offer assistance to direct people absent from a life of wrongdoing and viciousness.

Preventive measures envelop community outreach endeavors that lock in at-risk people early, giving mentorship, bolstering, and positive part models. Furthermore, instruction and work openings are vital in giving pathways to a distant better; a much better; a higher; a stronger; an improved”> much better future for those who might something else be drawn into pack life.


In conclusion, the rising pack viciousness in Sweden could be a grave concern that requires quick consideration and concerted endeavors from all segments of society. The ongoing feud within the Foxtrot crime group, compounded by socioeconomic disparities and limited opportunities, has created a fertile ground for violence to thrive. To restore peace and security to affected areas, Sweden must unite to address the root causes of gang violence, providing hope and alternatives to its citizens. Only through a comprehensive and collaborative approach can the nation hope to overcome this menace and protect its communities from the scourge of gang violence.

Gangs Unleashed: Analyzing the Escalation of Violence in Sweden.


What is the current situation in Sweden regarding gang-related violence?

Sweden is currently grappling with a disturbing surge in gang-related violence, as highlighted by Varpi Media’s latest report, which showcases a significant rise in gang-related fatalities.

How severe is the impact of gang violence, and what recent tragedies have occurred?

Gang violence has claimed a significant number of lives, with a devastating explosion and a shooting incident resulting in the loss of several lives. The recent gang war has seen a harrowing death toll, reaching 12 in the current month alone.

What is identified as the root cause of the recent spike in gang violence in Sweden?

The primary driver is identified as an aggravating and forced quarrel between two rival groups within the Foxtrot crime group, leading to a continuous power struggle and a subsequent surge in gang-related violence.

What socioeconomic factors contribute to individuals getting involved in gangs?

Economic disparity and limited opportunities for financial stability and upward mobility play a crucial role. The allure of quick money and a sense of belonging within gangs becomes enticing for those facing such challenges.

How has law enforcement responded to the escalating violence, and what challenges do they face?

Law enforcement has taken action with attacks, arrests, and increased surveillance efforts. However, these measures are considered only a part of the solution, and challenges persist in maintaining public safety.

How does the community perceive and experience the ongoing gang violence?

The community lives in constant fear due to the ongoing violence, disrupting normal lives and taking a toll on mental well-being. The threat of violence makes daily activities, such as going to work or school, a nerve-wracking endeavor for many residents.

What does the community’s perspective emphasize regarding the need to address gang violence?

The community’s perspective underscores the pressing need for comprehensive approaches to address gang violence, considering the challenges and disruptions caused by the continuous violence.

What is proposed as a solution to address the root causes of gang violence in Sweden?

The post emphasizes the need for preventive measures and rehabilitation programs that offer alternatives to the allure of gang life. These measures include community outreach, mentorship, support, positive role models, education, and work opportunities.

Why is it crucial for Sweden to address the root causes of gang violence comprehensively?

Comprehensive and collaborative efforts are deemed essential to overcome the menace of gang violence and protect communities. The ongoing feud, socioeconomic disparities, and limited opportunities have created a fertile ground for violence, necessitating united efforts to restore peace and security.

What is the conclusion regarding the rising gang violence in Sweden, and what actions are recommended?

The conclusion emphasizes the grave concern of gang violence in Sweden, calling for immediate attention and concerted efforts from all segments of society. Addressing the root causes, providing alternatives, and taking a comprehensive approach are highlighted as crucial steps to restore peace and security to affected areas.


World Cup 2023: Grounds in India where the Pakistan team will be tested.

The Pakistan cricket group has come to the Indian city of Hyderabad to take part in the universal competition, where the team will play the primary warm-up coordinate against United Zealand on Friday after resting on Thursday.

The Pakistani squad is not one or the other missing in involvement or ability, but none of the current players have played a universal coordinate in India sometime recently.

The Pakistan cricket group visited India in 1979 beneath Asif Iqbal’s administration, and none of the players had prior experience playing on Indian soil before the domestic swarm.

Pakistan will play its moment warm-up coordinate against Australia on October 3 some time recently the Cricket World Container facilitated by India begins on October 5.

Let’s look at the schedule of Pakistan within the universal competition and after that conversation approximately the scenes where in the past numerous Pakistani players have appeared in extraordinary exhibitions and raised banners of victory on Indian soil.

They will play against the Netherlands on October 6 at the Gandhi Universal Stadium, after which they will confront Sri Lanka within the following coordinate at the same ground on October 10.

The world’s biggest stadium in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, named after current Prime Serve Narendra Modi, will have the pivotal coordination between Pakistan and India on October 14.

After a six-day break,

The Pakistan group will travel to Bengaluru where they will confront Australia on October 20. Pakistan and United Zealand groups will confront each other on November 4 in the same setting.

Between these two matches, the Pakistan group will confront Afghanistan in Chennai on October 23 and South Africa on October 27, whereas the Bangladesh and Pakistan cricket groups will clash in Kolkata on October 31.

Pakistan’s cricket group will confront guarding champions Britain in Kolkata on October 11, checking their last alliance coordinate. If they secure a spot among the beat four out of ten groups, they will progress to the semi-finals in either Mumbai or Kolkata; something else, their travel within the mega occasion will conclude.

