
The Tale of Disability in Every Home.


In homes across the world, there exists an untold story, a story of children who, despite being in the prime of their youth and enjoying good health, live as if they were specially chosen individuals, blessed with unique circumstances.

A New Dawn.

These children, whether boys or girls are at an age where they should be stepping out into the world, exploring life’s horizons, and pursuing their dreams. They are capable of taking on the world, but within the confines of their homes, they often lead lives quite unlike others.

The Morning Ritual.

Each morning, they rise from their beds, leaving them in disarray. However, their mothers arrive to restore order.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.

Changing attire.

They change their clothes but leave them scattered, sometimes even on the floor. But their mothers step in, folding and organizing everything back into place.

Mealtime Matters.

When it comes to mealtime, these children would much prefer their meals served to them rather than lifting a plate or a glass. For this, they rely on their mothers, who graciously attend to their culinary needs.

School, College, and Beyond.

During the day, they attend school, college, or university, just like any other young person. However, when they return home, their activities include leisurely browsing social media, engaging with friends on platforms like Snapchat, WhatsApp, or TikTok, or simply spending time on Twitter, and Instagram, or watching their favorite serial dramas.

Common hobbies for children across different age groups.

Age GroupHobbiesExamplesNotes
Infants/ToddlersSensory PlayTouch & Feel BooksExploration-based activities
Preschool (3-5)Creative PlayDrawing, Painting, PlaydoughDeveloping motor skills
Early School (6-8)Outdoor ActivitiesSports, Cycling, Nature WalksSocial and physical development
Middle School (9-12)Hobbies ExplorationInstrument Learning, Coding, ReadingIdentity development
Teenagers (13-18)Artistic PursuitsMusic, Dance, WritingSelf-expression and skill development
The Tale of Disability in Every Home.

A Meal Served on a Platter.

Their meals are often brought to them, and the most they have to do is raise a hand to take a bite or sip from a glass. For this, they extend their gratitude to their mothers.

Afterward, Back to the Screen.

After their meals, it’s back to the world of screens – be it TVs, laptops, or iPads. They may also immerse themselves in social media or their favorite serial dramas.

Occasional respite.

Occasionally, they take a break from their screens and spend time with other family members.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.
A Look Behind the Screens.

They also make an effort to interact with their loved ones during their leisure time. But it’s not always easy to divert their attention away from the glowing screens.

Mobile Connection.

Their mobile phones serve as a connection to their loved ones who may have recently commented, uploaded valuable status updates, or sent them an image. Replying to these messages and ensuring their loved ones feel appreciated is their priority.

Other Special Individuals.

In their downtime, they may also engage in acts of kindness, such as sitting with other family members. However, their focus on mobile screens often takes precedence.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.
The burden of responsibility.

In some households, these young individuals often don’t play a role in household chores, no matter how small. They tend to leave their areas disorganized, show discontent if the food doesn’t meet their preferences, and are quick to notice if something in the house needs repair or change. Responsibility for these matters usually falls on the shoulders of their fathers, while maintaining cleanliness and order typically rest

A familiar sight.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.

Today, we witness such scenes in homes worldwide, where it often becomes a cause for concern. We find ourselves wondering how we, through our actions, are raising a generation that may become too dependent. These children live in the very homes they should be taken care of. They may not engage in household chores or take on any responsibilities. They have yet to learn the value of self-reliance.


It is crucial to consider how we can prepare these children to lead independent and responsible lives. The question arises: How can we help them avoid becoming overly dependent on others? How can we instill in them a sense of duty and care for others? These are questions that merit our attention and action. The tale of disability in every home is an ongoing one, and it’s our responsibility to shape it to empower these children to become self-sufficient, people who can contribute emphatically to their families and communities.

In a world where self-reliance and responsibility are paramount, we must guide and support these children on their journey towards independence.


Q: What is the inspiration behind the narrative “A New Dawn”?

A: A New Dawn” sheds light on a prevalent yet often overlooked aspect of child development—how children, despite their youth and good health, can become overly dependent on others within the comfort of their homes. It urges reflection on our role in shaping a generation capable of self-reliance.

Q: Who are the central figures in this narrative?

A: The central figures are children in the prime of their youth, living in the comfort of their homes. The narrative emphasizes both boys and girls who, despite being capable of independence, often lead lives of dependency.

Q: What are the daily routines highlighted in the narrative?

A: The daily routines include morning rituals, attire changes, reliance on mothers for meals, engagement with screens and social media, occasional breaks with family, and their mobile phones acting as a constant connection to the outside world.

Q: How are these children portrayed in terms of responsibility and chores?

A: In many cases, these children are depicted as not actively participating in household chores, leaving their areas disorganized. Responsibility for various matters often falls on the fathers, and discontent may arise if their preferences are not met.

Q: Why is the narrative concerned about dependency in these children?

A: The concern arises from the potential development of a generation that may become overly dependent. The narrative prompts reflection on how our actions may shape a future where children lack self-reliance and a sense of responsibility.

Q: What is the call to action presented in the conclusion?

A: The conclusion emphasizes the importance of preparing children for independent and responsible lives. It poses questions about how to prevent excessive dependency and instill a sense of duty and care for others. It calls for collective attention and action in guiding these children towards self-sufficiency.

Q: How can individuals contribute to the empowerment of these children?

A: Individuals can contribute by actively participating in fostering independence, encouraging a sense of responsibility, and guiding children toward self-reliance. It involves a collective effort to shape a future generation capable of making positive contributions to their families and communities.

Q: What is the overall message conveyed by “A New Dawn”?

A: The narrative encourages reflection on the potential consequences of fostering dependency in children. It calls for a proactive approach to shaping a future where self-reliance, responsibility, and care for others are valued and cultivated.

positive mindset in children

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.


In an era where negativity seems to prevail in conversations, transactions, and various aspects of life, most people tend to project negative attitudes toward others. Negativity can manifest as lying, arguing, envy, conspiracy, or deception.

This prompts the question: How does this negative mindset develop in children?

The answer lies in the behavior of adults, particularly parents, who tend to exhibit negativity when they disagree with someone. Children observe their parents, and this observation is where they learn to adopt negative attitudes or perspectives.

