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Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.


In the contemporary world, addressing the pressing issues of the current situation becomes crucial. Recently, a post in a social media group caught my attention, discussing ideas for children’s Halloween parties. What unfolded in the comment section, however, revealed a unique perspective. These were Muslim mothers sharing their experiences, and suggesting ideas for Halloween parties in their children’s schools.

Unveiling the Muslim Mothers.

Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.

As I delved into the comments, I discovered that these were not just any mothers but Muslim mothers. Their profiles, adorned with images of Mecca and Medina, presented a different narrative. A conversation ensued where I questioned their awareness of the religious implications of celebrating Halloween.

Clash of Beliefs.

The ensuing storm of comments made me realize the diversity of opinions within the group. Some argued for embracing Halloween, citing it as a harmless celebration, while others shared links from a Google search, trying to educate me about the festival. Amidst this, a tense atmosphere emerged, with some proclaiming the sanctity of their Islamic beliefs.

The Dilemma of Muslim Mothers.

Amid this clash, the Muslim mothers expressed their frustrations. They were caught between the societal pressure of accommodating their children’s desires to fit in and their obligation as Muslim mothers to adhere to Islamic teachings. The tension escalated, revealing a broader dilemma faced by many in the Muslim community.

The Present Challenge.

Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.

The present generation faces a complex dilemma. Our youth grapple with the challenges posed by the current situation, and if our mothers continue down this path, our nation may soon find itself in a precarious position. A mother, endowed with a position of honor by Allah, must consider the consequences of neglecting her duties.

Mothers as Bearers of Islam.

Our elders from the past generation were far superior to today’s world-wise youth. Amusement for children should not mean allowing them to do whatever they desire, akin to setting a field ablaze to plant a seed. Muslim mothers need to recognize and fulfill their role as bearers of Islam, the foremost duty being to introduce their children to the teachings of their faith.

The Clash of Traditions.

The clash between traditions and beliefs isn’t a new challenge. As Muslims living in a diverse society, our mothers face the dilemma of balancing their Islamic values with the expectations of a culture that may not align with our religious teachings. It is a perplexing situation where a mother is expected to navigate her children through the celebrations of a festival that carries cultural significance but contradicts Islamic principles.

This is not just about Halloween; it reflects a broader issue. Our society increasingly demands conformity to practices that may not resonate with our Islamic values. Muslim mothers find themselves at the forefront of this clash, as they witness their children being swept away by the tide of societal norms.

The Social Media Struggle.

Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.

Social media has become a battleground where the clash of beliefs is amplified. The Halloween post in the social media group is a microcosm of the broader struggle faced by Muslim mothers. The pressure to conform, the tension between traditional values and contemporary practices, and the constant need to defend one’s faith in the digital space create an environment of heightened anxiety.

The Muslim mothers engaging in the comment section were not just sharing ideas for Halloween parties; they were defending their beliefs and navigating a space where cultural norms often override religious principles. The question arises: How can Muslim mothers maintain their identity and instill Islamic values in their children amidst this digital battleground?

The Cultural Predicament.

Muslim mothers find themselves in a cultural predicament. On one side, they are encouraged to grasp the traditions of the society they live in, and on the other side, they carry the obligation of protecting their Islamic character. The celebration of Halloween could appear blameless to a few, but for these moms, it speaks to a bigger battle against the disintegration of Islamic values inside their families.
The cultural predicament is not limited to Halloween; it extends to various aspects of life where adherence to Islamic principles clashes with societal norms. From the way children are educated to the influence of media and peer pressure, Muslim mothers find themselves grappling with the challenge of raising children who are both pious and socially accepted.

The Role of Education.

Amidst the clash of traditions and the pressure of societal norms, education emerges as a powerful tool. Muslim moms must teach themselves and their children the importance of Islamic values and the potential results of compromising those values for societal acknowledgment.

Islamic instruction should go past the formal learning of Quranic verses and ceremonies; it must envelop a profound understanding of how to explore the challenges of the modern world while remaining genuine to one’s confidence. This requires a proactive approach to instill basic consideration, flexibility, and a solid Islamic character within the more youthful era.

Building a Supportive Community.

Muslim mothers need a support system, a community where they can share their challenges, seek advice, and find solace.

Conclusion: Nurturing Faith in a Complex World.

In conclusion, the clash between cultural traditions and Islamic values, exemplified through the Halloween debate, highlights the multifaceted challenges faced by Muslim mothers today. The struggle extends beyond a single festival, revealing a broader societal predicament where mothers grapple with preserving their religious identity in the face of cultural expectations.

As Muslim mothers navigate the complex landscape of contemporary challenges, it becomes imperative to recognize the pivotal role they play. Mothers are not only bearers of life but also bearers of Islam. To strike a balance between societal integration and steadfast adherence to Islamic principles, they must embark on an educational journey, equipping themselves and their children with a deep understanding of their faith.

The clash between traditions and beliefs, exacerbated by social media pressures, requires a united effort within the Muslim community. Building a supportive community that fosters open dialogue, shares experiences, and offers guidance becomes crucial. Through such communal strength, Muslim mothers can find solace and collective wisdom, enhancing their ability to navigate the complex challenges of the contemporary world.

As we mull over the show’s circumstances and the approaching challenges for the following era, it is basic for Muslim moms to stand firm in their commitment to supporting an Islamic character in their homes. In doing so, they not as it were fulfill their parts as moms but moreover contribute to the conservation of the wealthy Islamic legacy for eras to come.

IntroductionHalloween, a festive time for children, brings unique challenges for mothers. This perspective sheds light on the intricacies.
Choosing the Right CostumeBalancing creativity, comfort, and appropriateness in costume choices becomes a meticulous task for mothers.
Safety PrecautionsEnsuring a secure Halloween involves illuminating costumes, navigating dark streets, and inspecting treats for safety.
Navigating Allergies and RestrictionsMothers of children with allergies manage trick-or-treating routes and educate others about specific dietary needs.
Inclusive CelebrationsCreating an inclusive environment involves addressing cultural sensitivities, promoting diverse costumes, and fostering community.
Balancing Fun and ModerationMothers grapple with balancing the excitement of treats with the importance of moderation for a healthier post-Halloween experience.
ConclusionA mother’s perspective on Halloween highlights the multifaceted nature of this festive occasion, contributing to memorable and secure experiences.
Navigating the Challenges of Halloween: A Mother’s Perspective.


Is celebrating Halloween against Islamic principles?

The permissibility of celebrating Halloween in Islam is a subject of debate. While some argue that it is a harmless cultural celebration, others highlight its pagan origins and potential conflict with Islamic values. Muslim mothers often find themselves torn between societal expectations and their religious convictions.

How can Muslim mothers balance cultural expectations and Islamic values?

Balancing cultural expectations and Islamic values requires education and resilience. Muslim moms ought to endeavor to get the center standards of their confidence and confer this information to their children. Building a solid framework inside the Muslim community can also give direction and quality in exploring these challenges.

What part does social media play in this situation?

Social media amplifies the clash of beliefs, creating a digital battleground where Muslim mothers defend their faith. The pressure to conform, coupled with the need to articulate and defend one’s beliefs in a public space, adds a layer of complexity to the dilemma faced by Muslim mothers.

How can education help in resolving this clash of traditions?

Education is a powerful tool in resolving the clash of traditions. Muslim moms ought to teach themselves and their children not as it were almost the ceremonies but moreover approximately the noteworthiness of Islamic values. An all-encompassing approach to instruction that incorporates basic consideration and flexibility is basic for exploring the challenges of the modern world.

Why is building a supportive community important?

Building a supportive community is crucial for Muslim mothers facing these challenges. A community provides a space for open dialogue, sharing experiences, and seeking guidance. Through collective strength, Muslim mothers can find support, understanding, and collective wisdom, enhancing their ability to navigate the complexities of preserving Islamic values in a diverse society.

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When Mother Sacrificed for Daughter-in-law.


Within the hustle and flurry of cutting-edge life, we regularly neglect the stories of calm give and faithful adore that unfurl inside the corners of our homes. This story revolves around a mother who, a couple of days after her son’s fantastic wedding, found herself confronting a momentous choice that highlighted her dedication and selflessness.

A Grand Celebration, a New Chapter.

The wedding had been a grand affair, and the festivities had finally simmered down. The new couple had been warmly welcomed into their new life, and the routines of daily life were gradually settling back into a sense of normalcy. For this mother, the wedding was a moment she had eagerly anticipated, for her son had returned to his office after a brief honeymoon, and it marked the first paycheck he would bring home.

