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Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.


In the contemporary world, addressing the pressing issues of the current situation becomes crucial. Recently, a post in a social media group caught my attention, discussing ideas for children’s Halloween parties. What unfolded in the comment section, however, revealed a unique perspective. These were Muslim mothers sharing their experiences, and suggesting ideas for Halloween parties in their children’s schools.

Unveiling the Muslim Mothers.

Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.

As I delved into the comments, I discovered that these were not just any mothers but Muslim mothers. Their profiles, adorned with images of Mecca and Medina, presented a different narrative. A conversation ensued where I questioned their awareness of the religious implications of celebrating Halloween.

Clash of Beliefs.

The ensuing storm of comments made me realize the diversity of opinions within the group. Some argued for embracing Halloween, citing it as a harmless celebration, while others shared links from a Google search, trying to educate me about the festival. Amidst this, a tense atmosphere emerged, with some proclaiming the sanctity of their Islamic beliefs.

The Dilemma of Muslim Mothers.

Amid this clash, the Muslim mothers expressed their frustrations. They were caught between the societal pressure of accommodating their children’s desires to fit in and their obligation as Muslim mothers to adhere to Islamic teachings. The tension escalated, revealing a broader dilemma faced by many in the Muslim community.

The Present Challenge.

Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.

The present generation faces a complex dilemma. Our youth grapple with the challenges posed by the current situation, and if our mothers continue down this path, our nation may soon find itself in a precarious position. A mother, endowed with a position of honor by Allah, must consider the consequences of neglecting her duties.

Mothers as Bearers of Islam.

Our elders from the past generation were far superior to today’s world-wise youth. Amusement for children should not mean allowing them to do whatever they desire, akin to setting a field ablaze to plant a seed. Muslim mothers need to recognize and fulfill their role as bearers of Islam, the foremost duty being to introduce their children to the teachings of their faith.

The Clash of Traditions.

The clash between traditions and beliefs isn’t a new challenge. As Muslims living in a diverse society, our mothers face the dilemma of balancing their Islamic values with the expectations of a culture that may not align with our religious teachings. It is a perplexing situation where a mother is expected to navigate her children through the celebrations of a festival that carries cultural significance but contradicts Islamic principles.

This is not just about Halloween; it reflects a broader issue. Our society increasingly demands conformity to practices that may not resonate with our Islamic values. Muslim mothers find themselves at the forefront of this clash, as they witness their children being swept away by the tide of societal norms.

The Social Media Struggle.

Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.

Social media has become a battleground where the clash of beliefs is amplified. The Halloween post in the social media group is a microcosm of the broader struggle faced by Muslim mothers. The pressure to conform, the tension between traditional values and contemporary practices, and the constant need to defend one’s faith in the digital space create an environment of heightened anxiety.

The Muslim mothers engaging in the comment section were not just sharing ideas for Halloween parties; they were defending their beliefs and navigating a space where cultural norms often override religious principles. The question arises: How can Muslim mothers maintain their identity and instill Islamic values in their children amidst this digital battleground?

The Cultural Predicament.

Muslim mothers find themselves in a cultural predicament. On one side, they are encouraged to grasp the traditions of the society they live in, and on the other side, they carry the obligation of protecting their Islamic character. The celebration of Halloween could appear blameless to a few, but for these moms, it speaks to a bigger battle against the disintegration of Islamic values inside their families.
The cultural predicament is not limited to Halloween; it extends to various aspects of life where adherence to Islamic principles clashes with societal norms. From the way children are educated to the influence of media and peer pressure, Muslim mothers find themselves grappling with the challenge of raising children who are both pious and socially accepted.

The Role of Education.

Amidst the clash of traditions and the pressure of societal norms, education emerges as a powerful tool. Muslim moms must teach themselves and their children the importance of Islamic values and the potential results of compromising those values for societal acknowledgment.

Islamic instruction should go past the formal learning of Quranic verses and ceremonies; it must envelop a profound understanding of how to explore the challenges of the modern world while remaining genuine to one’s confidence. This requires a proactive approach to instill basic consideration, flexibility, and a solid Islamic character within the more youthful era.

Building a Supportive Community.

Muslim mothers need a support system, a community where they can share their challenges, seek advice, and find solace.

Conclusion: Nurturing Faith in a Complex World.

In conclusion, the clash between cultural traditions and Islamic values, exemplified through the Halloween debate, highlights the multifaceted challenges faced by Muslim mothers today. The struggle extends beyond a single festival, revealing a broader societal predicament where mothers grapple with preserving their religious identity in the face of cultural expectations.

As Muslim mothers navigate the complex landscape of contemporary challenges, it becomes imperative to recognize the pivotal role they play. Mothers are not only bearers of life but also bearers of Islam. To strike a balance between societal integration and steadfast adherence to Islamic principles, they must embark on an educational journey, equipping themselves and their children with a deep understanding of their faith.

The clash between traditions and beliefs, exacerbated by social media pressures, requires a united effort within the Muslim community. Building a supportive community that fosters open dialogue, shares experiences, and offers guidance becomes crucial. Through such communal strength, Muslim mothers can find solace and collective wisdom, enhancing their ability to navigate the complex challenges of the contemporary world.

As we mull over the show’s circumstances and the approaching challenges for the following era, it is basic for Muslim moms to stand firm in their commitment to supporting an Islamic character in their homes. In doing so, they not as it were fulfill their parts as moms but moreover contribute to the conservation of the wealthy Islamic legacy for eras to come.

IntroductionHalloween, a festive time for children, brings unique challenges for mothers. This perspective sheds light on the intricacies.
Choosing the Right CostumeBalancing creativity, comfort, and appropriateness in costume choices becomes a meticulous task for mothers.
Safety PrecautionsEnsuring a secure Halloween involves illuminating costumes, navigating dark streets, and inspecting treats for safety.
Navigating Allergies and RestrictionsMothers of children with allergies manage trick-or-treating routes and educate others about specific dietary needs.
Inclusive CelebrationsCreating an inclusive environment involves addressing cultural sensitivities, promoting diverse costumes, and fostering community.
Balancing Fun and ModerationMothers grapple with balancing the excitement of treats with the importance of moderation for a healthier post-Halloween experience.
ConclusionA mother’s perspective on Halloween highlights the multifaceted nature of this festive occasion, contributing to memorable and secure experiences.
Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.


Is celebrating Halloween against Islamic principles?

The permissibility of celebrating Halloween in Islam is a subject of debate. While some argue that it is a harmless cultural celebration, others highlight its pagan origins and potential conflict with Islamic values. Muslim mothers often find themselves torn between societal expectations and their religious convictions.

How can Muslim mothers balance cultural expectations and Islamic values?

Balancing cultural expectations and Islamic values requires education and resilience. Muslim moms ought to endeavor to get the center standards of their confidence and confer this information to their children. Building a solid framework inside the Muslim community can also give direction and quality in exploring these challenges.

What part does social media play in this situation?

Social media amplifies the clash of beliefs, creating a digital battleground where Muslim mothers defend their faith. The pressure to conform, coupled with the need to articulate and defend one’s beliefs in a public space, adds a layer of complexity to the dilemma faced by Muslim mothers.

How can education help in resolving this clash of traditions?

Education is a powerful tool in resolving the clash of traditions. Muslim moms ought to teach themselves and their children not as it were almost the ceremonies but moreover approximately the noteworthiness of Islamic values. An all-encompassing approach to instruction that incorporates basic consideration and flexibility is basic for exploring the challenges of the modern world.

Why is building a supportive community important?