Stopping Negative Behaviors.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

Parents should avoid expressing negativity in front of their children. Arguments and quarrels should not occur in their presence. These actions significantly impact a child’s personality. Children tend to develop a sense of unity and rely on their parents. When parents argue or express negativity toward each other, it shatters the trust children have in them. Therefore, it is better to resolve differences away from children.

Do not express negativity about relatives, neighbors, or anyone else in front of children. If children witness a person’s negative attitude, stop them from forming negative opinions and instead explain that the person was tired, upset, or unwell at that moment. It’s important to teach children to despise inappropriate behavior (negativity) rather than hating the person.

Children often complain or make negative comments about teachers, friends, or classmates. Here, caution is necessary. Discourage the habit of making negative comments or complaints. If there is a genuine issue, listen to their concerns but refrain from making judgments without knowing all the facts. Avoid being biased in your children’s matters.

Preventing negative thinking is essential. In any case, it is similarly imperative to teach children almost not managing contrarily with individuals. Age and sex ought to be taken into consideration.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

Efforts should be made to promote positive thinking and actions in children. Negative conversations should be eliminated. For instance, avoid phrases like, “You’re so useless and you are always lying and you get low grades, etc.

Conversations should be altered to promote positivity. For example, you study very hard, so you will succeed. When you care for me, I feel good. When you speak the truth, it reassures me. When you help your little sister, she becomes happy. Above all, Allah is pleased with your behavior.

Encourage children to remain in a state of positive energy. Teach them positive thinking, viewing life positively, and adopting positive behaviors.

The Impact of Positivity.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

The effect of a positive attitude on children cannot be downplayed. When children develop a positive viewpoint on life and are intuitive, they end up more flexible and competent in adapting to challenges. They tend to make more advantageous connections, perform superior in scholastics and extracurricular exercises, and eventually lead more satisfying lives.

Positive children often exhibit the following characteristics:

Resilience: They bounce back from setbacks with a can-do attitude, learning from their experiences.

Empathy: They understand and care about the feelings of others, making them better friends and companions.

Optimism: They have a hopeful and positive outlook on life, which fuels their motivation and determination.

Adaptability: They can adjust to changing circumstances more easily.

Leadership: Positive children often step into leadership roles, positively influencing their peers.

Encouraging Positive Habits.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

Guardians and teachers play a significant part in cultivating inspiration in children. Here are a few viable ways to empower positive propensities:

Model Positivity: Children learn by example. If they see adults practicing positive behaviors, they are more likely to adopt them.

Provide Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward positive actions and attitudes to reinforce them.

Open Communication: Make an environment where children can straightforwardly talk about their considerations and sentiments, permitting them to have precise concerns and look for direction.

Instruct Problem-Solving: Offer assistance to children to create problem-solving abilities so they can positively address challenges.

Cultivate Appreciation: Energize children to recognize and appreciate the positive perspectives of their lives, advancing a sense of appreciation.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.


In this age of cynicism, it is fundamental for guardians and teachers to instill a positive mentality in children. It starts with setting a case by maintaining a strategic distance from negative behavior and discussions. Children ought to be guided to dismiss negative activities instead of individuals. By nurturing positive considerations and activities in children, we can raise an era that grasps inspiration, making the world a distant better.

inspiration’s effect on children’s lives is immeasurable. Positive children are more strong, empathetic, optimistic, and versatile, and frequently develop as pioneers in their communities. As guardians and teachers, we have the control to shape long-term by cultivating a positive attitude within the youthful minds we support.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.
1. Why is it important to address negativity in children?

Addressing negativity in children is crucial as it can impact their personality, relationships, and overall well-being. Negativity often stems from the behaviors they observe, especially from adults, particularly parents. Understanding and addressing the roots of negativity can lead to positive development.

2. How does a negative mindset develop in children?

A negative mindset in children often develops through observation of negative behaviors in adults, especially parents. Children tend to adopt the attitudes and perspectives they witness in their immediate environment, shaping their worldview.

3. What role do parents play in preventing negative behaviors in children?

Parents play a pivotal role in preventing negative behaviors in children. They should avoid expressing negativity in front of their children, resolving conflicts away from them. Negative comments about relatives or others should be discouraged, and children should be taught to despise inappropriate behavior rather than hating individuals.

4. How can parents handle children making negative comments about teachers or peers?

When children make negative comments or complaints about teachers, friends, or classmates, parents should discourage this habit. If there is a genuine issue, listen to their concerns but avoid making judgments without knowing all the facts. It’s important not to be biased in children’s matters.

5. How can negative thinking be prevented in children?

Negative thinking in children can be prevented by promoting positive conversations and actions. Efforts should be made to eliminate negative phrases and instead encourage positive reinforcement. Children should be taught to remain in a state of positive energy and adopt positive behaviors.

6. What impact does positivity have on children’s lives?

Positivity has a significant impact on children’s lives. Positive children tend to be more resilient, empathetic, optimistic, and adaptable and often take on leadership roles. They perform better academically, build healthier relationships, and lead more satisfying lives.

7. What characteristics do positive children often exhibit?

Positive children often exhibit characteristics such as resilience, empathy, optimism, adaptability, and leadership qualities. They can bounce back from setbacks, understand and care about others’ feelings, maintain a positive outlook on life, adjust to changing circumstances, and positively influence their peers.

8. How can guardians and teachers encourage positive habits in children?

Guardians and teachers can encourage positive habits by modeling positivity, providing positive reinforcement, fostering open communication, teaching problem-solving skills, and cultivating appreciation for the positive aspects of life. Creating a supportive environment helps children develop a positive mindset.

9. What is the role of adults in shaping a positive attitude in children?

Adults, including parents and teachers, play a significant role in shaping a positive attitude in children. By setting an example through positive behaviors, avoiding negativity, and guiding children to reject negative actions instead of people, adults contribute to fostering a positive generation.

10. Why is it fundamental to instill a positive mentality in children in the current age of cynicism?

In an age of cynicism, it is fundamental to instill a positive mentality in children to counteract the negativity prevailing in society. By nurturing positive thoughts and actions, parents and teachers can contribute to raising a generation that embraces inspiration, fostering a better world for the future.