A Mother’s Unforgettable Act of Generosity.

When Mother Sacrificed for Daughter-in-law.

What made this day particularly memorable was the action of the son, a gesture that would etch itself into the mother’s heart forever. As he received his first paycheck after the wedding, he placed the entire sum into his mother’s hands, saying, “You deserve this more than anyone.” It was a powerful and poignant statement that embodied the selfless love of a child for his mother.

Without hesitation, the mother took the money, not a single rupee less. Whereas she knew that she was not authoritatively entitled to any parcel of her son’s profit, she acknowledged it nimbly. She caught on that, as a love bird, the couple had their claim needs, and the warm wishes they had gotten from companions and family, counting monetary endowments, would back them. More importantly, she knew that her son was just starting his journey as a husband and provider.

The Mother’s Silent Sacrifice.

When Mother Sacrificed for Daughter-in-law.

The months passed, and time brought about a significant change in the couple’s life. As the weather changed with the seasons, so did the needs of their growing household. They required new clothes, both for daily wear and for special occasions. It was then that the mother decided to request a small amount from her son to fulfill these requirements. In any case, she was met with a firm reaction: “I oversee all costs for our family, indeed what my mother needs.”

Whereas the words stung, the mother’s pride wouldn’t permit her to inquire for cash, and she chose to do with what she had. She oversaw buying a set of dresses from her investment funds. The son seemed content, stating that he covered all expenses, including hers, and he didn’t want his mother to worry about finances.

Years of Silent Strength.

Time continued to pass, and the household expenses increased with the addition of children. The mother was compelled to manage her share of expenses on her own. She divided the monthly budget carefully, and while she yearned for help, her son remained steadfast in his refusal.

For many years, she cooked meals without ever expecting anyone to pitch in. She never made a request, and no one ever inquired her for a feast. The obligation for all choices inside the house, whether related to cooking or any other matter, rested exclusively with her.

As the children grew, their expenses multiplied. The mother continued her struggle silently, managing the financial burdens with a brave face. She was determined to maintain a sense of honor within the household and refused to rely on anyone else’s finances.

The Moment of Reckoning.

When Mother Sacrificed for Daughter-in-law.

Eventually, her son’s financial circumstances improved significantly. He had settled into retirement, and this was the minute she had been holding up for. With a heart full of appreciation and an understanding of her penances, he chose to reimburse her for all the long time of giving up.

Without delay, he chose to deliver his mother all the money-related control she merited, the budgetary specialist she had been denied for a long time. He recognized the years of silent strength and selfless love that she had shown, despite her financial constraints. He understood that she had managed her responsibilities with grace, integrity, and unparalleled resilience.

Conclusion: A Tale of Sacrifice and Devotion.

This touching story underscores the significant give-up that a mother made for her family, particularly her daughter-in-law, who delighted in the complete money-related bolster of her child. It outlines the centrality of regard, appreciation, and acknowledgment for a mother’s long-lasting devotion to her family. It serves as an inspiring update of the selflessness that can flourish inside the insinuated, and frequently implicit, bonds of a family.

Cultivating Cooperation in Stubborn Children.

Cultivating Cooperation in Stubborn Children.

Parents lamenting their child’s stubbornness is common. They are simply unreceptive. They act impolitely and are obstinate about getting their way.” But it’s important to realize that stubbornness is a trait that may be changed. It’s not innate in young children. There are several causes behind children’s stubbornness. Parenting is an art, and parents must closely monitor the elements that lead to their children’s obstinacy.

Recognizing Signs of a Stubborn Child.

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize the warning signals of stubbornness in your youngster. When a youngster exhibits stubborn behavior, you might observe that they:
Cry loudly to get attention.
Stomp their feet on the ground.
Hit walls or objects with their head or hands.
Kick things around them.
Display disrespect towards adults.
Bite or use their teeth aggressively.
Break toys and belongings.
Understanding the Reasons and How to Address Them:

Avoid Unnecessary Prohibitions.

Children tend to become stubborn when they are repeatedly told not to do something. Instead of constantly prohibiting them, try explaining the potential harm or consequences of their actions. For example, if a child keeps trying to touch a hot object, avoid stopping them each time but rather explain the dangers of touching hot things. By making them aware of these risks, you’ll help them develop a sense of caution, which will stay with them, inshallah.

Avoid Unjust Scolding.

Sometimes, excessive scolding when children are stopped from doing something can contribute to stubbornness. Encourage a child-friendly environment where they aren’t unjustly scolded or restricted. For instance, if a child is attempting to break a pot, instead of stopping them abruptly, try explaining why it’s a harmful action. This approach helps them understand the consequences and become more responsible, inshallah.

Fulfilling Unnecessary Desires.

While it’s natural for parents to love their children deeply, excessive indulgence can lead to a child’s indifference or stubbornness when they perceive that someone else has become the center of their parent’s attention. Also, if every desire of a child is met, they may become stubborn. For instance, there’s a tale about a king who had no sons. He asked his minister to bring his son to the palace. The king grew fond of the boy but told him not to cry anymore. However, when the boy continued to cry, he asked why, and the boy said, ‘Make me an elephant to ride on.


Although parents care deeply for their children, it’s important to maintain a friendly and not overly indulgent attitude. It’s okay to fulfill most of your child’s requests, but when they ask for something that can’t be granted immediately or isn’t suitable, try offering an alternative. This can be a great way to curb stubbornness.

Avoid Comparisons and Unequal Treatment.

Comparing a child to their siblings or not treating them equally can also contribute to stubborn behavior. Children who feel they are not being treated fairly may experience a lack of self-esteem and become stubborn.


When a child think they are being treated unfairly, it’s essential not to overemphasize the issue and to avoid giving them undue importance. Instead, have a calm discussion with the child to understand the reasons behind their stubbornness. Don’t impose strictness on them; instead, try to address their concerns and build healthy self-esteem. InshaAllah, this approach will help them overcome stubbornness.

Encouraging Independence and Decision-Making.

Sometimes, a child’s stubbornness arises from a desire for independence. They may want to make their own decisions and assert themselves. Encouraging their independence in a controlled and constructive manner can help mitigate stubbornness.


You can provide choices within limits to make them feel like they have control. For example, instead of telling them what to wear, you can offer two outfits to choose from. This empowers them while keeping them within acceptable boundaries.

Consistency and Setting Expectations.

Children flourish on schedule and know what to anticipate.

Inconsistent parenting or a lack of clearly defined boundaries can lead to stubbornness as children become uncertain about the rules.

Cultivating Cooperation in Stubborn Children.


Establish consistent rules and expectations in your household. Make sure both parents or caregivers are on the same page regarding discipline and boundaries. This consistency helps children understand what is expected of them and reduces the chances of them becoming stubborn.

In conclusion, raising children is a delicate art. By recognizing the signs and understanding the underlying causes of stubbornness, parents can effectively navigate this phase and guide their children toward becoming more responsible and cooperative individuals. Remember, children aren’t born stubborn; it’s a behavior that can be shaped with the right guidance and support.

Cultivating cooperation and understanding the unique needs and personality of your child will help build a stronger parent-child bond and nurture positive change that will benefit them throughout their lives.

1. What are the signs of a stubborn child?

Signs of a stubborn child may include crying loudly for attention, stomping feet, hitting walls or objects, displaying disrespect towards adults, biting or using teeth aggressively, and breaking toys or belongings.

2. Is stubbornness innate in young children?

No, stubbornness is not innate in young children. It is a behavior that can be changed and is often influenced by various factors in their environment and upbringing.

3. How can parents address and change stubborn behavior in children?
  • Avoid unnecessary prohibitions and explain potential harm or consequences.
  • Avoid unjust scolding and encourage a child-friendly environment.
  • Be cautious about fulfilling unnecessary desires and provide alternatives.
  • Avoid comparisons and unequal treatment among siblings.
  • Encourage independence and decision-making in a controlled manner.
  • Establish consistency and set clear expectations in parenting.
4. Why do children become stubborn when told not to do something repeatedly?

Children may become stubborn when repeatedly told not to do something because constant prohibition without explanation can lead to frustration. Instead, explaining the potential harm or consequences helps them develop a sense of caution.