Building a supportive community is crucial for Muslim mothers facing these challenges. A community provides a space for open dialogue, sharing experiences, and seeking guidance. Through collective strength, Muslim mothers can find support, understanding, and collective wisdom, enhancing their ability to navigate the complexities of preserving Islamic values in a diverse society.


The Tale of Disability in Every Home.


In homes across the world, there exists an untold story, a story of children who, despite being in the prime of their youth and enjoying good health, live as if they were specially chosen individuals, blessed with unique circumstances.

A New Dawn.

These children, whether boys or girls are at an age where they should be stepping out into the world, exploring life’s horizons, and pursuing their dreams. They are capable of taking on the world, but within the confines of their homes, they often lead lives quite unlike others.

The Morning Ritual.

Each morning, they rise from their beds, leaving them in disarray. However, their mothers arrive to restore order.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.

Changing attire.

They change their clothes but leave them scattered, sometimes even on the floor. But their mothers step in, folding and organizing everything back into place.

Mealtime Matters.

When it comes to mealtime, these children would much prefer their meals served to them rather than lifting a plate or a glass. For this, they rely on their mothers, who graciously attend to their culinary needs.

School, College, and Beyond.

During the day, they attend school, college, or university, just like any other young person. However, when they return home, their activities include leisurely browsing social media, engaging with friends on platforms like Snapchat, WhatsApp, or TikTok, or simply spending time on Twitter, and Instagram, or watching their favorite serial dramas.

Common hobbies for children across different age groups.

Age GroupHobbiesExamplesNotes
Infants/ToddlersSensory PlayTouch & Feel BooksExploration-based activities
Preschool (3-5)Creative PlayDrawing, Painting, PlaydoughDeveloping motor skills
Early School (6-8)Outdoor ActivitiesSports, Cycling, Nature WalksSocial and physical development
Middle School (9-12)Hobbies ExplorationInstrument Learning, Coding, ReadingIdentity development
Teenagers (13-18)Artistic PursuitsMusic, Dance, WritingSelf-expression and skill development
The Tale of Disability in Every Home.

A Meal Served on a Platter.

Their meals are often brought to them, and the most they have to do is raise a hand to take a bite or sip from a glass. For this, they extend their gratitude to their mothers.

Afterward, Back to the Screen.

After their meals, it’s back to the world of screens – be it TVs, laptops, or iPads. They may also immerse themselves in social media or their favorite serial dramas.

Occasional respite.

Occasionally, they take a break from their screens and spend time with other family members.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.
A Look Behind the Screens.

They also make an effort to interact with their loved ones during their leisure time. But it’s not always easy to divert their attention away from the glowing screens.

Mobile Connection.

Their mobile phones serve as a connection to their loved ones who may have recently commented, uploaded valuable status updates, or sent them an image. Replying to these messages and ensuring their loved ones feel appreciated is their priority.

Other Special Individuals.

In their downtime, they may also engage in acts of kindness, such as sitting with other family members. However, their focus on mobile screens often takes precedence.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.
The burden of responsibility.

In some households, these young individuals often don’t play a role in household chores, no matter how small. They tend to leave their areas disorganized, show discontent if the food doesn’t meet their preferences, and are quick to notice if something in the house needs repair or change. Responsibility for these matters usually falls on the shoulders of their fathers, while maintaining cleanliness and order typically rest

A familiar sight.

The Tale of Disability in Every Home.

Today, we witness such scenes in homes worldwide, where it often becomes a cause for concern. We find ourselves wondering how we, through our actions, are raising a generation that may become too dependent. These children live in the very homes they should be taken care of. They may not engage in household chores or take on any responsibilities. They have yet to learn the value of self-reliance.


It is crucial to consider how we can prepare these children to lead independent and responsible lives. The question arises: How can we help them avoid becoming overly dependent on others? How can we instill in them a sense of duty and care for others? These are questions that merit our attention and action. The tale of disability in every home is an ongoing one, and it’s our responsibility to shape it to empower these children to become self-sufficient, people who can contribute emphatically to their families and communities.

In a world where self-reliance and responsibility are paramount, we must guide and support these children on their journey towards independence.


Q: What is the inspiration behind the narrative “A New Dawn”?

A: A New Dawn” sheds light on a prevalent yet often overlooked aspect of child developmentโ€”how children, despite their youth and good health, can become overly dependent on others within the comfort of their homes. It urges reflection on our role in shaping a generation capable of self-reliance.

Q: Who are the central figures in this narrative?

A: The central figures are children in the prime of their youth, living in the comfort of their homes. The narrative emphasizes both boys and girls who, despite being capable of independence, often lead lives of dependency.

Q: What are the daily routines highlighted in the narrative?

A: The daily routines include morning rituals, attire changes, reliance on mothers for meals, engagement with screens and social media, occasional breaks with family, and their mobile phones acting as a constant connection to the outside world.

Q: How are these children portrayed in terms of responsibility and chores?

A: In many cases, these children are depicted as not actively participating in household chores, leaving their areas disorganized. Responsibility for various matters often falls on the fathers, and discontent may arise if their preferences are not met.

Q: Why is the narrative concerned about dependency in these children?

A: The concern arises from the potential development of a generation that may become overly dependent. The narrative prompts reflection on how our actions may shape a future where children lack self-reliance and a sense of responsibility.

Q: What is the call to action presented in the conclusion?

A: The conclusion emphasizes the importance of preparing children for independent and responsible lives. It poses questions about how to prevent excessive dependency and instill a sense of duty and care for others. It calls for collective attention and action in guiding these children towards self-sufficiency.

Q: How can individuals contribute to the empowerment of these children?

A: Individuals can contribute by actively participating in fostering independence, encouraging a sense of responsibility, and guiding children toward self-reliance. It involves a collective effort to shape a future generation capable of making positive contributions to their families and communities.

Q: What is the overall message conveyed by “A New Dawn”?

A: The narrative encourages reflection on the potential consequences of fostering dependency in children. It calls for a proactive approach to shaping a future where self-reliance, responsibility, and care for others are valued and cultivated.

The Affect of Diapers on Children's.

The Affect of Diapers on Children’s.


In today’s fast-paced world, diapers have ended up an indispensable portion of child-rearing. Guardians, especially moms, depend on diapers to keep their babies dry and comfortable all through the day and night. Whereas the comfort of utilizing diapers is irrefutable, it’s basic to get the potential well-being concerns related to their delayed utilization. In this expanded post, we’ll dive more profound into the different angles of diaper utilization and its effect on children’s well-being.

The Convenience of Diapers.

Diapers are a modern parenting marvel that offers convenience and practicality. They are simple to utilize, making it basic for guardians to keep their babies clean and dry, particularly when they are on the go. The retentive materials in diapers rapidly wick to avoid dampness, preventing wetness from coming into contact with a baby’s delicate skin. This highlight has without a doubt made strides in the quality of life for guardians and babies alike.

The Affect of Diapers on Children’s.

Health Concerns with Prolonged Diaper Use.

While diapers offer undeniable convenience, there are several health concerns associated with their extended use. Guardians must be mindful of these potential issues and take preventive measures.

Urinary Tract Diseases (UTIs).

The Affect of Diapers on Children’s.

Drawn-out introduction to a soggy environment made by diapers can lead to urinary tract contamination in children. Pee, when caught against the skin for expanded periods, can advance bacterial development, possibly driving UTIs. To avoid this, it’s critical to alter diapers routinely and keep up appropriate cleanliness.