Pakistan’s best track record in Kolkata

The Pakistan cricket team made numerous visits to India from 1952 to 2016, engaging in Test matches, One Day Internationals, and mega events. However, these cricket connections faced interruptions. During the sixties and seventies, Pakistan visited India just once, while in the eighties and nineties, the Green Shirts not only played Test series but also participated in ODI events in India.

Be it the Anhru Cup played in India in 1989, or the Azadi Cup played in 1997. If Pakistan does not win the event in India, it will set a world record, and that too on the same grounds where the Pakistan team will play the matches of the mega event at that time.

Pakistan team’s best record has been in Kolkata where they won three matches which are considered Pakistan’s most memorable victories.

In 1987, Pakistani batsman Saleem Malik displayed aggression against Indian bowlers in Kolkata. In this 44-over match, India set a target of 239 runs. Pakistan lost six wickets, managing only 174 runs in response.

In such a situation, Saleem Malik, who came to bat at number seven, played an unbeaten innings of 72 runs off just 36 balls and gave Pakistan a victory by two wickets. His innings included 11 fours and a six and at the time he performed this performance, the Indian team was the world champion.

In 1989, India facilitated the Nehru Glass as a portion of Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth centenary celebrations. The ultimate took put in Kolkata, including Pakistan and the West Indies. The West Indies posted a total of 273 runs for 5 wickets, with opener Desmond Haynes contributing an unbeaten 107 runs.

Pakistan achieved the target of 274 runs on the fifth ball of the last over of the match.

World Cup 2023: Grounds in India where the Pakistan team will be tested.

In the last over of the match, when Pakistan needed three runs from two balls to win, Wasim Akram hit a six off Sir Vivian Richards to win the match for Pakistan.

Not only this, Pakistan also won the first Asian Test Championship match against India in 1999 on this ground, in which fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar bowled Rahul Dravid and Sachin Tendulkar in two consecutive balls.

Chennai, where Pakistan also set a world record.

In 1997, Pakistan joined India’s Azadi Glass, a competition presently eminent for Pakistan opener Saeed Anwar. Within the coordinate against India, he not as it were scored a surprising 194 runs but also held the record for the most elevated person innings in ODIs at that time.

Strikingly, Saeed Anwar got a gigantic bolster from the swarm amid this inning and was given standing applause when he outperformed Sir Vivian Richards’ record.

Two a long time after his record-breaking execution in 1997, Pakistan played it to begin with a Test in India after a twelve-year hole in 1999. The coordinate, driven by Wasim Akram, took put in Chennai, where Pakistan secured a 12-run triumph over the have group.

In this coordinate, Pakistan’s Saqlain Mushtaq took five wickets in both innings, whereas Shahid Afridi, playing his second Test coordinate, scored the first century of his Test career.

After Pakistan’s triumph, the whole group strolled around the ground and got a standing applause from the Chennai swarm, which had upheld great cricket all through the coordinate.

The sometimes happy and sometimes sad situation of Pakistan in Bengaluru.

World Cup 2023: Grounds in India where the Pakistan team will be tested.

The Bengaluru stadium holds a noteworthy memory for Pakistan, especially a coordinate that green shirt fans will cherish until the end of time. Beneath the authority of Imran Khan in 1987, Pakistan secured a noteworthy triumph on the same ground, stamping their first-ever Test arrangement win against India on Indian soil.

When the final coordinate of the five-match arrangement was played at this ground, the arrangement was rise to to 0-0. In such a circumstance, with the assistance of Pakistan’s spinners Iqbal Qasim and Tauseef Ahmed, Pakistan vanquished India by 16 runs. Of his title.

Both spinners took five wickets within, to begin with innings and four within the moment innings. This coordinate was the final Test coordinate of Indian incredible batsman Sunil Gavaskar’s career, in which indeed his innings of 96 runs may not spare the have group from defeat.

Nine a long time after this victory, Pakistan and India met in the quarter-finals of the 1996 World Glass, where at one point the Pakistani openers were pouring runs off the bat and the swarm was a quiet onlooker. The Pakistan group, balanced for triumph, endured its beginning with a mishap when captain Aamir Sohail unnecessarily insulted the restricting bowler, Venkatesh Prasad. Hence, no other batsman was overseen to hold their ground, driving to Pakistan’s exit from the occasion.

This coordinate was the final coordinate of Pakistan’s popular batsman Javed Miandad’s career in which he scored 38 runs, but might not lead the group to triumph.

Hyderabad Deccan and Ahmedabad are not new to Pakistan.

Amid the mega occasion, the Pakistan group will moreover play matches in Hyderabad Deccan and Ahmedabad but they have not played numerous matches here.

This coordinate was the final coordinate of Pakistan’s popular batsman Javed Miandad’s career in which he scored 38 runs, but may not lead the group to triumph.

On the other hand, the stadium in Ahmedabad where Pakistan played matches against India is presently called Narendra Modi Stadium, which was previously named Sardar Patel Stadium.