Cartoons A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.


In a small room at Punjab University, a young student named Farah Khalid quietly slips away to take some notes. She opens the entryway and wavers some time recently entering. Her eyes extend as she overviews the scene interior of the room. Another young girl, Fatima Ayub, sits with an air of reverence, her hands raised in supplication. Yes, she is worshipping, but not in the traditional way. She’s worshipping her favorite cartoon character, whom she regards as a divine figure.

“Fatima!” Farah calls out, her voice echoing from the depths of concern. farah is the girl of the proprietor of the building, and she noiselessly watches the scene, concerned.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

“What are you doing, Fatima?” she asks, puzzled.

“Praying!” Fatima replies with a sense of conviction.

Fatima’s voice echoes deeply, signifying a devotion that she holds for a character from a cartoon, something Farah finds alarming. This phenomenon has raised a compelling question – are cartoons potentially harmful influences on children?

The Influence of Cartoons.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Yes, it’s true, Farah is deeply concerned about the influence that cartoons exert on children, especially when it comes to their values, beliefs, and behaviors. In this small incident, we can see how deeply these seemingly innocuous shows can impact young minds.

Fatima’s response reveals her level of devotion and attachment to the cartoon character, akin to religious devotion. She sees the character as all-powerful, able to accomplish anything, and an appearance of holiness. It’s a prime case of how the lines between fiction and reality are obscure for naive children.

Be that as it may, it’s not fair Fatima; numerous children shape profound associations with the characters they see on TV. These connections can sometimes overshadow their understanding of real-life figures or concepts. The implications are significant, considering the types of messages that cartoons convey.

The Real Impact.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Farah raises a significant concern: Cartoons, sometimes seemingly innocent, can actually introduce children to a range of negative influences:

Questionable Values: Many cartoons showcase behavior and values that may not align with the cultural or ethical standards that parents aim to instill. These shows sometimes glorify violence, rudeness, and selfishness, leading children to believe that these traits are acceptable.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Unrealistic Expectations:

Cartoons often depict characters with superhuman abilities or unrealistic expectations. When children idolize these characters, they may start to develop unattainable aspirations, feeling inadequate in comparison.

Disengagement from Reality.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

As illustrated by Fatima’s adoring of a cartoon character, children can get so inundated by the world of these appearances that they may have inconveniences distinguishing fiction from reality. This could lead to troubles in adapting to real-life circumstances.

Imitating Behavior:

Children tend to imitate the behavior of characters they admire. If these characters exhibit poor manners, selfishness, or disrespectful attitudes, children may replicate these behaviors.

Reduction of Creativity: Relying too heavily on passive entertainment like cartoons can diminish a child’s ability to engage in creative, imaginative play, which is crucial for their cognitive development.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Cartoons, a seemingly innocent source of entertainment, wield significant influence over children. The incident involving Fatima and her devotion to a cartoon character highlights how deeply these shows can impact young minds. Whereas not all cartoons are destructive, guardians and teachers ought to be careful of the substance children expend.

It is basic to strike an adjustment between permitting children to appreciate cartoons as a frame of excitement and directing them to translate these appears with a basic eye. Empowering dialog values, ethical quality, and the refinement between fiction and reality is crucial to assist children in exploring the frequently tricky landscape of the cartoon world.

Farah’s concern serves as an update that as responsible adults, we have to be careful and specific about the substance we uncover our children to. In a world where cartoons are an omnipresent portion of childhood, it’s our obligation to guarantee that the messages they pass on adjust to the values we wish to instill within the following era. After all, the effect of cartoons on children expands the distance past the screen.

1. Why is Farah concerned about the influence of cartoons on children?

Farah is concerned about the influence of cartoons on children, particularly in terms of their values, beliefs, and behaviors. The incident with Fatima worshipping a cartoon character raises questions about the potential impact of seemingly innocent shows on young minds.

2. What is significant about Fatima’s devotion to a cartoon character?

Fatima’s deep devotion and attachment to a cartoon character, akin to religious devotion, raise concerns about how children can blur the lines between fiction and reality. This phenomenon suggests that the influence of cartoons may go beyond entertainment, shaping children’s perceptions in profound ways.

3. What are the negative influences that cartoons can introduce to children, according to Farah?

Farah highlights several negative influences of cartoons on children, including questionable values, unrealistic expectations, disengagement from reality, imitation of behavior, and a potential reduction of creativity. Cartoons may portray behaviors and values that contradict cultural or ethical standards parents aim to instill.

4. How do cartoons sometimes depict characters, and what impact can it have on children?

Cartoons often depict characters with superhuman abilities or unrealistic expectations. When children idolize these characters, they may develop unattainable aspirations, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy. This unrealistic portrayal can impact children’s self-perception.

5. What is the concern regarding children’s ability to distinguish fiction from reality in the context of cartoons?

Farah expresses concern that children, like Fatima, may become so immersed in the world of cartoon characters that they struggle to distinguish fiction from reality. This difficulty can pose challenges for children in adapting to real-life circumstances.

6. How can cartoons influence children to imitate behavior?

Children tend to imitate the behavior of characters they admire in cartoons. If these characters exhibit poor manners, selfishness, or disrespectful attitudes, children may replicate these behaviors in their own lives.

7. What is the potential consequence of relying too heavily on passive entertainment like cartoons for children?

Relying too heavily on passive entertainment like cartoons can lead to a reduction in a child’s ability to engage in creative, imaginative play. This reduction in creativity is considered crucial for cognitive development.

8. What is the key takeaway regarding the impact of cartoons on children?

Cartoons, although seemingly innocent, wield significant influence over children. The incident involving Fatima highlights the deep impact these shows can have on young minds. While not all cartoons are destructive, parents and teachers need to be cautious about the content children consume.

9. How can adults strike a balance regarding children’s exposure to cartoons?

Adults should strike a balance between allowing children to enjoy cartoons as a form of entertainment and guiding them to interpret these shows critically. Encouraging discussions about values, morality, and the distinction between fiction and reality is crucial in helping children navigate the often complex world of cartoons.