  1. Diaper Rash
    Diaper rash is a common problem that many infants face. It is characterized by ruddy, bothered skin within the diaper region. The primary causes of diaper rash are moisture and friction. The chemicals present in diapers can further exacerbate the issue. To avoid diaper hasty, it’s important to alter diapers expeditiously, keep the diaper region clean, and apply diaper cream or treatment as required.
  2. Skin Affectability and Sensitivities.
    A few babies have touchy skin that can respond adversely to the materials and chemicals found in diapers. Skin sensitivities and disturbances may show as redness, tingling, or swelling within the diaper range. If your infant has touchy skin, consider utilizing hypoallergenic or cloth diapers, which may be gentler on the skin.
  3. Developmental Concerns.
    Diapers can affect the development of a child’s genital organs, particularly when used over an extended period. It’s essential to provide babies with diaper-free time when possible to allow their skin to breathe and their organs to develop naturally.
Maintaining Diaper Health.

While the health concerns associated with diapers are genuine, it’s crucial to remember that diapers can be used safely and effectively with proper care. Here are some tips to maintain diaper health:

  1. Changing diapers routinely is fundamental to avoid drawn-out presentation to dampness and decrease the chance of UTIs, diaper hasty, and skin sensitivities. Make it a propensity to check and alter your baby’s diaper every few hours or when it is ruined
  2. Proper Hygiene
    Ensure that you thoroughly clean your baby’s diaper area during each diaper change. Use mild, fragrance-free baby wipes or a soft cloth with warm water to cleanse the skin gently. Pat the area dry, avoiding excessive rubbing, and apply diaper cream or ointment if necessary.
  3. Select the Correct Diapers
    When selecting diapers for your infant, consider the sort and estimate that best suits your child’s needs. In case your baby has touchy skin, and wants hypoallergenic or cloth diapers. Pay consideration to the fit to avoid spills and inconvenience.
  4. Diaper-Free Time
    Allow your newborn child several diaper-free times each day to allow their skin to breathe. Lay them on a clean, dry surface and let them kick and play without a diaper for a whereas. This could offer assistance to decrease the hazard of skin disturbances and bolster sound advancement.
The Affect of Diapers on Children’s.
  1. Diaper Rash:
    • Cause: Prolonged exposure to wetness, friction, and the chemicals present in diapers can lead to diaper rash.
    • Symptoms: Red, irritated skin in the diaper area.
    • Prevention: Change diapers promptly, keep the diaper area clean, and use diaper cream or ointment when necessary.
  2. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):
    • Cause: Prolonged exposure to a moist environment can create a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the risk of UTIs.
    • Symptoms: Pain or discomfort during urination, unusual odor, or changes in urinary habits.
    • Prevention: Change diapers regularly, practice good hygiene, and ensure proper cleaning during diaper changes.
  3. Skin Sensitivity and Allergies:
    • Cause: Some children may have sensitive skin that reacts to the materials and chemicals in diapers.
    • Symptoms: Redness, itching, swelling, or other signs of skin irritation.
    • Prevention: Choose hypoallergenic or cloth diapers if sensitivity is observed, and monitor the baby’s skin for any adverse reactions.
  4. Delayed Potty Training:
    • Cause: Prolonged use of diapers may delay a child’s readiness and motivation for potty training.
    • Symptoms: Resistance or lack of interest in transitioning to potty training.
    • Prevention: Introduce potty training when the child shows signs of readiness, and gradually reduce reliance on diapers.
  5. Genital Development Concerns:
    • Cause: Extended use of diapers may impact the natural development of a child’s genital organs.
    • Symptoms: Altered development in the genital area.
    • Prevention: Provide diaper-free time to allow the skin to breathe and promote natural development.
  6. Breathing Issues:
    • Cause: Tight-fitting diapers or diapers with excessive plastic may restrict airflow, potentially causing discomfort.
    • Symptoms: Irritability, discomfort, or difficulty breathing.
    • Prevention: Choose breathable diapers and ensure a proper fit to avoid constriction.
  7. Environmental Impact:
    • Cause: The disposal of disposable diapers contributes to environmental pollution.
    • Symptoms: Long-term environmental consequences, including landfill waste.
    • Prevention: Consider environmentally friendly diapering options, such as cloth diapers or eco-friendly disposables.
In Conclusion

Diapers are an important device for advanced guardians, advertising comfort and common sense. Be that as it may, it’s fundamental to be mindful of the potential well-being concerns related to their expanded utilization. By taking after great diaper-changing hones, keeping up appropriate cleanliness, and giving diaper-free time, guardians can guarantee their child’s consolation and well-being while getting a charge out of the comfort that diapers give. Adjusting comfort with the baby’s well-being ought to continuously be the best need for mindful child-rearing.

  1. How do diapers contribute to a baby’s comfort?
    • Diapers provide convenience and practicality for parents, ensuring that babies stay clean and dry, especially when on the go. The absorbent materials in diapers prevent moisture from coming into contact with a baby’s delicate skin.
  2. What health concerns are associated with prolonged diaper use?
    • Prolonged diaper use can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs), diaper rash, skin sensitivity, and developmental concerns in babies.
  3. How can UTIs be prevented in babies using diapers?
    • To prevent UTIs, it’s crucial to change diapers regularly and maintain proper hygiene to avoid prolonged exposure to a damp environment.
  4. What causes diaper rash, and how can it be avoided?
    • Diaper rash is caused by moisture and friction. To avoid it, diapers should be changed promptly, the diaper area kept clean, and diaper cream or treatment applied as needed.
  5. How do diapers impact babies with sensitive skin?
    • Babies with sensitive skin may react adversely to the materials and chemicals in diapers, leading to redness, itching, or swelling. Using hypoallergenic or cloth diapers can be a gentler option.
  6. Can diapers affect the developmental growth of a child’s genital organs?
    • Prolonged use of diapers can potentially impact the development of a child’s genital organs. Providing diaper-free time allows the skin to breathe and promotes natural development.
  7. What are some tips for maintaining diaper health?
    • Changing diapers regularly, ensuring proper hygiene during each change, selecting the correct type and size of diapers, and providing diaper-free time are essential practices for maintaining diaper health.
  8. How often should diapers be changed to prevent health concerns?
    • Diapers should be changed every few hours or when soiled to avoid prolonged exposure to moisture and reduce the risk of UTIs, diaper rash, and skin sensitivities.
  9. What measures can parents take to ensure the well-being of their child while using diapers?
    • Parents can ensure their child’s well-being by following good diaper-changing practices, maintaining proper hygiene, selecting suitable diapers, and providing diaper-free time for healthy development.
  10. How can the balance between convenience and a baby’s well-being be achieved in diaper use?
    • By adopting good diaper-changing habits, prioritizing proper hygiene, and incorporating diaper-free time, parents can ensure their child’s comfort and well-being while enjoying the convenience that diapers offer.
positive mindset in children

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.


In an era where negativity seems to prevail in conversations, transactions, and various aspects of life, most people tend to project negative attitudes toward others. Negativity can manifest as lying, arguing, envy, conspiracy, or deception.

This prompts the question: How does this negative mindset develop in children?

The answer lies in the behavior of adults, particularly parents, who tend to exhibit negativity when they disagree with someone. Children observe their parents, and this observation is where they learn to adopt negative attitudes or perspectives.

Stopping Negative Behaviors.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

Parents should avoid expressing negativity in front of their children. Arguments and quarrels should not occur in their presence. These actions significantly impact a child’s personality. Children tend to develop a sense of unity and rely on their parents. When parents argue or express negativity toward each other, it shatters the trust children have in them. Therefore, it is better to resolve differences away from children.

Do not express negativity about relatives, neighbors, or anyone else in front of children. If children witness a person’s negative attitude, stop them from forming negative opinions and instead explain that the person was tired, upset, or unwell at that moment. It’s important to teach children to despise inappropriate behavior (negativity) rather than hating the person.