India won by 11 runs in the last official T20 match between the two countries in 2012, also played in Ahmedabad.

When the plan of the World Container was reported, Pakistan took a strict stand and educated the ICC that they would not play the World Glass matches within the city of Ahmedabad within the Indian state of Gujarat.

The then PCB Chairman Najam Sethi had said that if the Pakistan team reached the final, they would agree to play at the Narendra Modi Stadium, but would not play any other matches as they had the biggest security concerns in the city.

World Cup 2023: Grounds in India where the Pakistan team will be tested.

The schedule for the World Cup 2023 poses challenges and exciting opportunities for the Pakistan cricket team. With a mix of historical grounds and new venues, the team will face tests in various cities across India. The journey includes revisiting memorable victories in Kolkata, recalling Saeed Anwar’s exceptional performance in Chennai, and facing crucial matches in Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, and other locations. As the team embarks on this international competition, fans eagerly await the outcome and hope for another chapter of success in Pakistan’s cricket history.

Where is the Pakistan cricket team participating in the international competition, and when is their first warm-up match scheduled?

The Pakistan cricket team is in Hyderabad, India, and their first warm-up match is scheduled against New Zealand on Friday, following a day of rest on Thursday.

What is noteworthy about the current squad of the Pakistan cricket team in terms of international matches in India?

While the squad is experienced, none of the current players have played an international match in India before, marking a unique challenge for the team.

When did the Pakistan cricket team last visit India, and under whose leadership?

The Pakistan cricket team visited India in 1979, led by Asif Iqbal. None of the players at that time had prior experience playing on Indian soil.

What is the schedule of Pakistan in the upcoming international competition hosted by India?

Pakistan will play warm-up matches against New Zealand and Australia on October 1 and October 3, respectively. The Cricket World Cup in India starts on October 5, with Pakistan facing the Netherlands on October 6.

Which significant match will take place at the world’s largest stadium in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and when?

The pivotal match between Pakistan and India is scheduled to take place at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on October 14.

What are some key matches in the schedule for Pakistan, and where will they be played?

Notable matches include facing Sri Lanka on October 10 at the Gandhi International Stadium, playing against Australia on October 20 in Bengaluru, and facing Afghanistan in Chennai on October 23.

In which city will Pakistan play against South Africa, and when is the match scheduled?

Pakistan will face South Africa in Chennai on October 27 during the international competition.

What is the historical significance of Kolkata for the Pakistan cricket team?

Kolkata has been significant for Pakistan, especially in terms of memorable victories. In 1987, Saleem Malik played a crucial innings against India, securing a win for Pakistan.

Can you highlight Pakistan’s notable victories in Kolkata, particularly in 1989 and 1999?

In 1989, Pakistan won the Nehru Cup in Kolkata with a six by Wasim Akram against West Indies. In 1999, Pakistan secured a Test series win against India in Kolkata.

What memorable performance did Saeed Anwar deliver in 1997, and where did it take place?

In 1997, Saeed Anwar scored 194 runs against India in the Azadi Cup in Chennai, setting a record for the highest individual innings in ODIs at that time.

Where did Pakistan secure a significant Test series win against India in 1987 under Imran Khan’s leadership?

Pakistan secured a historic Test series win against India on the Bengaluru ground in 1987, marking their first-ever Test series win against India on Indian soil.

What happened in the last official T20 match between Pakistan and India in Ahmedabad in 2012?

In the last official T20 match between Pakistan and India in Ahmedabad in 2012, India won by 11 runs.

Why did the Pakistan Cricket Board take a strict stand regarding playing World Cup matches in Ahmedabad?

The PCB Chairman, Najam Sethi, announced that Pakistan would not play World Cup matches in Ahmedabad due to significant security concerns. They were willing to play at the Narendra Modi Stadium only if they reached the final.

crypto currency

Bitcoin Update:

Bitcoin is currently exhibiting a rising wedge pattern, a technical formation often considered bearish in nature. This pattern suggests that the price of Bitcoin may experience downward pressure in the near future

If Bitcoin maintains its adherence to this pattern, it is likely that we will witness further downward movement in its price.

For a bullish reversal to materialize, Bitcoin must successfully close a daily candle above the crucial level of $27,200.

A decisive breach beyond the $27,200 level can propel the price toward $29,000.

Crypto News.

How one high-profile crypto exchange is planning to expand globally.

Bitcoin analysts flag key BTC price points as bulls cling to $26K.

JPMorgan subsidiary Chase UK to restrict crypto transactions.

Taiwan bans unregistered foreign crypto exchanges from operating.

B𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬:

BTC lost 200 Day EMA
BTC DeathCross
SEC Chokepoint 2.0
Vitalik selling ETH
Saylor buying Bitcoin
September is BEAR month
Low Cap pump and dump
UK Exit by Exchanges
Defi and CEX Hacks

Saudi Arabia's Economy Joins Trillion Dollar Club

Saudi Arabia’s Economy Joins Trillion Dollar Club:

According to a later report, Saudi Arabia’s net residential item (GDP) has crossed the $1 trillion stamp for the first time, making the kingdom’s economy a part of the trillion-dollar club.