10. What responsibility do adults have in shaping children’s exposure to cartoons?

Farah’s concern serves as a reminder that responsible adults must be cautious about the content children are exposed to. In a world where cartoons are omnipresent in childhood, it is the responsibility of adults to ensure that the messages conveyed align with the values they wish to instill in the next generation. The impact of cartoons on children goes beyond the screen, emphasizing the need for mindful guidance.


Supporting Connections and Engaging Teenagers.

Building More Grounded Family Bonds and Cultivating Autonomous, Upbeat Children:

In today’s fast-paced society, it is simple to disregard the significant effect that our child-rearing choices can have on our children’s lives. It’s vital to think approximately how we handle our connections with each other and our children’s prosperity. This web journal article investigates the subject of capable child rearing, emphasizing the got to construct solid family bonds, fortify associations, and permit children organization.

Sustaining Connections inside the Family:

As guardians, we frequently confront challenges when it comes to connections inside the family. It’s not exceptional for debate and clashes to emerge, particularly inside amplified families. The address we ought to inquire ourselves is, ought we exchange ill will towards near relatives to our children? The reply may be a reverberating “no.” Children are not vessels for carrying hard feelings and quarrels. Instep, they are people who merit cherish, understanding, and direction.

One key angle of sustaining connections is open communication. Rather than forcing our will on our children or utilizing them as apparatuses for retaliation, we ought to teach them about connections, instruct them right from off base, and instill a sense of separation between right and off-base. By doing so, we enable them to form educated choices and become dynamic individuals in society.

Settling clashes inside the family requires a fragile adjustment of tending to the issues while protecting the respect and passionate well-being of all parties included. Empower your children to voice their sentiments, contemplations, and concerns in a secure and strong environment. Educate them on struggle determination abilities, compassion, and pardoning, appearing to them that connections can mend and develop more grounded when taken care of with care.

keeping solid connections inside the family:

Additionally, keeping solid connections inside the family can have a significant effect on a child’s mental advancement. Children who develop up in an environment characterized by cherish, regard, and understanding are more likely to display these qualities in their claim connections as they develop more seasoned.

Empowering Children as Independent Beings:

One common parental desire is for our children to be obedient. However, true empowerment means allowing children to express themselves and develop their individuality. We must abstain from passionate control, control, and coercive strategies.

Engaging children includes more than fair giving them flexibility; it’s approximately preparing them with the information, abilities, and values they have to make sound choices all through their lives. Here’s what you’ll be able to do.

Education: Encourage a love for learning:

Provide them with the resources and opportunities to explore their interests and develop critical thinking skills.

Teaching Right from Wrong:

Help your children understand the moral and ethical implications of their actions. Foster a strong sense of integrity and responsibility.

Instilling a Sense of Differentiation Between Right and Wrong:

Instead of imposing rules, encourage them to think critically and make ethical choices independently.

Teaching Them to Identify People.

Educate your children on how to recognize healthy relationships and distinguish them from potentially harmful ones. This knowledge will empower them to make informed decisions regarding the company they keep.

Making Them Active Members of Society:

Involve your children in community service and social activities. This will educate them on the esteem of giving back and the significance of civic engagement.

Planning Them to Be of Advantage to Others:

Cultivate sympathy and kindness, empowering your children to be kind and obliging toward others. Teach them to find fulfillment in helping those in need.

Empowering your children doesn’t mean neglecting discipline or boundaries. Instead, it’s about providing them with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges independently and responsibly.

Conscientious Methods for Handling Family Connections:

Being open and honest with your children is essential when handling family problems or disputes. We can take inspiration from the wisdom of figures like Hazrat Ali (RA), who involved his children in decision-making processes. By presenting all the facts and discussing motivations and consequences with children, we help them understand family dynamics better, avoid misunderstandings, and foster strong family bonds.

Parents should also be cautious about threatening to marry off their children to settle scores within the family. Marriages should be based on compatibility, happiness, and the child’s nature, not for personal interests or to maintain family ties. Bitterness from the past should not dictate our children’s futures. Instead, we should prioritize their happiness over our own.

When it comes to settling disputes, maintaining harmony in the family, and addressing fights, it is our responsibility as parents to set an example. when it comes to handling arguments, resolving issues, and upholding harmony in the home. By modeling empathy, respect, and skillful communication, we teach our kids how to negotiate the tricky terrain of relationships.

In summary, putting love, understanding, and happiness first:

In summary, building deeper family ties, empowering kids, and cultivating loving relationships are all necessary for responsible parenting. The idea that children are one-of-a-kind people with sentiments and the independence to create life choices for themselves is steadily taking the put of The thought that children are simply objects to be procured or rebellious for narrow-minded closes is continuously giving way to the idea that children are similar to other individuals, with sentiments and the capacity for free thought.

We ought to put our children’s worship, understanding, and bliss to start with in organize to create past any question they make into certain, free individuals who make major commitments to society. Let’s focus on supporting one another in our family ties instead of controlling our kids. By spreading this word, you’ll make the world distant better; much better; a higher; a stronger; an improved and improved put for the coming eras.


Your children merit nothing less than the finest from you, their guardians. As you set out on this travel of capable child rearing, may your children flourish, bringing bliss and fulfillment into their lives, and eventually, into the world around them.

In sustaining connections and engaging children, we shape not only their fates but also the longer term of our society. It could be a significant obligation, but it is one that can bring immense rewards when drawn closer with cherish, understanding, and care.

The Palestinian Issue How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.


The latter circumstance in Palestine has captured the consideration of individuals around the world. Talking about the Palestinian issue together with your children and others is significant, but it can be a challenging errand. It’s basic to approach this discussion with compassion and give a setting so that everybody can superior get it the complexities of the circumstance. To encourage these discourses, we’ve given a few directions on how to address the Palestinian issue in a relatable and instructive way.

Talking to children.

The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.
Starting the conversation:

Parents should initiate discussions about the Palestinian issue by using relatable examples to help their children comprehend the situation. You might start the discussion like this:

“Envision we’re living in our domestic gently, and 75 a long time back, a few individuals persuasively entered your house.