Children often complain or make negative comments about teachers, friends, or classmates. Here, caution is necessary. Discourage the habit of making negative comments or complaints. If there is a genuine issue, listen to their concerns but refrain from making judgments without knowing all the facts. Avoid being biased in your children’s matters.

Preventing negative thinking is essential. In any case, it is similarly imperative to teach children almost not managing contrarily with individuals. Age and sex ought to be taken into consideration.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

Efforts should be made to promote positive thinking and actions in children. Negative conversations should be eliminated. For instance, avoid phrases like, “You’re so useless and you are always lying and you get low grades, etc.

Conversations should be altered to promote positivity. For example, you study very hard, so you will succeed. When you care for me, I feel good. When you speak the truth, it reassures me. When you help your little sister, she becomes happy. Above all, Allah is pleased with your behavior.

Encourage children to remain in a state of positive energy. Teach them positive thinking, viewing life positively, and adopting positive behaviors.

The Impact of Positivity.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

The effect of a positive attitude on children cannot be downplayed. When children develop a positive viewpoint on life and are intuitive, they end up more flexible and competent in adapting to challenges. They tend to make more advantageous connections, perform superior in scholastics and extracurricular exercises, and eventually lead more satisfying lives.

Positive children often exhibit the following characteristics:

Resilience: They bounce back from setbacks with a can-do attitude, learning from their experiences.

Empathy: They understand and care about the feelings of others, making them better friends and companions.

Optimism: They have a hopeful and positive outlook on life, which fuels their motivation and determination.

Adaptability: They can adjust to changing circumstances more easily.

Leadership: Positive children often step into leadership roles, positively influencing their peers.

Encouraging Positive Habits.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.

Guardians and teachers play a significant part in cultivating inspiration in children. Here are a few viable ways to empower positive propensities:

Model Positivity: Children learn by example. If they see adults practicing positive behaviors, they are more likely to adopt them.

Provide Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward positive actions and attitudes to reinforce them.

Open Communication: Make an environment where children can straightforwardly talk about their considerations and sentiments, permitting them to have precise concerns and look for direction.

Instruct Problem-Solving: Offer assistance to children to create problem-solving abilities so they can positively address challenges.

Cultivate Appreciation: Energize children to recognize and appreciate the positive perspectives of their lives, advancing a sense of appreciation.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.


In this age of cynicism, it is fundamental for guardians and teachers to instill a positive mentality in children. It starts with setting a case by maintaining a strategic distance from negative behavior and discussions. Children ought to be guided to dismiss negative activities instead of individuals. By nurturing positive considerations and activities in children, we can raise an era that grasps inspiration, making the world a distant better.

inspiration’s effect on children’s lives is immeasurable. Positive children are more strong, empathetic, optimistic, and versatile, and frequently develop as pioneers in their communities. As guardians and teachers, we have the control to shape long-term by cultivating a positive attitude within the youthful minds we support.

Nurturing a Positive Mindset in Children.
1. Why is it important to address negativity in children?

Addressing negativity in children is crucial as it can impact their personality, relationships, and overall well-being. Negativity often stems from the behaviors they observe, especially from adults, particularly parents. Understanding and addressing the roots of negativity can lead to positive development.

2. How does a negative mindset develop in children?

A negative mindset in children often develops through observation of negative behaviors in adults, especially parents. Children tend to adopt the attitudes and perspectives they witness in their immediate environment, shaping their worldview.

3. What role do parents play in preventing negative behaviors in children?

Parents play a pivotal role in preventing negative behaviors in children. They should avoid expressing negativity in front of their children, resolving conflicts away from them. Negative comments about relatives or others should be discouraged, and children should be taught to despise inappropriate behavior rather than hating individuals.

4. How can parents handle children making negative comments about teachers or peers?

When children make negative comments or complaints about teachers, friends, or classmates, parents should discourage this habit. If there is a genuine issue, listen to their concerns but avoid making judgments without knowing all the facts. It’s important not to be biased in children’s matters.

5. How can negative thinking be prevented in children?

Negative thinking in children can be prevented by promoting positive conversations and actions. Efforts should be made to eliminate negative phrases and instead encourage positive reinforcement. Children should be taught to remain in a state of positive energy and adopt positive behaviors.

6. What impact does positivity have on children’s lives?

Positivity has a significant impact on children’s lives. Positive children tend to be more resilient, empathetic, optimistic, and adaptable and often take on leadership roles. They perform better academically, build healthier relationships, and lead more satisfying lives.

7. What characteristics do positive children often exhibit?

Positive children often exhibit characteristics such as resilience, empathy, optimism, adaptability, and leadership qualities. They can bounce back from setbacks, understand and care about others’ feelings, maintain a positive outlook on life, adjust to changing circumstances, and positively influence their peers.

8. How can guardians and teachers encourage positive habits in children?

Guardians and teachers can encourage positive habits by modeling positivity, providing positive reinforcement, fostering open communication, teaching problem-solving skills, and cultivating appreciation for the positive aspects of life. Creating a supportive environment helps children develop a positive mindset.

9. What is the role of adults in shaping a positive attitude in children?

Adults, including parents and teachers, play a significant role in shaping a positive attitude in children. By setting an example through positive behaviors, avoiding negativity, and guiding children to reject negative actions instead of people, adults contribute to fostering a positive generation.

10. Why is it fundamental to instill a positive mentality in children in the current age of cynicism?

In an age of cynicism, it is fundamental to instill a positive mentality in children to counteract the negativity prevailing in society. By nurturing positive thoughts and actions, parents and teachers can contribute to raising a generation that embraces inspiration, fostering a better world for the future.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers.


Child rearing and education are among the foremost significant obligations one can embrace. To be effective in coordinating and supporting the taking after time, it’s essential to take after to specific guidelines. This web diary post focuses on supplying a comprehensive coordinate for gatekeepers and teachers, publicizing bits of information into compelling child-rearing and instruction.

Assess Yourself First.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Sometime recently setting out on the travel of directing children, it is basic to start with self-reflection. As guardians or instructors, the address that ought to direct us is this: “Am I the kind of part show I wish my children or understudies to imitate?” Fair self-assessment is the foundation of compelling direction.
Understanding Defiance and Disobedience
When children manifest defiance and disobedience, the first step is introspection. One must examine their actions and behavior. Are we, as adults, setting a positive example by not disobeying Allah’s commands and rights? It is through our conduct that we can hope to lead the young ones by example.

Continuous Self-Improvement.

After self-evaluation, the travel of self-improvement starts. Guardians and instructors ought to endeavor to be superior people since we cannot give qualities to others that we don’t have ourselves. By continuously working on self-improvement, we set the standard for the children and students under our guidance.

Beyond Basic Care.
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Parenting and teaching extend far beyond the provision of food, clothing, and shelter. It is about instilling good morals, values, and bravery within the young minds entrusted to our care. Our role is not just to cater to their physical needs but also to cultivate their character.

Instill Love and Fear of Allah.

Rather than instilling fear in the surroundings and society, the primary focus should be on instilling the love and fear of Allah in the hearts of children. A deep connection with spirituality can serve as an unwavering guide throughout their lives, providing a moral compass in times of uncertainty.

Teach the Sunnah and Respect.
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Children ought to be instructed to take after the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to regard his companions. These lessons are most compelling when guardians and instructors lead by illustration, practicing the values and regard they point to instill within the youthful minds they sustain.

Cultivate Hard Work and Honesty.