5. How does excessive scolding contribute to stubbornness in children?

Excessive scolding can contribute to stubbornness by creating a negative environment. Encouraging a child-friendly atmosphere and explaining the consequences of their actions can be more effective.

6. Can fulfilling unnecessary desires contribute to a child’s stubbornness?

Yes, excessive indulgence and fulfilling every desire of a child can contribute to stubbornness, as they may become indifferent or stubborn when they feel someone else is getting more attention.

7. How can parents constructively encourage independence?

Parents can encourage independence by providing choices within limits. For example, offering two outfit options for the child to choose from empowers them while maintaining acceptable boundaries.

8. How does inconsistency in parenting contribute to stubbornness in children?

Inconsistent parenting or a lack of clearly defined boundaries can lead to stubbornness, as children become uncertain about the rules. Establishing consistent rules and expectations helps reduce stubborn behavior.

9. Can comparing a child to their siblings contribute to stubbornness?

Yes, comparing a child to their siblings or not treating them equally can contribute to stubborn behavior. It may lead to a lack of self-esteem, and addressing the child’s concerns calmly is essential.

10. How important is building a consistent parent-child bond in addressing stubbornness?

Building a consistent parent-child bond is crucial in addressing stubbornness. Understanding the unique needs and personality of the child, along with consistent parenting, helps guide them toward positive change and cooperation.

In conclusion, addressing and changing stubborn behavior in children involves understanding the underlying causes and adopting positive parenting strategies. By cultivating cooperation, encouraging independence, and maintaining a consistent and supportive environment, parents can effectively guide their children toward positive growth.

The Inspiring Story of Abdullah bin Huzafa.

The Inspiring Story of Abdullah bin Huzafa.

Within the archives of Islamic history, endless stories of unflinching confidence and mind-blowing give-up stand as a confirmation of the quality of conviction. Among these stories, the story of Abdullah container Huzafa, a committed companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), sparkles as a reference point of confidence and versatility.

Abdullah bin Huzafa, a young Sahabi embarked on a journey with a contingent of Muslim soldiers to face the mighty Roman army. His unwavering commitment to Islam and his indomitable spirit made him a remarkable figure in the annals of Islamic history.

The Battle of Ideas:

The Inspiring Story of Abdullah bin Huzafa.

The confrontation between the Muslim forces and the Roman army extended the length of their endurance. The steadfastness of the Muslims caught the attention of the Roman emperor, Caesar, who was left in awe of their unwavering faith and unyielding courage. He decided to test the mettle of the Muslim prisoners of war, particularly focusing on Abdullah bin Huzafa.

The Offer of Conversion:

Amidst the battlefield’s dust and tension, Caesar made a proposition to Abdullah. He offered to grant him wealth, power, and a share in the rule of the Roman Empire in exchange for renouncing his faith and embracing Christianity. However, Abdullah, with conviction burning in his eyes, resolutely declined the offer. He declared that he would never abandon his faith for worldly gain, not even for a share of the Roman Empire.

Caesar’s Fury:

Caesar, baffled by Abdullah’s unwavering faith, grew furious. He threatened to execute him, but Abdullah stood his ground, ready to face death rather than renounce his Islamic beliefs. Caesar, in his anger, ordered Abdullah to be hung from a pillar and subjected to the unrelenting downpour of arrows as a means to break his spirit.

The Moment of Truth:
The Inspiring Story of Abdullah bin Huzafa.

As the arrows rained down on Abdullah, he continued to display remarkable resilience. His faith remained unshaken, even in the face of such torment. Abdullah’s unyielding belief and unwavering commitment to Islam caught the attention of those witnessing this grim spectacle.

Abdullah’s Resolution:

Witnessing Abdullah’s steadfastness, Caesar made one last attempt to break his spirit. He offered him wine and pork, both prohibited in Islam, to see if Abdullah would succumb. However, Abdullah refused to partake in these forbidden substances, stating that he would rather die than compromise his faith.

The Inspiring Story of Abdullah bin Huzafa.
The Emperor’s Astonishment:

Caesar, astounded by Abdullah’s resolute determination, finally relented. He realized that Abdullah’s faith was unshakeable, and he could not be coerced into renouncing his beliefs. With admiration for Abdullah’s unwavering faith, Caesar ordered that he be released and provided with the best food and care.

Abdullah’s Return:
The Inspiring Story of Abdullah bin Huzafa.

Abdullah’s journey back to the Muslim camp was a triumphant one. Thus, he was welcomed with open arms by his individual Muslims, who celebrated his confidence and the quality he displayed in the confront of difficulty. Upon hearing the account of Abdullah’s give up, Umar container Al-Khattab, the moment Caliph of Islam, honored him and kissed his temple Consequently, he declared that every Muslim had the right to kiss the head of Abdullah bin Huzafa. Consequently, he declared that every Muslim had the right to kiss the head of Abdullah bin Huzafa.


The story of Abdullah bin Huzafa is a testament to the unwavering faith and sacrifices made by early Muslims. His determination and refusal to compromise his beliefs, even in extreme hardship, inspire us to hold firm to our principles and values. Abdullah’s story serves as a timeless reminder that faith can move mountains, and true believers stand unyielding in their devotion to their faith, regardless of the trials they may face.

1. Who was Abdullah bin Huzafa, and why is he considered a remarkable figure in Islamic history?

Abdullah bin Huzafa was a dedicated companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) known for his unwavering commitment to Islam. He is considered remarkable for his resilience and sacrifice in the face of adversity.

2. What historical event is associated with Abdullah bin Huzafa’s steadfastness in faith?

Abdullah bin Huzafa’s unwavering faith is particularly associated with the Battle against the mighty Roman army, where he became a symbol of the Muslims’ steadfastness.

3. What offer did Caesar, the Roman emperor, make to Abdullah bin Huzafa during the battle?

Caesar offered Abdullah wealth, power, and a share in the rule of the Roman Empire in exchange for renouncing Islam and embracing Christianity.

4. How did Abdullah bin Huzafa respond to Caesar’s offer?

Abdullah firmly declined Caesar’s offer, declaring that he would never abandon his faith for worldly gains, not even for a share of the Roman Empire.

5. What was Caesar’s reaction to Abdullah’s refusal, and how did he attempt to break his spirit?

Caesar, furious at Abdullah’s steadfastness, ordered him to be hung from a pillar and subjected to a relentless downpour of arrows to break his spirit.

6. How did Abdullah bin Huzafa endure the torment of arrows, and what was the reaction of those witnessing this ordeal?

Despite the arrows raining down on him, Abdullah displayed remarkable resilience, and his unyielding belief caught the attention of those witnessing the spectacle.

7. What did Caesar offer Abdullah in a final attempt to break his spirit, and how did Abdullah respond?

In a final attempt, Caesar offered Abdullah wine and pork, both prohibited in Islam. However, Abdullah refused to partake in these forbidden substances, stating that he would rather die than compromise his faith.

8. What was Caesar’s reaction to Abdullah’s resolute determination, and how did the ordeal conclude?

Caesar, astonished by Abdullah’s determination, eventually relented. Recognizing Abdullah’s unshakeable faith, he ordered his release and provided him with the best care.

9. How was Abdullah bin Huzafa received upon his return to the Muslim camp, and what was Umar bin Al-Khattab’s reaction?

Abdullah’s return was triumphant, and he was welcomed with open arms by fellow Muslims. Umar bin Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam, honored him and declared that every Muslim had the right to kiss Abdullah’s head.

10. What is the significance of Abdullah bin Huzafa’s story in Islamic history?

Abdullah bin Huzafa’s story is a testament to unwavering faith and sacrifices made by early Muslims. It serves as a timeless reminder that true believers stand unyielding in their devotion to faith, inspiring others to hold firm to their principles and values despite challenges.

Parent-Child Relationships

Parent-Child Relationships:

1. Wisdom and Advice: Building Strong Foundations.

In any relationship, the foundation lies in wisdom and guidance. Wisdom entails speaking at the right time, in the appropriate place, and on suitable occasions. Effective advice aligns seamlessly with wisdom. When it comes to our children, they are our most cherished possessions, and naturally, we all desire perfect relationships with them.

2. The Unfolding Mystery: Why Do We Struggle to Be Good Parents?

Parent-Child Relationships:

Despite our sincere efforts, it’s perplexing why we sometimes fall short of becoming the ideal parents we aspire to be. This struggle is often rooted in our own vulnerabilities and the way we were raised. The imperfections in a mother’s character or issues within the marital relationship can profoundly influence a child’s developing mind and personality.