They took over half of your domestic, removed a portion of your family, and blocked off the rest of the house. They indeed bolted you in your washroom, cutting off your get to to power, water, and gas. Presently, they are arranging with you to remain in your lavatory or perhaps allow you get to to the kitchen. Would you accept such a deal, or would you protest? If you protest, they might throw stones, cause damage to the bathroom, and label you as a troublemaker. Would you accept such a deal, or would you protest? If you protest, they might throw stones, cause damage to the bathroom, and label you as a troublemaker.

The historical context:

The Palestinian issue isn’t limited to the current situation; it has deep historical roots. It began in 1917 when the British occupied Palestine, eventually leading to the unlawful establishment of a Zionist presence in 1947. This act was a massive theft and injustice, and it remains recognized under international law. Over 500,000 Palestinians were coercively uprooted, their homes arrived, and businesses were seized. To this day, Zionists proceed to grow their control over possessed Palestine.

The Islamic Perspective:
The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

The occupation of every inch of Palestine is considered unlawful, irrespective of what international law might suggest. According to Islam, it’s an unjust occupation, and Muslims are duty-bound to liberate every part of Palestine. Islamic teachings emphasize the need to free the holy land, particularly Al-Aqsa, from the illegal Zionist occupation.

Living Under Occupation:
The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

Palestine isn’t fair to any region; it’s beneath occupation. This implies that the individuals living there, particularly in places like Gaza, are within the world’s biggest open-air prison. They are denied of indeed the foremost essential necessities, counting clean water, restorative offices, and reliable get to power.

Palestinian Christians:

It’s important to note that Palestinian Christians are also suffering under Zionist state rule. They desire freedom for Palestine and share the same goal as their Muslim counterparts: the liberation of their land and the restoration of their rights.

The Broader Perspective Power Dynamics:

The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

Recent events have shown that Muslims are not powerless. The global Muslim community can make a significant impact, and it’s essential not to underestimate the strength and resilience of Muslim nations.

Rejecting the Two-State Solution:

The idea of a two-state solution is not acceptable because it does not align with the genuine rights of Palestinians. Accepting this approach would mean acknowledging the presence of the illegal Zionist entity, which contradicts the principles of justice and human rights.

Seeking Help from Allah:

Above all, Muslims should recognize that their strength lies in their faith and their connection to Allah. This struggle is a global concern for Muslims, and through unity, faith, and determination, we can make a difference.

The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.
The reality of hypocrisy.

The reality of hypocrisy should be clear to all. When it comes to Russia’s occupation of Ukrainian arrive, there’s solid bolster and commend for Ukraine’s resistance. Be that as it may, the Palestinian individuals have been denied their rights for 75 a long time, and this circumstance proceeds. Muslims ought to not be so naïve as to accept that this issue can be settled by requesting intercession from the joined-together States, the joined-together Countries, worldwide law, or the West. Those who have almost seized the entire land of Palestine and preserved the illegitimate Zionist entity are the same hypocrites who, with their eyes closed, support oppressive Hindu rule in Kashmir. They are extremely shameless in their hypocritical policies.

A clear and sincere stance.
The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

Our stance should be entirely clear and straightforward. We Muslims have no double standards. We get it that usually a clash of societies, convictions, and belief systems. Our claim is true and genuine: we are the advocates of justice, and we as it were bow our heads before Allah, and we have no say in things where Allah and His Courier ﷺ have made a choice. It is Allah’s command that demands the liberation of the holy land, Palestine, and all Muslim territories under Islamic rule and authority.

Commending the Palestinians Resolve.

Instead of telling our Palestinian brothers to endure oppression and not take any action that might provoke the oppressor, we appreciate their struggle. We encourage them to stand firm and seek forgiveness for the neglect, treachery, incompetence, and inaction of our rulers. We look hopefully towards the Muslim armies, those we passionately call upon, reminding them of their duty to free the holy land, Palestine, and Al-Aqsa.

Valuable sacrifices.
The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

It is commendable that our Palestinian brothers while being martyred, are not complaining but are willing to give up their lives for this cause. They accept that their penances are profitable and will not be unsuccessful. These sacrifices challenge the treachery of Muslim rulers who maintain normal relations with the Zionist state. Whereas their Palestinian brothers are being martyred, their homes are being devastated, their children are biting the dust, and they are paying the total cost of this war, they have not articulated a word of complaint. In any case, numerous of us are addressing why the Palestinians have progressed the circumstances so much. that we are afraid of death. So, fear only Allah and pay attention to your real duties and responsibilities. We demand from the Muslim armies to help in the liberation of the holy land, Palestine.

We must remind ourselves and tell our children that it was only under Islamic rule that Palestine and all its people, including Christians and Jews, lived in peace, security, and prosperity. This is the true and permanent solution, not just for Palestine but for the entire world.

The reality of Palestinian resistance.
The Palestinian Issue: How to Discuss It with Children and Others.

And yes, one last thing, we should make it clear to our children that when Hamas fired “homemade” rockets at the Zionist state, they were primarily using non-explosive Zionist-made, low-grade gunpowder-based rockets, which are filled with conventional explosives, sugar, and potassium nitrate. Yes, our Palestinian brothers, living in the worst conditions under restrictions and barriers, are, with their own hands, fighting against one of the world’s most advanced armies in terms of technology.


The Palestinian issue may be a matter of equity, freedom, and human rights. To talk about it together with your children and others, keep in mind that it isn’t a complex geopolitical circumstance but a story of abused individuals looking for equity and freedom. Approach the subject with sympathy and a commitment to supporting the legitimate cause of the Palestinian individuals. Together, we are able to work toward a world where equity wins, and all individuals can live in peace and flexibility.


1. Q: How can parents initiate discussions about the Palestinian issue with their children?

A: Parents can start the conversation by using relatable examples, helping children comprehend the situation. Utilizing scenarios like someone forcibly entering their house and taking over parts of it provides a tangible context.

2. Q: What is the historical context of the Palestinian issue?

A: The Palestinian issue has deep historical roots, dating back to 1917 when the British occupied Palestine. The unlawful establishment of a Zionist presence in 1947 resulted in massive theft, injustice, and the coercive uprooting of over 500,000 Palestinians.