It ought to be recollected that the state has as of now accomplished this national target sometime recently 2025.

The Alliance of Saudi Chambers divulged the figures in a report celebrating the kingdom’s 93rd National Day on Friday, and the official Saudi Press Organization (SPA) released them.

Within the same week, the Universal Money related Finance (IMF) pronounced that the Saudi economy would accomplish the most elevated development among G20 countries in 2022.

Saudi Arabia’s Economy Joins Trillion Dollar Club:

the most noteworthy among G20 part states – accomplished a development rate of 8.7 percent, basically driven by the kingdom’s efficiency. The self-sufficiency rate of the Saudi economy came to 81.2 percent, and the country’s venture rate expanded to 27.3 percent, reflecting this development.

The report highlights the Saudi private sector’s part as a viable accomplice within the comprehensive improvement handle and in accomplishing the yearning Vision 2030 objectives.

As per the Federation of Saudi Chambers,

Saudi Arabia’s Economy Joins Trillion Dollar Club:

The private sector’s share in GDP rose to $440 billion (41%) with 5.3% growth. The report stated that the number of workers in the private sector has increased from 8.084 million in 2021 to 9.422 million in 2022, a growth rate of 16.6 percent.
As part of workforce localization efforts, Saudi Arabia aims to increase private sector employment from 1.91 million in 2021 to 2.195 million in 2022.

This represents a 14.9% growth and will constitute 58.2% of the private sector workforce. This increase demonstrated the progress.

The report highlighted the victory of the Kingdom’s arrangements in expanding the financial base and supporting Saudi sends out to worldwide markets.

Whereas trades of products and administrations expanded by 54.4 percent,

Saudi Arabia’s Economy Joins Trillion Dollar Club:

The send-out capacity of the Saudi economy developed from 33 percent to 39.3 percent of GDP. The esteem of sends out of products and administrations surged to 171.9 percent in 2022, compared to 134.5 percent final year.
With a development rate of 13.7 percent, the esteem of non-oil trades comes to 84 billion dollars, which is 20.5 percent of products sent out and these trades reach 178 nations of the world.

The report anticipates continued strong performance in the Saudi economy and the country’s private sector. It cites various economic indicators, government aid packages, and the launch of major projects in different regions of the kingdom as factors contributing to this outlook.
The Kingdom secures the second global position for international tourist growth, per the Global Competitiveness Report by IMD. Additionally, it ranks 51st in the Global Innovation Index.

Saudi Arabia’s Economy Joins Trillion Dollar Club:


In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s economy has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing the $1 trillion mark in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), positioning it among the elite trillion-dollar club. This achievement, realized ahead of schedule, reflects the kingdom’s robust economic growth and steadfast commitment to achieving ambitious national goals.

The announcement of Saudi Arabia’s GDP milestone, alongside its projection for the highest growth rate among G20 nations in 2022, underscores the resilience and dynamism of the kingdom’s economy. The remarkable contributions of the private sector, coupled with strategic investments and policies, have propelled Saudi Arabia towards sustainable development and global economic integration.

Moreover, the surge in exports and workforce expansion further demonstrates the kingdom’s dedication to diversifying its economic base and fostering innovation-driven growth. As Saudi Arabia continues to chart its course toward Vision 2030, the outlook remains optimistic, buoyed by a thriving private sector, strategic initiatives, and a commitment to fostering a dynamic and inclusive economy.

The kingdom’s ascent into the trillion-dollar club not only signifies a monumental economic achievement but also heralds a new chapter in Saudi Arabia’s journey toward prosperity, resilience, and global leadership.

In summary, Saudi Arabia’s economy stands poised to shape the future landscape of the global economy, with its trillion-dollar milestone serving as a testament to its unwavering determination and vision for a prosperous tomorrow.

What milestone has Saudi Arabia’s economy recently achieved?

Saudi Arabia’s economy has recently surpassed the $1 trillion mark in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), making it a part of the trillion-dollar club for the first time.

Which organization revealed the GDP figures for Saudi Arabia, and when was it announced?

The GDP figures for Saudi Arabia were revealed by the Alliance of Saudi Chambers, and the announcement was made in celebration of the kingdom’s 93rd National Day.

What growth rate did the Saudi economy achieve among G20 nations in 2022?

In 2022, the Saudi economy achieved the highest growth rate among G20 nations, standing at 8.7 percent.

What percentage of GDP does the Saudi private sector contribute, according to the Federation of Saudi Chambers?

According to the Federation of Saudi Chambers, the private sector contributes 41% of the GDP, with a total of $440 billion, marking a 5.3% growth rate.

What are some of the key factors contributing to the positive outlook for the Saudi economy, as mentioned in the report?

The positive outlook for the Saudi economy is attributed to factors such as robust economic indicators, government aid packages, and the launch of major projects across different regions of the kingdom.

How has the Saudi economy performed in terms of exports of goods and services, and what percentage of GDP do these exports represent?

Exports of goods and services have experienced a significant increase, with exports growing by 54.4 percent. These exports now represent 39.3 percent of the Saudi GDP.