3. The Ripple Effect: How Parental Flaws Impact Children.

The harsh and unyielding environments created by overly stern parenting bring rigidity into the lives of children. On the other hand, an excessively permissive approach can be equally detrimental. Unrealistic hopes, such as thinking “My child is not capable of this,” weaken our connection with our children, causing a rift between parents and their offspring.

4. Misconceptions That Hinder Connection.

Parent-Child Relationships:

Often, misconceptions abound about what influences children. We may incorrectly attribute a child’s behavior to relatives or friends. However, children see their guardians as companions, and in their eyes, they are the most astute creatures. This discernment makes them accept that they are more levelheaded and learned than their guardians, which can complicate the parent-child energy.

5. Role Modeling: The Way Forward.

The example we set as parents is of paramount importance. It’s not enough to merely profess our love in public while reprimanding our children in private. Another common misstep is continually seeking advice from others on how to control our children. Striking a balance between secular and religious education is key to nurturing a well-rounded individual.

6. Practical Solutions: Nurturing Strong Bonds.

Parent-Child Relationships:

Here are a few commonsense arrangements to progress the parent-child relationship:

Lock in children in exercises that empower them to memorize modern abilities, cultivating autonomy and self-reliance.
Empower them to require straightforward obligations, like making their beds or setting the table, as this ingrains a sense of possession and achievement.
Recognize and develop their talents and interests, providing them with the opportunity to explore and grow. Allow room for minor mistakes and offer guidance on how to learn from them, teaching resilience and adaptability.
Prioritize their well-being over a quest for perfection, emphasizing the importance of their sense of belonging and self-worth.
Create a genuine connection with your children by engaging in simple activities and conversations, whether sharing an ice cream or discussing their interests.
Bridge religious teachings with the importance of serving and respecting parents, instilling a sense of purpose and reward in their actions.
In a world where wisdom and guidance converge, the parent-child bond flourishes, providing a nurturing environment for growth and development.

Parent-Child Relationships:

In the intricate tapestry of parent-child relationships, wisdom and advice serve as the foundational threads, weaving a connection that shapes the journey of growth and development. Acknowledging the challenges and vulnerabilities inherent in parenting is the first step toward building strong foundations. The impact of parental flaws on children underscores the importance of mindful parenting, avoiding extremes, and finding a balance that fosters resilience and connection.

Misconceptions about parenting often hinder the parent-child dynamic, emphasizing the need for a realistic understanding of children’s perceptions and needs. Role modeling emerges as a powerful tool, highlighting that the example set by parents reverberates in the hearts and minds of their children. Striking a balance between secular and religious education further contributes to nurturing well-rounded individuals.

Practical solutions offer tangible steps to enhance the parent-child relationship, fostering independence, responsibility, and resilience. Prioritizing well-being over perfection, recognizing and nurturing talents, and creating genuine connections through simple activities are integral to building lasting bonds.

In a world where wisdom and guidance converge, the parent-child relationship flourishes as a nurturing environment for mutual growth and understanding.

1. Q: Why is wisdom considered a foundational element in the parent-child relationship?

A: Wisdom plays a crucial role in effective communication, guiding parents to speak at the right time, in the appropriate place, and on suitable occasions. It forms the foundation for building a strong and understanding relationship.

2. Q: What contributes to the struggle parents face in becoming ideal parents?

A: The struggle often stems from personal vulnerabilities and the influence of one’s upbringing. Imperfections in character or issues within the marital relationship can impact a child’s development.

3. Q: How do parental flaws impact children, and what are the consequences of overly stern or permissive parenting?

A: Harsh parenting can bring rigidity into a child’s life, while overly permissive approaches can lead to unrealistic expectations. Both extremes may weaken the parent-child connection.

4. Q: What misconceptions hinder the parent-child connection, and why is it important to understand children’s perceptions?

A: Misconceptions about influences on children, such as attributing behavior to relatives or friends, can complicate the parent-child dynamic. Understanding children’s perceptions is crucial as they see their guardians as companions and wise beings.

5. Q: Why is role modeling emphasized in parenting, and how does it impact the parent-child relationship?

A: Role modeling is crucial as it sets an example for children. The way parents behave, especially in public versus private, influences a child’s understanding of love, discipline, and relationships.

6. Q: What practical solutions are suggested to enhance the parent-child relationship?

A: Practical solutions include engaging children in activities that promote learning, encouraging them to take on responsibilities, recognizing and nurturing talents, prioritizing well-being, and creating genuine connections through simple activities and conversations.

7. Q: How does balancing secular and religious education contribute to nurturing well-rounded individuals?

A: Balancing secular and religious education provides a holistic approach to a child’s development, instilling values and a sense of purpose alongside academic knowledge. This balance contributes to raising well-rounded individuals.

The Simplicity.

The Simplicity.


Defaces Nourishment Things, an American combination, could be a family title known for creating chocolates, bubble gum, and indeed pet nourishment, with an amazing yearly deals figure of roughly $45 billion. To put this into setting, Pakistan’s add-up sends out the sum of a fair $16 billion, highlighting the critical crevice between a single company’s income and a nation’s financial yield. Be that as it may, there’s much more to the story than fair numbers.

The Chair’s Quiet Act:

The Simplicity.

At an unassuming company meeting, John Mars, the chairman of this colossal enterprise, blended seamlessly with his colleagues. As the presentation unfolded, an inconspicuous light fixture on the ceiling began to flicker. Although a minor disruption, it went unnoticed by most. Yet, John Mars reacted differently. With a silent, purposeful movement, he rose from his seat, exited the room, and returned moments later with a folding ladder.

In absolute silence, he ascended the ladder, meticulously opened the light fixture, replaced the malfunctioning bulb, and secured everything back in place. Without uttering a word, he descended the ladder, returned to his seat, and continued to engage in the ongoing presentation. This seemingly trivial act encapsulates John Mars’ character: the chairman of a $45 billion company, displaying the same level of dedication to fixing a light bulb as he does to his work at the helm of one of the world’s most successful businesses.

Syed Babar Ali’s Enduring Legacy:

On the other side of the globe, in Pakistan, resides another exceptional figure: Syed Babar Ali. Not as it were is he Pakistan’s biggest and most seasoned trade identity, but he’s also a major shareholder in Nestlรฉ and the proprietor of Bundles Restricted. At the surprising age of 97, he proceeds to work energetically, frequently putting in 14-hour daysโ€”a confirmation of his unwavering commitment to straightforwardness and difficult work.

What sets Babar Ali apart is not merely his remarkable wealth or business acumen, but his astonishing dedication to the ordinary. Despite being a major shareholder in one of the world’s largest companies, he frequently spends two hours sitting in the office of the deputy director, attentively addressing routine matters. This act underscores his humility and emphasizes his commitment to ensuring that no task is beneath him. His daily routine serves as a lesson in simplicity, and it stands in stark contrast to the conventional expectations of individuals in positions of such power and influence.

Philanthropic Contributions:

The Simplicity.

In addition to their personal qualities, both John Mars and Syed Babar Ali have made significant contributions to philanthropy. The Defaces family has set up the Defaces Establishment, which underpins different causes, counting instruction, natural maintainability, and creature welfare. Additionally, Syed Babar Ali is known for his magnanimous endeavors in instruction, healthcare, and rustic advancement in Pakistan. Their commitment to giving back to society highlights the significance of utilizing riches and impact for the improvement of humankind.

A Lesson in Simplicity, Tenacity, and Philanthropy:

The Simplicity.

These anecdotes about John Mars and Syed Babar Ali offer profound lessons for us all. They remind us that wealth and success should never overshadow the values of humility, simplicity, tenacity, and philanthropy. In a world where extravagance and ostentation often take center stage, these individuals show us that true greatness lies in the quiet and unassuming acts of everyday life.

John Mars, despite his immense wealth, didn’t hesitate to fix a flickering light bulb, and Syed Babar Ali, despite his stature, is still deeply involved in routine office matters. Their stories motivate us to approach life with a sense of reason and devotion, notwithstanding of our station or riches. Besides, their commitment to magnanimity educates us that genuine victory isn’t measured by individual riches alone but by the positive effect, we will have on the world.

The Simplicity.