3. Q: How does Islam view the occupation of Palestine, and what is the duty of Muslims according to Islamic teachings?

A: According to Islam, the occupation of every inch of Palestine is considered unlawful, and Muslims are duty-bound to liberate every part of it, particularly emphasizing the need to free the holy land, including Al-Aqsa, from illegal Zionist occupation.

4. Q: What challenges do Palestinians face living under occupation, especially in places like Gaza?

A: Palestinians living under occupation, particularly in places like Gaza, endure conditions akin to the world’s largest open-air prison. They face deprivation of necessities, including clean water, medical facilities, and reliable access to power.

5. Q: How does the Palestinian Christians’ situation relate to the overall Palestinian issue?

A: Palestinian Christians also suffer under Zionist state rule, desiring freedom for Palestine and sharing the same goal as their Muslim counterparts: the liberation of their land and the restoration of their rights.

6. Q: Why is the idea of a two-state solution not acceptable in addressing the Palestinian issue?

A: The two-state solution is deemed unacceptable as it does not align with the genuine rights of Palestinians. Accepting this approach would acknowledge the presence of the illegal Zionist entity, contradicting principles of justice and human rights.

7. Q: What role does seeking help from Allah play in the context of the Palestinian issue?

A: Muslims should recognize that their strength lies in their faith and connection to Allah. Unity, faith, and determination are emphasized as essential in making a difference in addressing the global concern of the Palestinian issue.

8. Q: How do recent power dynamics challenge the perception of Muslims being powerless in the face of the Palestinian issue?

A: Recent events highlight that Muslims are not powerless; the global Muslim community can make a significant impact. The strength and resilience of Muslim nations should not be underestimated.

9. Q: What is the reality of hypocrisy in addressing the Palestinian issue, particularly in comparison to other geopolitical situations?

A: The reality of hypocrisy is evident in the differential treatment of various geopolitical situations. While support and commendation are offered for resistance in certain contexts, the Palestinian issue continues to be neglected and unresolved.

10. Q: What should be the clear and sincere stance of Muslims regarding the Palestinian issue?

A: Muslims should have a clear and straightforward stance, advocating for justice and aligning with Allah’s command for the liberation of the holy land, Palestine, and all Muslim territories under Islamic rule and authority.

11. Q: How do Palestinians’ sacrifices challenge the inaction and treachery of Muslim rulers?

A: Palestinian sacrifices challenge the inaction and treachery of Muslim rulers who maintain normal relations with the Zionist state. Palestinian resilience while facing oppression and devastation is commendable.

12. Q: What is the reality of Palestinian resistance, particularly in terms of the weapons used against the advanced Israeli army?

A: Palestinian resistance, including the use of “homemade” rockets, demonstrates the determination of Palestinians facing one of the world’s most advanced armies. It highlights their courage despite challenging conditions.

13. Q: How can individuals contribute to a world where justice prevails, and all people can live in peace and freedom regarding the Palestinian issue?

A: Individuals can contribute by approaching the Palestinian issue with empathy, supporting the legitimate cause of the Palestinian people, and working together for a world where justice prevails, and everyone can live in peace and freedom.

Siblings The Bickering of Love.

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

Siblings: A Bond That Stands Strong.

The relationship between siblings endures throughout life. When a brother faces difficulties, a sister sheds tears, and when a sister encounters troubles, a brother becomes restless. It’s a connection that remains unbroken from childhood through adulthood.

Childhood Fights and Signs of Affection.

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

During childhood, siblings often engage in constant bickering and quarrels, sometimes leaving parents perplexed. In any case, these debates are regularly seen as signs of love and the bond of adore between brothers and sisters. It’s a characteristic portion of development, and it’s basic for guardians to get it that rather than forcing cruel disciplines, it’s superior to direct them with cherish and persistence.

Guardians play a significant part in intervening clashes between kin. Rather than resorting to strict punishments, mothers and fathers should act as judges, encouraging understanding and empathy. Giving both children equal attention and ensuring fairness in various aspects, such as gifts and privileges, can help maintain peace at home. Moreover, it’s essential to avoid taking sides during sibling disputes and instead keep a watchful eye, intervening when necessary.

Siblings often engage in constant bickering and quarrels, sometimes leaving parents perplexed. In any case, these debates are regularly seen as signs of love and the bond of adore between brothers and sisters. It’s a characteristic portion of development, and it’s basic for guardians to get it that rather than forcing cruel disciplines, it’s superior to direct them with cherish and persistence.

Guardians play a significant part in intervening clashes between kin. Rather than resorting to strict punishments, mothers and fathers should act as judges, encouraging understanding and empathy. Giving both children equal attention and ensuring fairness in various aspects, such as gifts and privileges, can help maintain peace at home. Moreover, it’s essential to avoid taking sides during sibling disputes and instead keep a watchful eye, intervening when necessary.

During childhood, siblings often engage in constant bickering and quarrels, sometimes leaving parents perplexed. In any case, these debates are regularly seen as signs of love and the bond of adore between brothers and sisters. It’s a characteristic portion of development, and it’s basic for guardians to get it that rather than forcing cruel disciplines, it’s superior to direct them with cherish and persistence.

Guardians play a significant part in intervening clashes between kin. Rather than resorting to strict punishments, mothers and fathers should act as judges, encouraging understanding and empathy. Giving both children equal attention and ensuring fairness in various aspects, such as gifts and privileges, can help maintain peace at home. Moreover, it’s essential to avoid taking sides during sibling disputes and instead keep a watchful eye, intervening when necessary.

Siblings Fighting.

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

At times, siblings fight over the same things, be it toys or attention from parents. In such situations, parents can make a conscious effort to buy similar items for both children to avoid jealousy and rivalry. Also, sharing stories and accounts around acts of adoring, giving up, and thoughtfulness between kin can offer assistance in instilling a sense of selflessness and love in children from an early age.

As children develop more seasoned, kin contention may advance into a more developed frame of competition, especially in scholastics, sports, and other accomplishments. Instead of discouraging this competition, parents can use it to motivate and inspire both siblings to excel, emphasizing that winning isn’t as crucial as the effort and dedication put into their endeavors.