What initiatives has Saudi Arabia undertaken to expand its private sector employment, and what growth rate has it achieved in this area?

Saudi Arabia aims to increase private sector employment from 1.91 million in 2021 to 2.195 million in 2022, representing a growth rate of 14.9%.

What position does Saudi Arabia hold in terms of international tourist growth, according to the Global Competitiveness Report by IMD?

According to the Global Competitiveness Report by IMD, Saudi Arabia secures the second global position for international tourist growth.

In which index does Saudi Arabia rank 51st globally, and what does this ranking signify?

Saudi Arabia ranks 51st globally in the Global Innovation Index, indicating its commitment to fostering innovation and technological advancement.

What does the report anticipate for the future performance of the Saudi economy and its private sector?

The report anticipates continued strong performance in the Saudi economy and its private sector, driven by various economic indicators, government initiatives, and investment in major projects.

Bitcoin Update.

Bitcoin Update:

Bitcoin’s journey in the market has been marked by volatility and intrigue. Recently, it exhibited expected behavior by breaking down from the ascending channel, sparking discussions and analyses among market participants.

Analysis of Bitcoin’s Price Movement.

Bitcoin performed as expected, breaking down from the ascending channel and sending prices lower. This move marked a significant shift in the market sentiment, as investors and traders closely monitored the price action for potential signs of a trend reversal.

The price reached nearly $26,300, which is acting as a good support level. This critical support zone has been closely watched by market participants, and its ability to hold could have a significant impact on the future direction of Bitcoin’s price movement.

Bitcoin Update:

The weekend market is typically slow, so Bitcoin may remain rangebound until the start of the new week. During this time, traders often assess the market landscape and look for potential catalysts that could drive price action when more participants return to the market at the beginning of the week.

For a bullish move, Bitcoin needs to break above $27,000 with good volume. This key resistance level has been a significant barrier in recent price action, and a successful breach could signal renewed optimism among traders and potentially lead to further upward momentum in the market.

Google Cloud’s integration of 11 new blockchains into its BigQuery data analytics service represents a significant advancement in blockchain data analysis. This expansion provides users with enhanced capabilities to analyze various blockchain networks and their associated data.

Google Cloud has made a notable expansion in its BigQuery data analytics service by incorporating 11 new blockchains. This integration represents a significant step forward in providing comprehensive data analysis capabilities for blockchain technology, opening up opportunities for users to gain deeper insights into various blockchain networks and their associated data.

Bitcoin Update:

Telegram Premium presents an enticing proposition for users, offering access to dozens of exclusive features at a discounted rate of up to 40%. This limited-time offer not only enhances the user experience but also provides substantial savings for those looking to unlock a range of premium functionalities within the Telegram messaging platform.

During the weekend, the market tends to experience subdued activity. Traders utilize this period to evaluate market conditions and identify potential catalysts that could shape price action in the upcoming week.

Breaking above the $27,000 resistance level is crucial for Bitcoin’s bullish momentum. This resistance has posed a formidable barrier in recent price action, and a successful breach could signal renewed optimism among traders.

Bitcoin Update:

Telegram Premium presents users with exclusive features and discounted rates, enhancing the messaging platform’s value proposition. This limited-time offer not only enriches the user experience but also offers substantial savings for subscribers.

Recent crypto news underscores the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market. Price analyses, Bitcoin’s resilience amid market changes, and the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining are among the key topics shaping discussions in the crypto community.

Crypto News.

Price analysis 9/22: BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, ADA, DOGE, SOL, TON, DOT, MATIC.

Bitcoin fails to recoup post-Fed losses as $20K BTC price returns to radar.

Bitcoin mining can help reduce up to 8% of global emissions.

Core Scientific seals $77M Bitmain deal for 27K Bitcoin mining rigs.

In conclusion, Bitcoin’s recent performance reflects its resilience and influence in the cryptocurrency market. As investors navigate market uncertainties, staying informed about market dynamics and emerging trends remains crucial for making informed decisions.

What caused Bitcoin to break down from the ascending channel?

Bitcoin’s breakdown from the ascending channel could be attributed to various factors, including shifts in market sentiment, profit-taking by traders, or external events influencing investor behavior. Technical indicators and market dynamics play a crucial role in understanding such price movements.

How significant is the $26,300 support level for Bitcoin?

The $26,300 support level holds significance as it represents a critical price point where buyers have historically stepped in to support Bitcoin’s price. Traders closely monitor this level as a breach could signal further downside momentum, while a successful hold may indicate renewed buying interest.

What are some potential catalysts for Bitcoin’s price action in the upcoming week?

Potential catalysts for Bitcoin’s price action in the coming week may include macroeconomic developments, regulatory announcements, institutional investments, or shifts in investor sentiment towards cryptocurrencies. Market participants analyze these factors to anticipate trends and make informed trading decisions.

What implications does Google Cloud’s expansion in BigQuery have for blockchain data analysis?

Google Cloud’s integration of additional blockchains into BigQuery enhances data analysis capabilities for blockchain technology. This expansion enables users to gain deeper insights into blockchain networks, transaction data, and market trends. It facilitates research, monitoring, and decision-making processes within the blockchain ecosystem.