In a world where material wealth and grandeur often steal the limelight, the stories of Mars Food Items, John Mars, and Syed Babar Ali serve as poignant reminders that true greatness is rooted in simplicity, tenacity, and an unwavering commitment to the ordinary. These people have illustrated that riches and victory are most significant when went with lowliness, charity, and honesty to goodness associated with the ordinary lives of individuals. Their legacies offer important lessons for us all, empowering us to grasp a life of reason, commitment, and giving back, notwithstanding our circumstances.


Q: What is Mars Food Items, and why is it significant in the introduction?
  • A: Mars Food Items is an American conglomerate known for chocolates, bubble gum, and pet food, with an annual sales figure of approximately $45 billion. Its significance lies in highlighting the vast revenue generated by a single company compared to a country’s economic output.
Q: Who is John Mars, and what anecdote illustrates his character in the introduction?
  • A: John Mars is the chairman of Mars Food Items. The anecdote in the introduction highlights his dedication and humility as he fixed a flickering light bulb during a company meeting, showcasing his hands-on approach regardless of the company’s immense size.
Q: Who is Syed Babar Ali, and how is he described in the introduction?
  • A: Syed Babar Ali is Pakistan’s largest and oldest business personality, a major Nestlรฉ shareholder, and owner of Bundles Limited. Described as a figure of remarkable wealth and business acumen, his exceptional dedication to the ordinary sets him apart.
Q: What does Syed Babar Ali’s daily routine emphasize about his character?
  • A: Despite being a major shareholder in Nestlรฉ, Syed Babar Ali spends two hours daily in the deputy director’s office, addressing routine matters. This emphasizes his humility, commitment to simplicity, and the belief that no task is beneath him.
Q: What philanthropic contributions have John Mars and Syed Babar Ali made?
  • A: The Mars family has established the Mars Foundation, supporting causes like education, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare. Syed Babar Ali is known for his charitable efforts in education, healthcare, and rural development in Pakistan.
Q: What lesson does the introduction suggest about wealth and success?
  • A: The introduction implies that wealth and success should not overshadow values of humility, simplicity, tenacity, and philanthropy. The stories of John Mars and Syed Babar Ali demonstrate that true greatness lies in everyday acts and giving back to society.
Q: How do John Mars and Syed Babar Ali’s stories provide lessons for individuals?
  • A: Their stories motivate individuals to approach life with reason and devotion, emphasizing the importance of humility and a commitment to the ordinary, regardless of one’s station or wealth. Additionally, their dedication to philanthropy teaches that true success is measured by positive impact on the world.
Q: What legacy do John Mars and Syed Babar Ali leave for others to learn from?
  • A: Their legacies underscore the importance of simplicity, tenacity, and a commitment to everyday life. They leave a lesson that true greatness is achieved when accompanied by humility, charity, and a genuine connection with the lives of ordinary individuals.
Q: How do these stories offer important lessons for individuals in various circumstances?
  • A: The stories of Mars Food Items, John Mars, and Syed Babar Ali serve as reminders that true greatness is rooted in simplicity, tenacity, and a commitment to the ordinary. They empower individuals to embrace a life of purpose, commitment, and giving back, regardless of their circumstances.
Signs of Decline, Deception, and Disarray.

Signs of Decline, Deception, and Disarray.


Yemeni author Ra’ida Bahafy once penned an article titled “Ibn Khaldun the Spy,” in which she quoted excerpts from Ibn Khaldun’s writings. Written seven centuries ago, this piece of work is now regarded as a window into the future, parallels between Ibn Khaldun’s timeless wisdom and contemporary societal realities. In it, he observed:

Prevailing countries continuously respect the champion; they receive his clothing and his conduct, his way of life, his traditions, his discourse, and his behavior. They begin to take after the vanquisher in all his ways, even in such trivial things as clothing, badges, ornaments, and even the manner of eating and drinking. In all circumstances, they continue to follow him, even copying the style of his cloak and the shape of his buttons.”

This section is a fair illustration of how Ibn Khaldun’s bits of knowledge resound with the show, underscoring the persevering significance of his work. In this article, we dive into Ibn Khaldun’s intelligence, investigating its pertinence to modern society and its capacity to supply bits of knowledge into our future.

1. Societal Impact of Conquest:

Signs of Decline, Deception, and Disarray.

Ibn Khaldun’s astute observation about conquered nations adopting the conqueror’s ways reflects the powerful influence of dominant cultures on those they subjugate. Today, we witness similar phenomena, where globalization and the dominance of certain cultures shape the values, lifestyles, and behaviors of conquered or marginalized societies. Understanding this dynamic helps us analyze current global cultural exchanges and their implications.

2. The Erosion of Morality and Social Decay:

Ibn Khaldun’s warning about conquered societies deteriorating morally and socially over time echoes the contemporary challenges faced by nations that experience extended periods of conflict, oppression, or economic hardship. Such circumstances can lead to a breakdown in social cohesion and ethical values, which we observe in various regions today.

3. The Rise of Charlatans and Deceit:

Ibn Khaldun’s recognition of the proliferation of charlatans, rumor-mongers, and dishonest individuals during times of upheaval resonates with our modern world. In an era of rapid information dissemination through social media, misinformation and conspiracy theories often take root, fueling chaos and confusion.

4. The Fragility of States:

Ibn Khaldun’s emphasis on the vulnerability of states during times of decline offers valuable insights into contemporary geopolitics. We can observe how nations with weak governance structures are susceptible to instability and external influences, a pertinent issue in today’s international arena.

5. The Significance of Ibn Khaldun’s Intelligence:

Signs of Decline, Deception, and Disarray.

Ibn Khaldun’s compositions proceed to serve as a source of direction for understanding societal patterns and challenges. His immortal shrewdness reminds us of the patterned nature of history and the significance of recognizing designs in human behavior. By considering his work, we can pick up a more profound appreciation of the social, political, and social flow forming our world.


Ibn Khaldun’s profound insights into the human condition transcend time and remain profoundly relevant today. His observations about the impact of conquest, moral erosion, deceit, and the fragility of states provide us with valuable tools for understanding and navigating the complexities of our contemporary world. As we reflect on his persevering intelligence, we are reminded of the importance of authentic viewpoints in forming our future. Ibn Khaldun’s bequest proceeds to clarify the way forward, encouraging us to memorize from the past as we chart the course for our social orders in the long time to come.

Signs of Decline, Deception, and Disarray.


1. Why is Ibn Khaldun’s work considered relevant today?
  • Ibn Khaldun’s insights from seven centuries ago offer a timeless perspective on societal patterns and challenges. His observations about conquest, moral erosion, deceit, and state fragility resonate with contemporary issues, providing valuable guidance for understanding our complex world.
2. How does Ibn Khaldun’s observation of conquered nations adopting the conqueror’s ways relate to globalization?
  • Ibn Khaldun’s insight reflects on the powerful influence of dominant cultures on subjugated societies. In today’s context, globalization and cultural dominance play a similar role in shaping the values, lifestyles, and behaviors of marginalized nations. The FAQ explores this dynamic and its implications.
3. What are the parallels between Ibn Khaldun’s warning about moral and social decay and the challenges faced by modern nations?
  • The post draws connections between Ibn Khaldun’s observations on the deterioration of conquered societies and the contemporary challenges faced by nations undergoing extended periods of conflict, oppression, or economic hardship. It delves into how such circumstances can lead to a breakdown in social cohesion and ethical values.
4. How does Ibn Khaldun’s recognition of charlatans and deceit during times of upheaval apply to today’s world of social media?
  • The FAQ explores the relevance of Ibn Khaldun’s recognition of charlatans and dishonest individuals during tumultuous times to the modern era. It specifically discusses the proliferation of misinformation and conspiracy theories through social media, contributing to chaos and confusion.
5. What insights does Ibn Khaldun offer into contemporary geopolitics and the vulnerability of states?
  • Ibn Khaldun’s emphasis on the vulnerability of states during times of decline provides insights into contemporary geopolitics. The FAQ discusses how nations with weak governance structures are susceptible to instability and external influences, drawing parallels with current international dynamics.
6. How does Ibn Khaldun’s intelligence serve as a source of guidance for understanding societal patterns and challenges?
  • The post highlights Ibn Khaldun’s compositions as a source of direction for understanding societal patterns and challenges. The FAQ delves into how his timeless wisdom aids in gaining a deeper appreciation of the social, political, and cultural dynamics shaping our world.
7. What is the significance of Ibn Khaldun’s legacy in shaping the future?
  • The post concludes by emphasizing Ibn Khaldun’s profound insights into the human condition and their enduring relevance. The FAQ explores how his legacy serves as a guide for understanding and navigating the complexities of our contemporary world, encouraging us to learn from the past as we shape the course for the future.
The Corrupt Rulers and Responsibility of the People.