The Role of Parents.

The part of guardians in overseeing and supporting kin connections cannot be exaggerated. They serve as go-betweens, instructors, and guides as children explore the complexities of growing up with brothers and sisters.

Parents must understand that sibling rivalry and bickering are normal parts of development. Siblings often compete for attention, affection, and resources, and it’s essential for parents to create an environment where these natural conflicts can be resolved constructively.

Here are some strategies that parents can employ to foster healthy sibling relationships:

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

Maintain Fairness:

Treating each child fairly is of the utmost importance for fostering a healthy and harmonious sibling relationship. This involves not only providing equal attention but also ensuring that opportunities and rules are distributed equitably. When children perceive that fairness is a guiding principle in the family dynamic, they are less inclined to engage in destructive competition.

Fair treatment creates a sense of security and trust among siblings, reducing the likelihood of jealousy or resentment. When each child feels valued and respected, it contributes to a positive atmosphere where cooperation and mutual support can flourish. This approach helps prevent the emergence of unhealthy rivalries that could potentially strain the sibling bond.

Equal attention ensures that each child receives acknowledgment for their unique qualities, accomplishments, and challenges. It communicates to them that their individual needs and feelings are recognized and considered in the family environment. This acknowledgment can go a long way in promoting a sense of self-worth and fostering positive self-esteem.

Providing equal opportunities is another crucial aspect of fair treatment. This extends beyond material possessions and encompasses educational, extracurricular, and personal growth opportunities. When siblings perceive that they have equal access to various experiences, it contributes to a more cooperative and supportive dynamic. It also encourages each child to explore their interests and talents without feeling unfairly restricted.

Establishing equal rules for all siblings creates a consistent and fair framework within the family. Consistency in expectations and consequences helps prevent feelings of favoritism and ensures that each child understands the boundaries and responsibilities that apply to them. This approach promotes a sense of justice and fairness, fostering a positive environment for healthy sibling interactions.

In summary, prioritizing fairness in the treatment of each child is a fundamental strategy for nurturing a strong and positive sibling bond. It lays the foundation for a supportive family dynamic where siblings can grow, learn, and navigate challenges together, ultimately building lasting connections that extend into adulthood.

Encourage Empathy:

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

Educating your children to understand each other’s sentiments and viewpoints is a vital component in fostering a compassionate and harmonious sibling relationship. By encouraging empathy, you empower your children to connect with the emotions and perspectives of their siblings, creating a foundation of mutual understanding.

Compassion serves as a powerful tool in mitigating conflicts that may arise between siblings. When children develop the ability to empathize, they become more attuned to the feelings and needs of their brothers or sisters. This heightened awareness can lead to a reduction in misunderstandings and disagreements, as siblings become more adept at considering each other’s emotions before responding to a situation.

Moreover, fostering a sense of solidarity among siblings is a natural outcome of cultivating empathy. When children recognize and respect the unique feelings and viewpoints of their siblings, it fosters a supportive environment where they are more likely to come together in times of challenge or adversity. This sense of solidarity strengthens the sibling bond, instilling the notion that they are a united front, capable of facing life’s ups and downs as a team.

Encouraging compassionate behavior involves actively teaching children the value of putting themselves in each other’s shoes. This can be achieved through open communication, family discussions, and modeling empathetic behavior as parents. By incorporating empathy into the family dynamic, you equip your children with a valuable skill that extends beyond sibling relationships and positively influences their interactions with others throughout their lives.

In summary, educating your children about empathy and nurturing a compassionate mindset contributes to the overall well-being of sibling relationships. It not only reduces conflicts but also promotes a sense of solidarity, creating an environment where siblings can navigate the complexities of life together, armed with understanding, support, and a deep connection.

Resolve Conflicts:

When conflicts inevitably arise among siblings, fostering open communication and empowering them to resolve issues together is a valuable approach. Encouraging your children to engage in constructive dialogue promotes the development of essential conflict resolution skills, which are crucial for navigating challenges not only within the family but also in various aspects of life.

One key aspect is to instill the habit of talking through their issues. Encourage siblings to express their feelings, concerns, and perspectives openly. By providing a safe space for each child to voice their thoughts, you create an environment that values individual viewpoints and encourages active listening. This, in turn, lays the groundwork for understanding and empathy, essential components of effective conflict resolution.

The role of parents as mediators is pivotal in facilitating productive discussions. When conflicts escalate beyond the point of self-resolution, stepping in as a mediator allows you to guide the conversation, ensuring that it remains respectful and focused on finding solutions. As a mediator, emphasize the importance of compromise, finding common ground, and seeking understanding.

However, equally important is allowing your children the opportunity to develop their conflict resolution skills independently. Allowing them to navigate certain disagreements on their own fosters a sense of autonomy and responsibility. It encourages them to explore solutions, negotiate compromises, and understand the consequences of their actions, contributing to the development of valuable life skills.

Teaching siblings to find solutions together not only resolves immediate conflicts but also promotes a culture of collaboration and cooperation. It sets the stage for a future where they can face challenges as a team, drawing upon their shared experiences and communication skills.

In summary, when conflicts arise, the encouragement of open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving is essential. Serving as a mediator when necessary while allowing siblings the autonomy to develop their conflict resolution skills empowers them to handle disputes effectively, contributing to a harmonious family environment and laying the foundation for healthy interpersonal relationships in the future.

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

Promote Shared Experiences:

Encouraging your children to engage in activities and hobbies they both enjoy is not only a source of joy but also a powerful means to deepen their connection and create enduring bonds. Shared experiences contribute significantly to the fabric of sibling relationships, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared history that can last a lifetime.

Shared activities provide a unique opportunity for siblings to explore common interests, discover new passions together, and revel in mutual enjoyment. Whether it’s embarking on outdoor adventures, participating in creative projects, or delving into shared hobbies, these experiences lay the foundation for a rich tapestry of shared memories.

Beyond the immediate joy of the moment, engaging in activities together helps cultivate a sense of teamwork and cooperation. Siblings learn valuable lessons in collaboration, compromise, and appreciating each other’s strengths. These shared endeavors become a microcosm for life’s challenges, where working together can lead to greater achievements and a sense of accomplishment.