How can users benefit from the Telegram Premium offer?

Users can benefit from the Telegram Premium offer by gaining access to exclusive features and functionalities not available in the standard version. The discounted rates offered during the promotion period provide users with savings while unlocking a range of premium services, enhancing their overall messaging experience.

A 'shock' to the trade deal between Canada and India.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

Canadian Prime Serve Justin Trudeau, who came to India to go to the G20 summit final week, was stuck in India for two days after the conclusion of the summit due to a breakdown in his private plane.

Be that as it may, in no time after he entered Canada, news came that Canada had suspended the progressing arrangements on an exchange understanding with India. A representative for Canada’s Exchange Serve Mary Ann affirmed Friday that Canada has suspended arrangements on a reciprocal exchange bargain.

Keep in mind that amid the G20 conference, Indian Prime Serve Narendra Modi and Canadian Prime Serve Justin Trudeau allegedly had a warm dialog.

Narendra Modi was rankled by the developing notoriety of Sikh separatists in Canada and occurrences such as ‘inciting violence’ against Indian negotiators. Whereas Justin Trudeau said that by fueling these issues, India is committing “obstructions in Canada’s residential legislative issues”.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

In truth, the relationship between India and Canada is breaking down due to the Sikh separatist development. Canada-India relations have been strained for some time presently due to the exercises of pro-Khalistan organizations in Canada.

In July this year, pro-Khalistan organizations in Canada put up blurbs of a few Indian ambassadors and called for focusing on them. After this occurrence, India summoned the Canadian minister posted in their nation and emphatically protested the exercises of pro-Khalistan individuals and organizations in their nation.

In June 2023, ‘Khalistani’ pioneer Hardeep Singh was killed in an advertisement in British Columbia, Canada. After this, numerous nations saw scenes of expanding pressure between Sikh separatists and the Indian government. Supporters of Khalistan held challenges against the slaughtering of Hardeep Singh in a few cities around the world, including Toronto, London, Melbourne, and San Francisco.

Sometime recently Hardeep Singh, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, who was announced as radical by the Indian government, was slaughtered in May 2023 in Lahore, Pakistan.

Death of pro-Khalistan leaders and accusations against India.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

Not only this, but in June 2023, UK-based Avtar Singh Khanda died under mysterious circumstances. He is said to have been the head of the Khalistan Liberation Force.

Sikh separatists alleged that he was poisoned. The separatist Sikh organizations termed it a ‘target killing’ and alleged that the Indian government was killing Sikh separatist leaders.

Be that as it may, the Indian government has not however formally said anything about these charges. Sikhs make up two percent of India’s populace and a few Sikh separatists have been calling for a partitioned nation for Sikhs, ‘Khalistan’

India charges that the Trudeau government has fizzled to break down on Sikh separatists dynamic in Canada. The Indian government charges that these separatists are included in anti-India exercises in Canada, the Joined Together Kingdom, and the Joined Together States.

One of the major reasons for the current pressure between India and Canada is the exercises of Sikh separatists in Canada.

In Canada, the pro-Khalistan development is running so uproariously that a submission has been held concerning Khalistan, an isolated nation for Sikhs.

Fissures in the relationship were visible during the G20 conference.

Relations between India and Canada further soured when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi openly expressed his displeasure at the activities of Sikh separatists during the G20 conference.

Trudeau was seen hastily shaking hands with Narendra Modi during the official greeting at the conference and then leaving quickly.

The picture was seen as a ‘strain’ between the two countries’ relations. Later, during the conversation with Trudeau, Narendra Modi raised the issue of activities of pro-Khalistan elements and organizations in Canada.

Media reports said that Narendra Modi was quite angry with Trudeau on this occasion.

According to media reports, he said that pro-Khalistan elements are inciting people to attack Indian diplomats. They are too actuating individuals to assault Indian international safe havens whereas Canada on the other hand is incapable of halting them.

Be that as it may, there are moreover reports that Justin Trudeau said that Canada will continuously secure flexibility of discourse, quiet challenge, and opportunity of expression.

Agreeing with him is usually exceptionally imperative to Canada. Canada has continuously been committed to anticipating viciousness and diminishing contempt. “It must too be remembered that the personal activities of some people don’t speak to Canadian society as an entirety,” Trudeau said.

Is Trudeau on the back foot?

Trudeau’s statement did not go down well with the Indian government and since then the bitterness in the relationship between the two countries does not seem to be diminishing.

In contrast, Trudeau accused India of influencing Canada’s domestic politics. India was expressing its views on the issue of Khalistan and business was also discussed. But Trudeau’s new stance seems to put him on the back foot. Therefore, he has also raised his voice on the tension with India.

A ‘shock’ to the trade deal between Canada and India.

Is the trade deal really in trouble?

Amid the strained relationship between Canada and India, talks on an exchange bargain by the Canadian government show up to be vacillating. After nearly a decade, the advance was made within the talks on the free exchange assertion between the two nations. There have been six rounds of arrangements between the two nations concerning this assertion.