The Corrupt Rulers and Responsibility of the People.

A Turbulent Era: Hajjaj ibn Yusuf‘s Time.

Hajjaj ibn Yusuf’s era was a period marked by chaos and disorder. His harsh run of the show cast a dull shadow over the lives of the individuals. Guiltless lives were taken, and the cries for equity were suffocated by the sounds of oppression. The very air seemed heavy with the weight of despair as the people lived in constant fear.

As the sun rose each day, it cast its light on a society riddled with corruption and moral decay. During this time, the effective worked out their specialist without restriction, efficiently trampling upon the standards of equity and nobility. Individuals might not depend on the security of the law, and the sense of security that ought to have been their claim was a removed memory.

Waleed ibn Abdul Malik:

The Corrupt Rulers and Responsibility of the People.

In stark contrast to the turbulence of Hajjaj’s time, Waleed ibn Abdul Malik’s reign was characterized by a relentless pursuit of worldly possessions. Materialistic desires consumed people, and their conversations revolved around wealth, properties, and the construction of opulent buildings. The pursuit of material wealth had blinded them to the pressing issues of justice and morality that plagued society.

Whereas the favored few reveled in their extravagance, the larger part of the populace endured beneath the weight of financial disparity.

The crevice between the wealthy and the destitute extended as the clamor for more suffocated out the voices of the marginalized. It was a time when ravenousness and insatiability knew no bounds, and the values of sympathy and sympathy appeared to have been overlooked.

Suleiman ibn Abdul Malik:

The Corrupt Rulers and Responsibility of the People.

Suleiman ibn Abdul Malik’s era saw a different kind of obsession. Individuals got to be enamored with the interest of delight, reveling in fine feasting, amusement, and party. The interest in common delights took priority over all else, and the culture of overabundance and luxury flourished. The interest in self-gratification cleared out a small room for concerns about the ethical texture of society.

As night fell, the cities came lively with the sounds of joy and liberality. Individuals moved and devoured, looking for a transitory elude from the cruel substances of their lives. The interest in joy, be that as it may, did not bring enduring bliss; it was a transitory diversion from the more profound issues that tormented their society.

Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz:

The Corrupt Rulers and Responsibility of the People.

However, a turning point occurred with the rule of Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz. He introduced a new era of ethical awareness and responsibility. People began to ask questions that extended beyond material wealth and excess: “How much of the Quran have you memorized? How many voluntary prayers do you offer each night?” These inquiries represented the transformation that took place under his leadership, confirming the shift in priorities and values.

Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz understood that achieving true prosperity required aligning the principles of justice, morality, and faith with the actions of the rulers and the governed. His commitment to integrity served as a beacon of hope in a society that had long been tainted by darkness.

The Impact of Rulers on Society.

It became evident that the conduct of rulers had a profound impact on the behavior and priorities of the masses. Leaders who upheld principles of justice, morality, and faith inspired the people to follow their lead. Conversely, corrupt and morally bankrupt rulers led society astray, perpetuating a cycle of injustice and moral decay.

The Call for Righteous Governance.

The clear lesson from this historical narrative is that righteous and devout individuals should be entrusted with power by society. This transcends mere politics; it constitutes an inherent demand of faith itself. The obligation of governance includes the imperative to uphold justice, integrity, and the principles of faith

Lessons from History: Principles, Values, and Progress.
The Corrupt Rulers and Responsibility of the People.

Lessons from History: Standards, Values, and Advance.

In conclusion, this story serves as an update on our duty as citizens to request ethical and fair administration from our pioneers. It underscores the significance of following standards and values in both open and private life. The activities of rulers interlace with the behavior of the individuals, and we must guarantee that those in control maintain the standards of equity, ethical quality, and confidence. History has appeared that when pioneers and citizens collectively grasp these standards, advance, and success take after, and a society flourishes in agreement.

In reflecting upon the turbulent eras under Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, Waleed ibn Abdul Malik, and Suleiman ibn Abdul Malik, the historical narrative unfolds as a vivid reminder of the profound impact rulers have on the fabric of society. Hajjaj’s oppressive rule cast a shadow of chaos, Waleed’s pursuit of wealth fueled financial disparity, and Suleiman’s era was marked by an obsession with pleasure. However, amidst this tumultuous backdrop, the transformative leadership of Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz emerged as a beacon of hope, ushering in an era of ethical awareness and responsibility.

The narrative underscores a timeless lesson: the conduct of rulers shapes the behavior and priorities of the masses. It serves as a call for righteous governance, emphasizing the imperative of leaders who uphold justice, integrity, and the principles of faith. The overarching message resonates with the interconnectedness of rulers and societal progress. As citizens, the duty is clear โ€“ to demand ethical administration, uphold standards and values, and ensure that those in power guide society with a commitment to justice, morality, and faith. History shows that when leaders and citizens collectively embrace these principles, progress and success follow, allowing societies to flourish in harmony. This narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring significance of principles and values in shaping the destiny of nations.

1. What characterized Hajjaj ibn Yusuf’s era, and how did it impact the lives of the people?
  • The post describes Hajjaj ibn Yusuf’s time as marked by chaos, disorder, oppression, and constant fear. Innocent lives were taken, and cries for justice were stifled. This question delves into the nature of his rule and its effects on individuals.
2. How did Waleed ibn Abdul Malik’s reign differ from the turbulence of Hajjaj’s time?
  • The post contrasts Waleed ibn Abdul Malik’s reign with Hajjaj’s era, highlighting a pursuit of worldly possessions, materialistic desires, and financial disparity. This question explores the shift in focus during Waleed’s rule.
3. What were the societal consequences of the obsession with material wealth during Waleed’s reign?
  • This question explores the impact of the pursuit of material wealth on justice, morality, and the widening gap between the wealthy and the destitute during Waleed ibn Abdul Malik’s rule.
4. How did Suleiman ibn Abdul Malik’s era differ in terms of societal priorities and values?
  • The post discusses the societal shift during Suleiman’s time towards an obsession with pleasure, fine dining, and entertainment. This question explores the cultural changes and their consequences.
5. What turning point occurred during the rule of Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, and how did it impact society?
  • The post introduces Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz’s rule as a turning point, emphasizing a new era of ethical awareness and responsibility. This question explores the transformative changes initiated by Hazrat Umar.
6. What values did Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz prioritize, and how did they differ from previous rulers?
  • This question explores the values prioritized by Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, emphasizing justice, morality, and faith, and how they differed from the priorities of previous rulers.
7. How did the conduct of rulers influence the behavior and priorities of the masses, as mentioned in the post?
  • The post highlights the profound impact of rulers on society. This question delves into the role of leadership in shaping the behavior and priorities of the people.
8. What is the clear lesson from the historical narrative regarding governance?
  • This question explores the key lesson derived from the historical narrative, emphasizing the importance of righteous and devout individuals in positions of power and their impact on governance.
9. Why is there a call for righteous governance, and what does it entail according to the post?
  • This question delves into the necessity for righteous governance, as discussed in the post, and explores the obligations of leaders to uphold justice, integrity, and faith.
10. What is the overarching message regarding the relationship between rulers and societal progress in the conclusion?
  • The post concludes with a call to citizens to demand ethical and fair administration. This question explores the overarching message regarding the role of principles, values, and leadership in societal progress.
The Holy Shrine and 'Second Mecca' Mosque in the Turkish Spiritual Capital.

The Holy Shrine and ‘Second Mecca’ Mosque in the Turkish Spiritual Capital.

Typically the story of an old city where history is scattered in incredible minarets and sand-buried ruins.

Towering in the sky is Hagia Sophia, and colorful bazaars spread across a vast expanse of land. Turkestan, in southern Kazakhstan, serves as the center of Kazakh art and cuisine.

Turkestan means ‘Land of Turks’. Turkic nomads, traveling the Silk Road, settled here in the early 6th century. The city was formerly ‘Shawgar’ and ‘Yasi,’ gaining its current name in the 16th century as the capital of Kazakh Kantia.