Children ought to not be raised in complacency. Instead, we ought to energize the propensities of difficult work, give up, and appreciation. Empower them to speak the truth, making honesty a non-negotiable virtue. Furthermore, educate them about their boundaries and instill the importance of respecting those boundaries.

Differentiate Between Discourtesy and Bravery.

An important aspect of upbringing is understanding the distinction between discourtesy and bravery. Every action and behavior should adhere to the framework of the Sunnah and ethical boundaries. This differentiation helps children grow with an understanding of respect and courtesy, balanced with the courage to stand up for what is right.

Differentiate Between Discourtesy and Bravery.
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Every child is unique, possessing distinct qualities and virtues. It is the role of parents and teachers to recognize these individual characteristics and nurture them. This nurturing is akin to tending to a seed that, with proper care and guidance, will flourish into its unique potential.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers.


In the roles of parenting and teaching, the responsibilities are significant. By following these guiding principles and continuously working on self-improvement, we can lead children and students not just through words, but by example. Nurturing their individual qualities, instilling good values, and providing ethical guidance will prepare them for a successful and fulfilling life. This comprehensive guide is a testament to the importance of conscientious child-rearing and education, as we shape the leaders and citizens of tomorrow.

1. Why is self-reflection crucial before guiding children?

Self-reflection is essential before guiding children as it forms the foundation of effective parenting and teaching. The question to ask is whether we are setting a positive example that we wish our children or students to emulate. Fair self-assessment is crucial in influencing young minds.

2. How should adults handle defiance and disobedience in children?

When children exhibit defiance and disobedience, adults should first engage in introspection. It involves examining one’s actions and behavior to ensure they are setting a positive example. Addressing disobedience starts with self-improvement and leading by example.

3. Why is continuous self-improvement necessary for parents and teachers?

Continuous self-improvement is necessary because adults cannot instill values in others that they do not possess themselves. By continuously working on self-improvement, parents and teachers set a standard for the children and students under their guidance.

4. What does parenting and teaching encompass beyond basic care?

Parenting and teaching extend beyond basic care, encompassing the instillation of good morals, values, and bravery in young minds. It involves cultivating character and providing guidance in matters beyond physical needs.

5. How can adults instill the love and fear of Allah in children?

Instead of instilling fear in the surroundings and society, the focus should be on instilling the love and fear of Allah in the hearts of children. A deep connection with spirituality serves as a moral compass, guiding them through life’s uncertainties.

6. What role does the teaching of Sunnah and respect play in upbringing?

Children should be taught to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and respect his companions. Leading by example is crucial in reinforcing these values and respect within the young minds parents and teachers nurture.

7. How can parents encourage the habits of hard work and honesty in children?

Parents should encourage the habits of hard work, sacrifice, and honesty in children. They should promote a work ethic and make honesty a non-negotiable virtue. Additionally, educating children about boundaries and the importance of respecting them is essential.

8. What is the importance of differentiating between discourtesy and bravery?

Differentiating between discourtesy and bravery is crucial in upbringing. Actions and behavior should adhere to the framework of the Sunnah and ethical boundaries. This understanding helps children grow with respect and courtesy, balanced with the courage to stand up for what is right.

9. How can parents and teachers recognize and nurture the individual qualities of each child?

Every child is unique, possessing distinct qualities and virtues. Parents and teachers should recognize these individual characteristics and nurture them, akin to tending to a seed that, with proper care and guidance, will flourish into its unique potential.

10. What is the significance of conscientious child-rearing and education in shaping future leaders and citizens?

Conscientious child-rearing and education are significant in shaping future leaders and citizens. By following guiding principles, continuously improving oneself, and providing ethical guidance, adults lead children not just through words but by example. Nurturing individual qualities and instilling good values prepares them for a successful and fulfilling life.

Cartoons A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.


In a small room at Punjab University, a young student named Farah Khalid quietly slips away to take some notes. She opens the entryway and wavers some time recently entering. Her eyes extend as she overviews the scene interior of the room. Another young girl, Fatima Ayub, sits with an air of reverence, her hands raised in supplication. Yes, she is worshipping, but not in the traditional way. She’s worshipping her favorite cartoon character, whom she regards as a divine figure.

“Fatima!” Farah calls out, her voice echoing from the depths of concern. farah is the girl of the proprietor of the building, and she noiselessly watches the scene, concerned.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

“What are you doing, Fatima?” she asks, puzzled.

“Praying!” Fatima replies with a sense of conviction.

Fatima’s voice echoes deeply, signifying a devotion that she holds for a character from a cartoon, something Farah finds alarming. This phenomenon has raised a compelling question – are cartoons potentially harmful influences on children?

The Influence of Cartoons.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Yes, it’s true, Farah is deeply concerned about the influence that cartoons exert on children, especially when it comes to their values, beliefs, and behaviors. In this small incident, we can see how deeply these seemingly innocuous shows can impact young minds.

Fatima’s response reveals her level of devotion and attachment to the cartoon character, akin to religious devotion. She sees the character as all-powerful, able to accomplish anything, and an appearance of holiness. It’s a prime case of how the lines between fiction and reality are obscure for naive children.

Be that as it may, it’s not fair Fatima; numerous children shape profound associations with the characters they see on TV. These connections can sometimes overshadow their understanding of real-life figures or concepts. The implications are significant, considering the types of messages that cartoons convey.

The Real Impact.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Farah raises a significant concern: Cartoons, sometimes seemingly innocent, can actually introduce children to a range of negative influences:

Questionable Values: Many cartoons showcase behavior and values that may not align with the cultural or ethical standards that parents aim to instill. These shows sometimes glorify violence, rudeness, and selfishness, leading children to believe that these traits are acceptable.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Unrealistic Expectations:

Cartoons often depict characters with superhuman abilities or unrealistic expectations. When children idolize these characters, they may start to develop unattainable aspirations, feeling inadequate in comparison.

Disengagement from Reality.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

As illustrated by Fatima’s adoring of a cartoon character, children can get so inundated by the world of these appearances that they may have inconveniences distinguishing fiction from reality. This could lead to troubles in adapting to real-life circumstances.

Imitating Behavior:

Children tend to imitate the behavior of characters they admire. If these characters exhibit poor manners, selfishness, or disrespectful attitudes, children may replicate these behaviors.

Reduction of Creativity: Relying too heavily on passive entertainment like cartoons can diminish a child’s ability to engage in creative, imaginative play, which is crucial for their cognitive development.

Cartoons: A Dangerous Influence on Children.

Cartoons, a seemingly innocent source of entertainment, wield significant influence over children. The incident involving Fatima and her devotion to a cartoon character highlights how deeply these shows can impact young minds. Whereas not all cartoons are destructive, guardians and teachers ought to be careful of the substance children expend.

It is basic to strike an adjustment between permitting children to appreciate cartoons as a frame of excitement and directing them to translate these appears with a basic eye. Empowering dialog values, ethical quality, and the refinement between fiction and reality is crucial to assist children in exploring the frequently tricky landscape of the cartoon world.

Farah’s concern serves as an update that as responsible adults, we have to be careful and specific about the substance we uncover our children to. In a world where cartoons are an omnipresent portion of childhood, it’s our obligation to guarantee that the messages they pass on adjust to the values we wish to instill within the following era. After all, the effect of cartoons on children expands the distance past the screen.

1. Why is Farah concerned about the influence of cartoons on children?

Farah is concerned about the influence of cartoons on children, particularly in terms of their values, beliefs, and behaviors. The incident with Fatima worshipping a cartoon character raises questions about the potential impact of seemingly innocent shows on young minds.