In Walk 2022, the two nations continued arrangements on a between-times assertion on the EPT (Preparatory Advance in Transactions on an Exchange Assertion).
Beneath such understandings, the two nations essentially diminish or kill obligations on most products exchanged between them.

Indian companies are requesting duty-free get to Canadian markets for their textile and calfskin merchandise. Alongside this, there’s also an ask from India to improve the visa rules for specialists in Canada. Canada, on the other hand, is requesting the opening of Indian markets for its dairy and rural items.

What is the volume of bilateral trade between India and Canada?

India was Canada’s tenth-largest exchanging accomplice in 2022. Within the monetary year 2022-23, India traded merchandise worth 4.10 billion dollars to Canada, compared to 3.76 billion dollars within the monetary year 2021-22.
Whereas Canada sent out merchandise worth $4.05 billion to India in 2022-23, this volume was $3.13 billion in 2021-22.

As distant as benefit exchange is concerned,

Canadian annuity stores have contributed 55 billion dollars to India. Canada has contributed $4.07 billion in coordinate speculation in India since 2000.

At least 600 Canadian companies are operating in India whereas another 1000 companies are searching for trade openings here. On the other hand, Indian companies are dynamic in IT, computer programs, common assets, and managing account segments in Canada.

India’s major sends out to Canada incorporate gems, valuable stones, pharma items, ready-made articles of clothing, natural chemicals, light designing hardware, and press and steel items. Whereas India imports beat, newsprint materials, wood mash, press scrap, minerals, and mechanical chemicals from Canada.

The recent diplomatic tensions between Canada and India have cast a shadow over the prospects of a bilateral trade deal. Despite warm dialogues between Prime Ministers Trudeau and Modi, the rift caused by the activities of Sikh separatists in Canada has strained relations between the two nations.

India’s concerns about the growing influence of pro-Khalistan elements in Canada have led to a suspension of ongoing trade negotiations. The Canadian government’s commitment to protecting freedom of speech and expression, while commendable, has not alleviated India’s apprehensions.

Trudeau’s assertion that personal actions do not represent Canadian society as a whole has failed to assuage Indian concerns. As both countries navigate through these challenging times, the fate of the trade deal hangs in the balance.

What caused the breakdown in Canada-India trade negotiations?
  • The breakdown in trade negotiations was triggered by concerns over the growing influence of Sikh separatists in Canada and incidents of violence against Indian diplomats.
What are the major points of contention between Canada and India in trade talks?
  • Canada seeks access to Indian markets for its dairy and agricultural products, while India seeks duty-free access to Canadian markets for its textile and leather goods.
What is the volume of bilateral trade between India and Canada?
  • In the fiscal year 2022-23, India exported goods worth $4.10 billion to Canada and imported goods worth $4.05 billion from Canada. Canadian pension funds have invested $55 billion in India, while Canada has invested $4.07 billion in direct investment in India since 2000.
How have diplomatic tensions affected Canadian businesses in India?
  • Canadian businesses operating in India, particularly in sectors such as IT, banking, and natural resources, may face challenges amidst diplomatic tensions. However, both countries continue to explore trade opportunities despite the strained relations.
What steps are being taken to address the issues causing tension between Canada and India?
  • Both countries are engaged in diplomatic dialogues to address concerns regarding Sikh separatist activities and trade negotiations. The resolution of these issues will determine the future trajectory of bilateral relations.
London police Apologized and also paid damages.

London police Apologized and also paid damages.

The aftermath of the tragic incident involving Sarah Everard, a young marketing executive, has led to significant legal and social repercussions in the United Kingdom. During a torch-lighting ceremony held in memory of Sarah Everard, two women were detained by the police, sparking public outcry and legal action. However, recent developments indicate that the Metropolitan Police has taken steps to address the grievances of the detained women by offering compensation and issuing an apology. This signifies a pivotal moment in seeking justice and accountability within the criminal justice system.

Lawyers for two women detained during a torch-lighting ceremony in memory of Sarah Everard in Nandan say police have apologized to them and paid them compensation.
Concurring to the British news organization Reuters, the law firm speaking to the ladies said in articulation that the Metropolitan Police has presently settled the respectful claims by the ladies, paying them harm and issuing an expression of remorse.
Two years ago, a British police officer killed a woman named Sarah Everard after she was ‘wrongfully’ arrested and sexually assaulted for violating coronavirus regulations.

Marketing executive Sarah Everard was abducted from a street in London on her way home in March 2021, and her body was found days later in woodland about 50 miles (80 km) away.

London police Apologized and also paid damages.

Wayne Cozen, 48, who worked within the first class Discretionary Assurance Unit of London’s Metropolitan Police, had confessed to seizing, assaulting, and killing the lady.
Everard, who was going by a companion in Clapham, south London, was choked and after that set on fire. The woman’s remains were found in the woodland a week after the kidnapping.
After a two-day hearing before sentencing, prosecutor Tom Little said Cozens targeted the 33-year-old marketing executive on March 3 and accused him of breaking coronavirus laws.