Today, Turkestan comprises various Turkic ethnic groups, from Kazakhs to Uzbeks. The Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States declares it the ‘Spiritual Capital of the Turkic World,’ highlighting its deep Islamic history. For the past seven years, Daulat Meldikhanov has worked as a tour operator and guide on the Silk Road, educating tourists from around the world about Turkestan’s history and culture

“Turkistan is a unique city, and recent archaeological research suggests that the history of this city goes back more than two thousand years,” says Meldikhanov. For tourists visiting Turkestan, Meldikhanov lists five must-sees for the city’s architecture, culture, traditional cuisine, and entertainment.

The best example of the Silk Road is the tomb of Khwaja Ahmed Yesavi.

The Holy Shrine and ‘Second Mecca’ Mosque in the Turkish Spiritual Capital.

Khwaja Ahmad Yesvi was a famous poet, philosopher, and Sufi who helped to promote and spread Sufism in the Turkic world. After Yasavi died in 1166, his final resting place served as a shrine for travelers on the ‘Sufi Silk Road’.

Meldikhanov pointed out, ‘We can witness over 600 years of Muslim heritage with our own eyes.’ Some walls retain their original form, and 14th-century ornaments endure.

The tomb may be a UNESCO World Legacy Location. The mausoleum is 38.7 meters tall and includes a turquoise arch which is the biggest arch in Central Asia. The tomb is considered one of the finest pieces of design from the Timurid Domain that ruled the locale within the 14th century.

The 35-room tomb has antiquated Persian depictions, a mosque, and antiquated stone carvings on the outside of the landmark. The structure of this tomb was built close to the conclusion of the Silk Street period.

“Murud Nazarov, a colleague of Meldikhanov, stated, “The tomb of Khawaja Ahmad Yasavi still stands today as an important testament to its past glory, even as much of the Silk Road fades into history.

Izat Sultan Museum.

If history seen in the form of Khwaja Ahmed Yasawi’s tomb tempts you to explore further, the Azrat Sultan Museum will not disappoint you. Spread over 1,235 acres and featuring an impressive array of written, architectural, and cultural artifacts, the museum is designed to help popularize Kazakhstan’s national history.

You’d have to come here many times to see the museum spread over such a large area, but Meldikhanov recommends visiting a few places located here.

They excavated this mosque to a depth of four meters, positioning Khwaja Yasawi’s private room to face the sunlight, and meticulously designed it to preserve the prayer routine

Moreover, until 1979, these hot water baths were functional. Pilgrims visiting Khawaja Yasawi’s tomb used to bathe and cleanse their bodies here before proceeding. Although hot water is no longer available for bathing, these baths are still present in the museum as an exhibit.

A domed brick structure, which once hosted sacred rituals, remains accessible solely through a local guide. Visiting Rabia Sultan Begum’s tomb here is also highly recommended.

The Holy Shrine and ‘Second Mecca’ Mosque in the Turkish Spiritual Capital.

Best Leisure Experience: Caravanserai Complex.

Some people call this area ‘Kazakh Venice’ because of a canal here, but it is a complex called Caravan Saray.

Karvan Sarai, a five-star hotel, embodies cultural pride and hospitality. Stop here for a night boat ride and the tale of Kazakh Romeo and Juliet. Here at Karwan Sarai, there is a very interesting flying theater where you can feel like a flying bird.

Furthermore, it’s an excellent Cornish market for Kazakh food

Whether it’s a refreshing drink or a hearty meal, Meldikhanov encourages travelers to stop at one of Turkestan’s many markets, the Cornish Bazaar.”You’ll discover nourishment, new natural products, vegetables, dresses, and much more here,” Meldekhanov said.

Located just a 10-minute walk from the shrine of Khawaja Ahmad Yasavi, this market showcases traditional Kazakh art and cuisine. Local vendors expertly sell embroidered cloths and carved pottery. The mouth-watering aromas of the food reflect Kazakhstan’s commitment to meat.

“In Kazakhstan, a common joke prevails that it’s the world’s second-largest meat consumer, and when asked who the number one carnivore is, the answer is the wolf,” Meldikhanov told Azrah Tafnan.

Optimal Travel Begins at Turkestan Station.

Turkestan Railway Station itself is a charming place, famous for its unique round arch and charming mint-colored walls. It draws inspiration from 20th-century Soviet architecture harmonizing with Kazakh tiles. Recall that Russia occupied this city in 1864. According to Meldikhanov, this railway station is the best and The fusion of Russian and Kazakh architecture in Turkestan is exemplified authentically. Tourists can enjoy scenic train views of Turkestan and nearby cities.

The Holy Shrine and ‘Second Mecca’ Mosque in the Turkish Spiritual Capital.
Khwaja Ahmed Yasavi TombOver 600 years of Muslim heritage, UNESCO World Heritage Site, 38.7 meters tall, turquoise arch, 14th-century Timurid architecture.
Azrat Sultan MuseumSpread over 1,235 acres, featuring written, architectural, and cultural artifacts, including excavated mosques, Khwaja Yasawi’s private room, Rabia Sultan Begum’s tomb, and hot water baths exhibit.
Caravanserai ComplexOften called ‘Kazakh Venice,’ a cultural hub with a five-star hotel, flying theater, boat ride, and Cornish market for Kazakh food.
Cornish BazaarTraditional market near the shrine of Khawaja Ahmad Yasavi, showcasing Kazakh art and cuisine, including embroidered cloths, carved pottery, and a variety of foods reflecting Kazakhstan’s commitment to meat.
Turkestan Railway StationA charming blend of Russian and Kazakh architecture, featuring a unique round arch and mint-colored walls, providing scenic train views of Turkestan and nearby cities.
The Holy Shrine and ‘Second Mecca’ Mosque in the Turkish Spiritual Capital.

In conclusion, Turkestan stands as a unique city with a rich history dating back over two thousand years, where Turkic nomads settled and the Silk Road played a pivotal role in cultural exchange. The city, now declared the ‘Spiritual Capital of the Turkic World,’ boasts deep Islamic roots and is a melting pot of various Turkic ethnic groups. From the tomb of Khwaja Ahmed Yasavi, a testament to over 600 years of Muslim heritage, to the expansive Azrat Sultan Museum, preserving Kazakhstan’s national history, Turkestan offers a journey through time and culture.

The Caravanserai Complex, often referred to as ‘Kazakh Venice,’ provides a unique leisure experience with its cultural pride, hospitality, and a flying theater that lets visitors feel like flying birds. The Cornish Bazaar, just a short walk from the shrine of Khawaja Ahmad Yasavi, showcases traditional Kazakh art and cuisine, reflecting the country’s commitment to meat.

The Turkestan Railway Station, with its charming round arch and mint-colored walls, serves as a fusion of Russian and Kazakh architecture, offering scenic train views of Turkestan and its surroundings. As a guide and tour operator on the Silk Road, Daulat Meldikhanov emphasizes the uniqueness of Turkestan, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking a blend of history, culture, and culinary delights.

Q1: What does the name ‘Turkestan’ mean, and what is its historical significance?

A: ‘Turkestan’ means ‘Land of Turks,’ and the city has historical significance as a settlement for Turkic nomads along the Silk Road since the early 6th century.

Q2: What is the significance of Khwaja Ahmed Yasavi’s tomb in Turkestan?

A: Khwaja Ahmed Yasavi’s tomb is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcasing over 600 years of Muslim heritage. The mausoleum is considered one of the finest examples of Timurid architecture from the 14th century.

Q3: What attractions are recommended at the Azrat Sultan Museum?

A: The Azrat Sultan Museum, spread over 1,235 acres, features written, architectural, and cultural artifacts, including excavated mosques, Khwaja Yasawi’s private room, and Rabia Sultan Begum’s tomb.

Q4: What is unique about the Caravanserai Complex, and why is it called ‘Kazakh Venice’?

A: The Caravanserai Complex is often referred to as ‘Kazakh Venice’ due to its canal. It includes a five-star hotel, a flying theater, and cultural experiences, offering a blend of leisure, cultural pride, and hospitality.

Q5: What can visitors expect at the Cornish Bazaar in Turkestan?

A: The Cornish Bazaar, located near the shrine of Khawaja Ahmad Yasavi, showcases traditional Kazakh art and cuisine. Local vendors offer embroidered cloths, carved pottery, and a variety of foods reflecting Kazakhstan’s commitment to meat.

Impact of marital discord on children.

Impact of marital discord on children.