2. What is significant about Fatima’s devotion to a cartoon character?

Fatima’s deep devotion and attachment to a cartoon character, akin to religious devotion, raise concerns about how children can blur the lines between fiction and reality. This phenomenon suggests that the influence of cartoons may go beyond entertainment, shaping children’s perceptions in profound ways.

3. What are the negative influences that cartoons can introduce to children, according to Farah?

Farah highlights several negative influences of cartoons on children, including questionable values, unrealistic expectations, disengagement from reality, imitation of behavior, and a potential reduction of creativity. Cartoons may portray behaviors and values that contradict cultural or ethical standards parents aim to instill.

4. How do cartoons sometimes depict characters, and what impact can it have on children?

Cartoons often depict characters with superhuman abilities or unrealistic expectations. When children idolize these characters, they may develop unattainable aspirations, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy. This unrealistic portrayal can impact children’s self-perception.

5. What is the concern regarding children’s ability to distinguish fiction from reality in the context of cartoons?

Farah expresses concern that children, like Fatima, may become so immersed in the world of cartoon characters that they struggle to distinguish fiction from reality. This difficulty can pose challenges for children in adapting to real-life circumstances.

6. How can cartoons influence children to imitate behavior?

Children tend to imitate the behavior of characters they admire in cartoons. If these characters exhibit poor manners, selfishness, or disrespectful attitudes, children may replicate these behaviors in their own lives.

7. What is the potential consequence of relying too heavily on passive entertainment like cartoons for children?

Relying too heavily on passive entertainment like cartoons can lead to a reduction in a child’s ability to engage in creative, imaginative play. This reduction in creativity is considered crucial for cognitive development.

8. What is the key takeaway regarding the impact of cartoons on children?

Cartoons, although seemingly innocent, wield significant influence over children. The incident involving Fatima highlights the deep impact these shows can have on young minds. While not all cartoons are destructive, parents and teachers need to be cautious about the content children consume.

9. How can adults strike a balance regarding children’s exposure to cartoons?

Adults should strike a balance between allowing children to enjoy cartoons as a form of entertainment and guiding them to interpret these shows critically. Encouraging discussions about values, morality, and the distinction between fiction and reality is crucial in helping children navigate the often complex world of cartoons.

10. What responsibility do adults have in shaping children’s exposure to cartoons?

Farah’s concern serves as a reminder that responsible adults must be cautious about the content children are exposed to. In a world where cartoons are omnipresent in childhood, it is the responsibility of adults to ensure that the messages conveyed align with the values they wish to instill in the next generation. The impact of cartoons on children goes beyond the screen, emphasizing the need for mindful guidance.


Supporting Connections and Engaging Teenagers.

Building More Grounded Family Bonds and Cultivating Autonomous, Upbeat Children:

In today’s fast-paced society, it is simple to disregard the significant effect that our child-rearing choices can have on our children’s lives. It’s vital to think approximately how we handle our connections with each other and our children’s prosperity. This web journal article investigates the subject of capable child rearing, emphasizing the got to construct solid family bonds, fortify associations, and permit children organization.

Sustaining Connections inside the Family:

As guardians, we frequently confront challenges when it comes to connections inside the family. It’s not exceptional for debate and clashes to emerge, particularly inside amplified families. The address we ought to inquire ourselves is, ought we exchange ill will towards near relatives to our children? The reply may be a reverberating “no.” Children are not vessels for carrying hard feelings and quarrels. Instep, they are people who merit cherish, understanding, and direction.

One key angle of sustaining connections is open communication. Rather than forcing our will on our children or utilizing them as apparatuses for retaliation, we ought to teach them about connections, instruct them right from off base, and instill a sense of separation between right and off-base. By doing so, we enable them to form educated choices and become dynamic individuals in society.

Settling clashes inside the family requires a fragile adjustment of tending to the issues while protecting the respect and passionate well-being of all parties included. Empower your children to voice their sentiments, contemplations, and concerns in a secure and strong environment. Educate them on struggle determination abilities, compassion, and pardoning, appearing to them that connections can mend and develop more grounded when taken care of with care.

keeping solid connections inside the family:

Additionally, keeping solid connections inside the family can have a significant effect on a child’s mental advancement. Children who develop up in an environment characterized by cherish, regard, and understanding are more likely to display these qualities in their claim connections as they develop more seasoned.

Empowering Children as Independent Beings:

One common parental desire is for our children to be obedient. However, true empowerment means allowing children to express themselves and develop their individuality. We must abstain from passionate control, control, and coercive strategies.

Engaging children includes more than fair giving them flexibility; it’s approximately preparing them with the information, abilities, and values they have to make sound choices all through their lives. Here’s what you’ll be able to do.

Education: Encourage a love for learning:

Provide them with the resources and opportunities to explore their interests and develop critical thinking skills.

Teaching Right from Wrong:

Help your children understand the moral and ethical implications of their actions. Foster a strong sense of integrity and responsibility.

Instilling a Sense of Differentiation Between Right and Wrong:

Instead of imposing rules, encourage them to think critically and make ethical choices independently.

Teaching Them to Identify People.

Educate your children on how to recognize healthy relationships and distinguish them from potentially harmful ones. This knowledge will empower them to make informed decisions regarding the company they keep.

Making Them Active Members of Society:

Involve your children in community service and social activities. This will educate them on the esteem of giving back and the significance of civic engagement.

Planning Them to Be of Advantage to Others:

Cultivate sympathy and kindness, empowering your children to be kind and obliging toward others. Teach them to find fulfillment in helping those in need.

Empowering your children doesn’t mean neglecting discipline or boundaries. Instead, it’s about providing them with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges independently and responsibly.

Conscientious Methods for Handling Family Connections:

Being open and honest with your children is essential when handling family problems or disputes. We can take inspiration from the wisdom of figures like Hazrat Ali (RA), who involved his children in decision-making processes. By presenting all the facts and discussing motivations and consequences with children, we help them understand family dynamics better, avoid misunderstandings, and foster strong family bonds.

Parents should also be cautious about threatening to marry off their children to settle scores within the family. Marriages should be based on compatibility, happiness, and the child’s nature, not for personal interests or to maintain family ties. Bitterness from the past should not dictate our children’s futures. Instead, we should prioritize their happiness over our own.

When it comes to settling disputes, maintaining harmony in the family, and addressing fights, it is our responsibility as parents to set an example. when it comes to handling arguments, resolving issues, and upholding harmony in the home. By modeling empathy, respect, and skillful communication, we teach our kids how to negotiate the tricky terrain of relationships.

In summary, putting love, understanding, and happiness first:

In summary, building deeper family ties, empowering kids, and cultivating loving relationships are all necessary for responsible parenting. The idea that children are one-of-a-kind people with sentiments and the independence to create life choices for themselves is steadily taking the put of The thought that children are simply objects to be procured or rebellious for narrow-minded closes is continuously giving way to the idea that children are similar to other individuals, with sentiments and the capacity for free thought.

We ought to put our children’s worship, understanding, and bliss to start with in organize to create past any question they make into certain, free individuals who make major commitments to society. Let’s focus on supporting one another in our family ties instead of controlling our kids. By spreading this word, you’ll make the world distant better; much better; a higher; a stronger; an improved and improved put for the coming eras.


Your children merit nothing less than the finest from you, their guardians. As you set out on this travel of capable child rearing, may your children flourish, bringing bliss and fulfillment into their lives, and eventually, into the world around them.

In sustaining connections and engaging children, we shape not only their fates but also the longer term of our society. It could be a significant obligation, but it is one that can bring immense rewards when drawn closer with cherish, understanding, and care.