Parents play a crucial role in promoting these shared experiences by creating an environment that encourages exploration and joint participation. From family outings to themed events, fostering an atmosphere of togetherness enhances the sibling dynamic. Additionally, parents can act as facilitators, helping identify activities that cater to the unique interests and preferences of each child while ensuring inclusivity.

The impact of shared experiences extends beyond the momentary enjoyment—they become threads woven into the fabric of the siblings’ relationship. These shared memories become touchstones, providing a shared history that strengthens their bond during both moments of celebration and times of challenge.

In summary, promoting shared experiences is an investment in the lasting connection between siblings. It not only creates a reservoir of cherished memories but also nurtures qualities of collaboration and mutual understanding, enriching the sibling relationship and contributing to a harmonious family environment.

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

Celebrate Individuality:

In cultivating a harmonious sibling relationship, it’s essential to recognize and celebrate the distinctive strengths and talents that make each child unique. Embracing individuality not only fosters a sense of self-worth but also encourages siblings to appreciate and value each other’s distinct qualities.

By acknowledging and celebrating each child’s unique strengths, parents contribute to the development of a positive self-image. This recognition instills a sense of pride and confidence in each sibling, empowering them to embrace their individuality with authenticity. Celebrating achievements, whether big or small, reinforces the idea that each child brings something special to the family dynamic.

Moreover, highlighting individual strengths helps create an atmosphere of mutual admiration among siblings. When children observe their parents acknowledging and celebrating their siblings’ accomplishments, it sets a precedent for supportive relationships. This positive reinforcement nurtures a culture of encouragement, where siblings become each other’s cheerleaders rather than competitors.

Celebrating individuality extends beyond tangible achievements to recognizing personal interests, aspirations, and even challenges. Understanding and respecting each child’s journey helps foster empathy and compassion within the sibling dynamic. It reinforces the idea that differences are not obstacles but rather opportunities for mutual growth and understanding.

Parents play a pivotal role in this process by actively engaging with each child to uncover their unique strengths and passions. Creating an environment where individual accomplishments are acknowledged and celebrated ensures that each sibling feels seen and valued within the family unit.

In summary, celebrating individuality is a cornerstone of building a strong and positive sibling relationship. It not only nurtures self-esteem but also fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and support. By embracing and celebrating the unique qualities of each child, parents contribute to the development of a sibling dynamic where differences are celebrated, creating a rich and diverse family tapestry.

Sibling Rivalry in Adulthood.

Siblings: The Bickering of Love.

As siblings enter adulthood, the dynamics of their relationships may change. The bickering of childhood often evolves into mutual support and understanding. Siblings can be each other’s confidants, sources of advice, and pillars of strength during life’s challenges.

In adulthood, the bonds formed in childhood can grow stronger. Shared experiences, memories, and family ties create a unique connection that cannot be replicated. Siblings may reminisce about their youthful quarrels with a fond smile, appreciating how those disagreements contributed to their personal growth and the development of their relationship.

Sibling rivalry in adulthood can transform into a friendly competition, where siblings push each other to achieve their best. They become a source of inspiration and encouragement, celebrating each other’s successes and providing support during difficult times.


The squabbling around cherish between kin may be a complex and wonderful perspective of developing. It’s a confirmation of the interesting bond they share, a bond that keeps going for a lifetime. Guardians play a crucial part in directing kin through the challenges of their connections, educating them on compassion, reasonableness, and strife determination. As siblings transition into adulthood, the rivalry of youth often transforms into a deep and enduring connection. Siblings become companions, confidants, and lifelong friends, united by the experiences and memories they’ve shared throughout their lives.


What is the significance of the relationship between siblings?

  • The relationship between siblings endures throughout life, providing emotional support during difficulties and creating an unbroken bond from childhood through adulthood.
How do childhood fights contribute to the bond between siblings?
  • Childhood fights and quarrels are often viewed as signs of love and the bond between brothers and sisters. These natural debates are part of growth, and parents are encouraged to guide their children with love and patience.
What role do parents play in managing conflicts between siblings?
  • Parents play a significant role in intervening in conflicts between siblings. Rather than resorting to strict punishments, they should act as judges, encouraging understanding and empathy. Maintaining fairness in attention and privileges is crucial, and parents should avoid taking sides during disputes.
How can parents handle sibling fighting, especially over the same things?
  • Parents can consciously buy similar items for both children to avoid jealousy and rivalry. Sharing stories of love, giving up, and thoughtfulness between siblings can instill a sense of selflessness and love from an early age.
How can parents manage sibling rivalry as children grow older?
  • As children grow older, sibling rivalry may evolve into more mature forms of competition. Parents can use this competition to motivate and inspire both siblings, emphasizing the importance of effort and dedication in their endeavors.
What is the role of parents in fostering healthy sibling relationships?
  • Parents serve as mediators, teachers, and guides in helping children navigate the complexities of growing up with siblings. Strategies include maintaining fairness, encouraging empathy, resolving conflicts constructively, promoting shared experiences, and celebrating individuality.
How does sibling rivalry evolve in adulthood?
  • In adulthood, sibling dynamics often transform from rivalry into mutual support and understanding. Siblings become confidants, sources of advice, and pillars of strength for each other during life’s challenges.
How can parents navigate sibling relationships in adulthood?
  • Parents should recognize and celebrate each child’s unique strengths, fostering a sense of individuality. Shared experiences, memories, and family ties create a unique connection that can grow stronger in adulthood.
What is the significance of sibling rivalry in adulthood?
  • Sibling rivalry in adulthood can transform into a friendly competition, where siblings push each other to achieve their best. It becomes a source of inspiration, encouragement, and celebration of each other’s successes.
What is the overall impact of the bond between siblings?
  • The bond between siblings is a complex and beautiful aspect of growing up, lasting a lifetime. Parents play a crucial role in guiding siblings through their relationships, teaching them compassion, fairness, and conflict resolution. As siblings transition into adulthood, the rivalry of youth often transforms into a deep and enduring connection, making them lifelong friends united by shared experiences.