He added that Cozens, wearing a police belt despite not being on duty, “handcuffed” Everard after showing him his warrant card.
The disappearance of Sarah Everard during the national lockdown in March 2021 was one of the UK’s high-profile missing persons cases, sparking protests and widespread debate about women’s safety on the streets.
He added that Cozens, wearing a police belt despite not being on duty, “handcuffed” Everard after showing him his warrant card.
The disappearance of Sarah Everard during the national lockdown in March 2021 was one of the UK’s high-profile missing persons cases, sparking protests and widespread debate about women’s safety on the streets.

The resolution of the civil claims filed by the two women detained during the torch-lighting ceremony represents a step towards accountability and reconciliation in the wake of Sarah Everard’s tragic death. While the scars of this incident may never fully heal, the acknowledgment of wrongdoing and the provision of compensation offer a semblance of closure to those affected. Moving forward, authorities must prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals, particularly women, in public spaces.


What led to the detention of the two women during the torch-lighting ceremony in memory of Sarah Everard?
  • The two women were detained during the torch-lighting ceremony in memory of Sarah Everard, allegedly due to their participation in the event.
Why did the Metropolitan Police issue an apology and compensation to the detained women?
  • The Metropolitan Police settled civil claims filed by the detained women, offering compensation and issuing an apology, acknowledging potential wrongdoing during the detention.
Who was Sarah Everard, and what were the circumstances surrounding her tragic death?
  • Sarah Everard, a marketing executive, was abducted and killed by a police officer, Wayne Cozen, while walking home in London. Her disappearance sparked widespread protests and raised concerns about women’s safety on the streets.
What legal actions were taken against the perpetrator of Sarah Everard’s abduction and murder?
  • Wayne Cozen, the police officer responsible for Sarah Everard’s abduction and murder, confessed to the crimes and faced legal proceedings, eventually leading to his sentencing.
How did Sarah Everard’s case impact discussions about women’s safety and law enforcement practices in the UK?
  • Sarah Everard’s case ignited conversations about women’s safety and raised questions about law enforcement practices, prompting calls for systemic reforms to address gender-based violence and ensure public safety.
Switzerland flag

Switzerland extends its funded scholarships to Pakistani students for the year of 2024-25.

Scholarships are designed only for postgraduate and research students.
In a move aimed at fortifying universal scholarly ties and cultivating investigative collaborations, the Swiss Government, in an organization with Pakistan’s Higher Instruction Commission, has revealed the ‘Excellence Grant for Pakistani Students’ for the scholarly year 2024-25.
Yearly, the Swiss Confederation amplifies a warm welcome to researchers and analysts from over 180 nations through its Brilliance Grants program, encouraging instructive and investigative interests inside Switzerland.
These prestigious grants are planned for postgraduate analysts, requiring at least a master’s degree for qualification. Yearning researchers can seek after inquire about or progress ponders at the doctoral or postdoctoral levels amid Switzerland’s dazzling scenes.

The Swiss Government Greatness Grants basic points to make instructive roads for outside analysts who have accomplished master’s or doctoral degrees, as well as for outside specialists holding bachelor’s degrees. The Government Commission for Grants for Remote Understudies (FCS) directs the determination handle for grant beneficiaries.

Candidates can select from different think-about categories, counting one-year Investigate after Experts, a three-year PhD after Aces, and one-year Post-Doctorate programs. Comprehensive data and application prerequisites can be obtained through e-mail communication.

Interested candidates are encouraged to meet the government office accommodation due date of 30th September, with extra subtle elements accessible on the official site. Switzerland’s commitment to sustaining scholastic fabulousness and cultivating worldwide investigative collaboration is clear through this activity.

These completely financed grants open modern skylines for Pakistani understudies, permitting them to set out on an instructive enterprise in Switzerland, a nation eminent for its world-class instruction framework. To help candidates in their travel, we’ve accumulated basic data, counting how to apply, qualification criteria, and required reports for Swiss grants for Pakistani understudies.

How to apply for Swiss scholarships.

Qualification Criteria: Candidates must hold at least a master’s degree for postgraduate grants. Particular criteria may shift by category, so it’s fundamental to audit the subtle elements on the official site.

Required Archives: Get ready for fundamental archives such as scholarly transcripts, suggestion letters, an investigative proposition, and a substantial international ID.

Application Process: Submit your application online through the official Swiss Government Scholarship portal.

Due date: Be careful of the international haven accommodation due date, which is 30th September.

Contact Data: For request and nitty gritty data, reach out using e-mail to the given contact data.

btc update

Bitcoin Update (Continuous)

Bitcoin price broke out of the pattern and showed an upside momentum.

However, the price was not able to break $26,000 and went down before touching it.

The immediate resistance on the upside is near the $25,800 level.

The next major support is near the $25,350 level.

A downside break and close below the $25,350 level might send the price further lower.

In the stated case, the price could drop toward $24,800 or even $24,500.

Elliott Wave theory pattern.

Bitcoin is currently following the Elliott Wave theory pattern.

According to this pattern, Bitcoin may test the $27,400 support level.

If Bitcoin breaks this support level, it could fall to the $22,800 level.

Also, there is a CME gap near $21,000

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