Fifteen rules for teenagers rearing at home.


Teenagers require parents to give a large number of commands and instructions that everyone forgets the next day. Problems with raising children include an abundance of advice, overlapping instructions, and a lack of clear rules. Because of this, fathers and mothers forget them, ignore them, or fall into them later. To make my instructions a clear and concise reference for myself and my family members, I decided sixty years ago to write them down, hang them in my children’s rooms, and revise them from time to time.

Another aspect.

Just a few days ago I saw Umm Hassam standing in front of the paper in Russell and Maya’s room and she smiled and said: I wish you would publish this as an article. So that other parents like us can benefit! I thought that would work for you, and it wasn’t a shocking proposal at all. It’s a concept so that each family can make their possess list, include to it, or alter it to fit their needs. I opened the same address and hung the following instructions in the bedroom.

  • Do not raise your voice or speak angrily to siblings or employees.
  • Parental guidance is normal and normal and does not mean chasing, making mistakes, or hating you.
  • It is important to always repeat the word (present) for the request (and apology) when everyone makes a mistake (and thank you).
  • You must realize that academic excellence is a matter that concerns you alone. It is not the concern of your parents or anybody else.
  • Although they don’t, educational credentials do indicate success in life. Constantly develop yourself and improve your skills.
  • Life is full of trials and beautiful things, but that’s all. It doesn’t come without hard work, fatigue, and a lot of money!
  • He who works in our house is a person like us. He also has respect and self-esteem.
  • It is taboo to require a computer or phone into the room (or turn it on with the TV while examining).
  • It is taboo to stay up afterward than ten o’clock at night on school days, and everybody gets up autonomously
  • Natural. Eat a solid, natural slim down and get ready for the larger part of your suppers at domestic.
  • Eating or carrying nourishment exterior is in this manner denied, with the special case of once per week.
  • Eating or carrying food outside is therefore prohibited, with the exception of once per week.
  • Employees also have human rights and they have the right to leave us whenever they want. Each individual is responsible for his own affairs and cannot demand them from others (even servants).
  • Lunch and dinner are served for everyone at the same time, and the latecomer will bring his own food!
  • When people come together, it is natural for conflict and differences of opinion to arise, and for this, we must learn to compromise, negotiate politely, resort to voting, and be satisfied with the final decision.
  • Remember that parents don’t differentiate between their children, but children’s actions and their behavior limit their respect for parents, forcing them to treat each person differently (and by the way, that’s what comes later). All people will do with you).
  • Finally, no one can stay at home after graduating from high school: the successful one enters university, the outstanding one gets a scholarship, the unsuccessful one looks for a job, and the girls find a groom!

Under these rules,

I have placed a small box in which I have written the punishments that affect those who violate them, and they are as follows.


Write previous instructions in handwriting so that you remember them well every time they come up.


Deduction from allowance (at the discretion of parents).

Deprivation of your favorite device (computer, iPad, mobile phone).

Stay in his room or turn off the power. Not leaving the house for several days.

As I said before,

What is important here is the idea that it can be changed. Change the same items according to each family’s situation.

Take what I’m saying and hang your instructions in your kids’ rooms, or at least cut out this article and hang it in front of them. Just documenting and writing it down makes it clear in their minds. And turn it into a reference that comforts you and them. The trouble of repeating these instructions daily is saved.

Cultivating Cooperation in Stubborn Children.

Cultivating Cooperation in Stubborn Children.

Parents lamenting their child’s stubbornness is common. They are simply unreceptive. They act impolitely and are obstinate about getting their way.” But it’s important to realize that stubbornness is a trait that may be changed. It’s not innate in young children. There are several causes behind children’s stubbornness. Parenting is an art, and parents must closely monitor the elements that lead to their children’s obstinacy.

Recognizing Signs of a Stubborn Child.

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize the warning signals of stubbornness in your youngster. When a youngster exhibits stubborn behavior, you might observe that they:
Cry loudly to get attention.
Stomp their feet on the ground.
Hit walls or objects with their head or hands.
Kick things around them.
Display disrespect towards adults.
Bite or use their teeth aggressively.
Break toys and belongings.
Understanding the Reasons and How to Address Them:

Avoid Unnecessary Prohibitions.

Children tend to become stubborn when they are repeatedly told not to do something. Instead of constantly prohibiting them, try explaining the potential harm or consequences of their actions. For example, if a child keeps trying to touch a hot object, avoid stopping them each time but rather explain the dangers of touching hot things. By making them aware of these risks, you’ll help them develop a sense of caution, which will stay with them, inshallah.

Avoid Unjust Scolding.

Sometimes, excessive scolding when children are stopped from doing something can contribute to stubbornness. Encourage a child-friendly environment where they aren’t unjustly scolded or restricted. For instance, if a child is attempting to break a pot, instead of stopping them abruptly, try explaining why it’s a harmful action. This approach helps them understand the consequences and become more responsible, inshallah.

Fulfilling Unnecessary Desires.

While it’s natural for parents to love their children deeply, excessive indulgence can lead to a child’s indifference or stubbornness when they perceive that someone else has become the center of their parent’s attention. Also, if every desire of a child is met, they may become stubborn. For instance, there’s a tale about a king who had no sons. He asked his minister to bring his son to the palace. The king grew fond of the boy but told him not to cry anymore. However, when the boy continued to cry, he asked why, and the boy said, ‘Make me an elephant to ride on.


Although parents care deeply for their children, it’s important to maintain a friendly and not overly indulgent attitude. It’s okay to fulfill most of your child’s requests, but when they ask for something that can’t be granted immediately or isn’t suitable, try offering an alternative. This can be a great way to curb stubbornness.

Avoid Comparisons and Unequal Treatment.

Comparing a child to their siblings or not treating them equally can also contribute to stubborn behavior. Children who feel they are not being treated fairly may experience a lack of self-esteem and become stubborn.


When a child think they are being treated unfairly, it’s essential not to overemphasize the issue and to avoid giving them undue importance. Instead, have a calm discussion with the child to understand the reasons behind their stubbornness. Don’t impose strictness on them; instead, try to address their concerns and build healthy self-esteem. InshaAllah, this approach will help them overcome stubbornness.

Encouraging Independence and Decision-Making.

Sometimes, a child’s stubbornness arises from a desire for independence. They may want to make their own decisions and assert themselves. Encouraging their independence in a controlled and constructive manner can help mitigate stubbornness.


You can provide choices within limits to make them feel like they have control. For example, instead of telling them what to wear, you can offer two outfits to choose from. This empowers them while keeping them within acceptable boundaries.

Consistency and Setting Expectations.

Children flourish on schedule and know what to anticipate.

Inconsistent parenting or a lack of clearly defined boundaries can lead to stubbornness as children become uncertain about the rules.

Cultivating Cooperation in Stubborn Children.


Establish consistent rules and expectations in your household. Make sure both parents or caregivers are on the same page regarding discipline and boundaries. This consistency helps children understand what is expected of them and reduces the chances of them becoming stubborn.

In conclusion, raising children is a delicate art. By recognizing the signs and understanding the underlying causes of stubbornness, parents can effectively navigate this phase and guide their children toward becoming more responsible and cooperative individuals. Remember, children aren’t born stubborn; it’s a behavior that can be shaped with the right guidance and support.

Cultivating cooperation and understanding the unique needs and personality of your child will help build a stronger parent-child bond and nurture positive change that will benefit them throughout their lives.

1. What are the signs of a stubborn child?

Signs of a stubborn child may include crying loudly for attention, stomping feet, hitting walls or objects, displaying disrespect towards adults, biting or using teeth aggressively, and breaking toys or belongings.

2. Is stubbornness innate in young children?

No, stubbornness is not innate in young children. It is a behavior that can be changed and is often influenced by various factors in their environment and upbringing.

3. How can parents address and change stubborn behavior in children?
  • Avoid unnecessary prohibitions and explain potential harm or consequences.
  • Avoid unjust scolding and encourage a child-friendly environment.
  • Be cautious about fulfilling unnecessary desires and provide alternatives.
  • Avoid comparisons and unequal treatment among siblings.
  • Encourage independence and decision-making in a controlled manner.
  • Establish consistency and set clear expectations in parenting.
4. Why do children become stubborn when told not to do something repeatedly?

Children may become stubborn when repeatedly told not to do something because constant prohibition without explanation can lead to frustration. Instead, explaining the potential harm or consequences helps them develop a sense of caution.

5. How does excessive scolding contribute to stubbornness in children?

Excessive scolding can contribute to stubbornness by creating a negative environment. Encouraging a child-friendly atmosphere and explaining the consequences of their actions can be more effective.

6. Can fulfilling unnecessary desires contribute to a child’s stubbornness?

Yes, excessive indulgence and fulfilling every desire of a child can contribute to stubbornness, as they may become indifferent or stubborn when they feel someone else is getting more attention.

7. How can parents constructively encourage independence?

Parents can encourage independence by providing choices within limits. For example, offering two outfit options for the child to choose from empowers them while maintaining acceptable boundaries.

8. How does inconsistency in parenting contribute to stubbornness in children?

Inconsistent parenting or a lack of clearly defined boundaries can lead to stubbornness, as children become uncertain about the rules. Establishing consistent rules and expectations helps reduce stubborn behavior.

9. Can comparing a child to their siblings contribute to stubbornness?

Yes, comparing a child to their siblings or not treating them equally can contribute to stubborn behavior. It may lead to a lack of self-esteem, and addressing the child’s concerns calmly is essential.

10. How important is building a consistent parent-child bond in addressing stubbornness?

Building a consistent parent-child bond is crucial in addressing stubbornness. Understanding the unique needs and personality of the child, along with consistent parenting, helps guide them toward positive change and cooperation.

In conclusion, addressing and changing stubborn behavior in children involves understanding the underlying causes and adopting positive parenting strategies. By cultivating cooperation, encouraging independence, and maintaining a consistent and supportive environment, parents can effectively guide their children toward positive growth.

Daughters are not a burden but a pride.

Daughters are not a burden but a pride.

In a world where societal norms and cultural biases often undervalue daughters, it’s imperative to recognize their intrinsic worth and profound impact on our lives. Through a poignant narrative, the story of Hazrat Malik bin Dinar sheds light on the profound bond between a father and his daughter, challenging misconceptions and emphasizing the invaluable role daughters play in our lives.

He was a Muslim but he was a rebel of Allah, spilling jam after jam throughout the night and then staying drunk on it throughout the day was probably the purpose of his life.

He had a great blessing, a young daughter. It was as if she had a life in this girl. He used to be drunk and his daughter used to snatch the glass from him.

God knows what God is doing,

Daughters are not a burden but a pride.

This girl died at a young age and this person’s world became dark, she who was a deterrent also left, and now this camel is helpless.

During this period, one night he slept full of drunkenness, he dreamed that the end of the day had been established and the soul was the master of the soul. , Seeing this scene, a terror struck him and he started running blindly.
A white-haired old man in a white dress appeared ahead. Seeing him, some of the sinner’s clothes were tied and he presented his plea to them. He became the epitome of elderly helplessness.

And they said, “Child, I am exceptionally powerless and this one is exceptionally solid,

I am not sufficient to halt it, but run absent so that there may be somebody ahead of you who will cry for you.”someone ahead of you who will cry for you.” It was starting to feel closer.
But he didn’t see any elude course and he was beyond any doubt that this winged serpent would come and assault him. In the interim, he saw the ancient man once more and had the same discussion with him once more and exhorted him to keep running.

Daughters are not a burden but a pride.

As he was falling, he climbed a slope, and while climbing up, he saw the frightening scenes of hell within the valley underneath, but the man was so anxious about the mythical serpent that he was around to drop into hell, but he did not care.
All of a sudden he heard the voice of someone yelling typically not one of those hells, he withdrew from the slope and saw the same huge man once more, and now that the discussion had taken put, he began crying that you simply had made me so frail that I I can’t drive away this snake, but there’s another slope before me, climb it, perhaps you have got a few believe there and it’ll allow you work nowadays.

This person climbed this hill. It was a round hill in which small gold and silver beautiful niches were made. Someone raised a voice saying that this person did not have any trust here. As soon as they heard this, the windows started opening, and children like the moon started coming out.

Meanwhile, someone shouted, “Hurry up, that snake has come very close.”

Daughters are not a burden but a pride.

Before long as they listened to this, the children began coming out of these windows in droves. Among them was his two-year-old girl who wrapped her arms around her father and chased absent the huge wind with her hands.

Then this daughter of his sat on his lap and started caressing her father’s beard and it was like this
Hasn’t the time come for the hearts of the believers to fear the remembrance of Allah?

Hearing this, this person started crying and then inquired about the dragon and the old man who they were. The daughter said that those snakes were your bad deeds which almost made you fall into hell and those elders were your good deeds which became so weak that they were not able to save you from that snake.

This person woke up from his dream and repented to Allah Almighty and was counted among the saints of Allah of his time.

Daughters are not a burden but a pride.

Do you know who they were?

This was Hazrat Malik bin Dinar (may Allah have mercy on him). His daughter was indeed a source of pride for him.

The tale of Hazrat Malik bin Dinar and his daughter serves as a powerful reminder that daughters are not burdens to be endured but treasures to be cherished. Their presence illuminates our lives with love, compassion, and unwavering support. As we navigate the complexities of existence, let us celebrate the daughters among us, recognizing their inherent dignity and immeasurable contributions to our families and communities.

1. How does the story of Hazrat Malik bin Dinar resonate with contemporary issues?

The story of Hazrat Malik bin Dinar underscores the timeless significance of valuing daughters and recognizing their worth beyond societal expectations. It challenges prevailing attitudes that perpetuate gender biases and advocates for a paradigm shift towards embracing daughters as sources of pride and blessings.

2. What lessons can we learn from Hazrat Malik bin Dinar’s journey?

Hazrat Malik bin Dinar’s journey highlights the transformative power of repentance, redemption, and the profound influence of familial relationships. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing one’s shortcomings, seeking forgiveness, and nurturing positive connections with loved ones, especially daughters.

3. How can we promote the empowerment of daughters in our communities?

Empowering daughters requires dismantling entrenched patriarchal norms, advocating for gender equality, and fostering environments that prioritize girls’ education, autonomy, and agency. By promoting inclusive policies, challenging discriminatory practices, and amplifying the voices of daughters, we can create a more equitable and just society.

4. What role do fathers play in shaping perceptions of daughters?

Fathers play a pivotal role in shaping the perceptions of daughters by fostering environments of love, respect, and support. Through positive affirmations, active engagement, and meaningful interactions, fathers can instill confidence, resilience, and a sense of worth in their daughters, nurturing their potential to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.

5. How can stories like Hazrat Malik bin Dinar’s inspire positive change?

Stories like Hazrat Malik bin Dinar’s serve as powerful catalysts for reflection, dialogue, and action. By sharing narratives that celebrate the inherent value of daughters and challenge societal norms, we can inspire individuals and communities to embrace diversity, cultivate empathy, and champion the rights and dignity of daughters everywhere.