Marital discord can have profound and lasting effects on children, impacting their mental health, attitudes, personalities, education, and future prospects. Factors such as lack of understanding between spouses, parental inexperience, and conflicts can create a tumultuous environment that adversely affects children’s well-being and development.

Usually, everyone has a great image of married life in their mind but practical life is different.
Husband and wife’s lack of understanding, parental inexperience, and fights are reasons for this.
Lack of guidance, environmental influences, parental role models, and gender differences affect one’s thinking and behavior.

Women are very emotional, while men are more intellectual and more calculated, then religion has a very important role, skills are different.
Parenting is a very tiring and difficult job, getting angry, getting emotional, and fighting because of not understanding each other’s feelings is common and it has bad effects on the children.

  1. Nature of disputes.
  2. Argument over personal issues
  3. Debate due to children’s issues

Sometimes they dispute their training.

Impact of marital discord on children.

In this whole situation, the child is left confused as to who is right, because both are very important to him. As a result, the child is not able to learn anything.

Effects of parental conflict on the child.

  • Mental health is bad.
  • Negative attitude.
  • Personality affected.
  • Education affected.
  • The future is bad.

Due to mental and mental health being affected, children start getting trauma and when they grow up, they start getting anxiety, and depression, such children fail to form social relationships.
A child’s schooling is influenced by their home environment, which can lead to poor academic performance, loss of focus, and potential drug addiction.
The future becomes uncertain, there is no attraction in any of their relationships.
Whenever children quarrel, they should be explained rather than reprimanded so that future problems can be solved.

There are 4 types of parenting styles, it comes down to two things.

Impact of marital discord on children.

How to control the child?

How much to love?

1st.Strict parents.

Impact of marital discord on children.

Strict parents, often characterized by their uncompromising discipline, impose a rigid structure in their child’s life. Strict guardians, regularly characterized by their uncompromising teach, force an unbending structure in their child’s life. Whereas their deliberate is to instill teach and values, their strategies can in some cases veer into cruelty. They might resort to physical discipline, such as punishing or corporal teaching, accepting it is fundamental to preserve arrangement and compliance.

Be that as it may, the failure to strike an adjustment between control and love can have enduring repercussions. Whereas their child might learn to fear them, they might not encounter the warmth and enthusiasm significant for sound improvement. This need for passionate association can lead to sentiments of isolation and distance within the child.

Besides, the child may battle with self-esteem and self-worth issues, as they may internalize the conviction that they are only valuable when they follow strict rules. This will ruin their capacity to make secure connections and connections afterward in life, influencing their social and enthusiastic well-being.

In a few cases, children raised by strict guardians might revolt against the forced limitations, driving to strife and a breakdown in communication. This resistance can manifest in different ways, from scholastic underachievement to reprobate behavior.

Whereas strict child rearing can deliver respectful children within a brief term, it frequently comes up short to support fundamental life abilities, such as decision-making and problem-solving. Thus, these children may discover it challenging to explore the complexities of the genuine world when they inevitably take off the protected environment of their domestic.

In conclusion, strict child rearing, characterized by control without passionate support, can lead to a have of negative results for the child’s enthusiasm and social improvement. Striking an adjustment between teaching and fondness is fundamental for a child’s by and large well-being and future victory.

Impact of marital discord on children.

Guardians who drop into this category of compelling child rearing not as it were get the significance of control but moreover exceed expectations in sustaining their children with adore and clear communication. They encapsulate a well-rounded approach that lays the establishment for a child’s solid improvement.

In this fashion of child-rearing, teaching may be an implication of instructing, not terrorizing. Guardians set clear boundaries and desires, giving their children a sense of structure and security. These boundaries serve as rules for the child’s behavior, making a difference them understand what is satisfactory and what isn’t. As a result, children raised in this environment tend to display a solid sense of obligation and regard for rules.

Urgently, guardians in this category prioritize open and tender communication. They make an environment where their child feels cherished and esteemed, cultivating a secure passionate connection. This passionate bond is basic for a child’s self-esteem because it fortifies their sense of self-worth and certainty.

By advertising clear direction, guardians in this category prepare their children with fundamental life abilities. They educate decision-making, problem-solving, and struggle determination, planning their child for the challenges they will confront in the future. This strengthening makes a difference in children and creates self-reliant and able people.

Besides, children raised by guardians who utilize this compelling child-rearing fashion tend to exceed expectations scholastically and create solid social abilities. They carry the values of sympathy and regard into their intuitive with others, cultivating solid connections all through their lives.

In conclusion, guardians in this category epitomize a perfect child-rearing approach that combines control with adore, clear communication, and enthusiastic back. This approach not as it were sets the arrange for a child’s improvement but moreover prepares them with the aptitudes and passionate versatility required for an effective and satisfying life.

3rd.Passive parent style.

Impact of marital discord on children.

The detached child-rearing fashion speaks to a critical flight from the dictator approach. Whereas dictator guardians are inclined intensely to control their children, detached guardians, on the other hand, show a need for control, frequently accepting that showering their child with cherish is adequate for compelling child-rearing. Be that as it may, this child-rearing fashion comes with its claim set of challenges and potential results.

Detached guardians tend to be lenient, permitting their children noteworthy flexibility and independence in decision-making. Whereas a few levels of opportunity can be advantageous for a child’s improvement, an overabundance of it can lead to disarray and a need for structure. Children may battle to get it boundaries and rules, possibly resulting in behavioral issues.

One common misguided judgment among detached guardians is the conviction that unrestricted adore alone can direct a child’s development. Whereas cherishing is without a doubt a pivotal component of child-rearing, it ought to be complemented by teaching, direction, and clear desires. Children require structure and consistency to feel secure and to memorize right from off-base.

The nonattendance of firm boundaries can moreover result in children feeling a need for direction and back. They may create a sense of privilege, anticipating things to be given to them without exertion. This will prevent their capacity to explore challenges and misfortunes in life.

Moreover, detached guardians may discover themselves unable to implement results successfully when their children get out of hand. This could lead to dissatisfaction for both the guardians and the child, as the child may not completely get a handle on the suggestions for their activities.

In rundown, the inactive child-rearing fashion, characterized by a need for control and an overreliance on cherish, can have unintended consequences for a child’s advancement. Successful child-rearing requires a balance between cherishing, teaching, and clear communication to supply children with the structure and bolster they ought to develop into capable, well-adjusted people.

4th.Uninvolved parent style.

Impact of marital discord on children.

The uninvolved child-rearing fashion speaks to an extraordinary conclusion of the child-rearing range, characterized by a significant need for both control and adore. These guardians are regularly careless, taking off their children to battle for themselves in different viewpoints of life. Their separation from their child’s childhood has far-reaching and antagonistic impacts on the child’s improvement, showing in four unmistakable ways.

Firstly, uninvolved guardians offer small to no enthusiastic back or warmth. This enthusiastic disregard can lead to sentiments of deserting, low self-esteem, and challenges shaping secure connections in adulthood. Children may develop up feeling disliked and sincerely removed.

Furthermore, the need for control or direction clears out children without appropriate boundaries and rules. Without clear desires, children may battle to create a sense of obligation, self-discipline, and regard for specialists. This need for structure can lead to behavioral issues, scholastic challenges, and an expanded hazard of locks in unsafe behaviors.

Thirdly, uninvolved guardians may be physically missing, clearing out children to fight for themselves in terms of essential needs, such as nourishment, protection, and supervision. This physical disregard can result in destitute physical well-being, insufficient nourishment, and a need for security and security.

Finally, uninvolved guardians frequently come up short to supply cognitive stimulation or instructive bolster. This could lead to mental and formative delays, ruining a child’s scholarly and cognitive development. Children may battle scholastically and need the devices essential to succeed in school and afterward in life.

In conclusion, the uninvolved child-rearing fashion, checked by disregard and a need for both control and adore, has extreme and far-reaching results for a child’s well-being and improvement. It is vital for guardians to be effectively included in their child’s life, giving enthusiastic back, clear boundaries, physical care, and instructive openings to sustain their child’s development and well-rounded advancement.

Impact of marital discord on children.


The impact of marital discord on children is far-reaching and multifaceted, affecting various aspects of their lives from mental health to academic performance and future relationships. It is crucial for parents to recognize the detrimental effects of their conflicts on their children and take proactive steps to mitigate them. By fostering a supportive and harmonious home environment, parents can promote their children’s emotional resilience, academic success, and overall well-being.


1. How does marital discord affect children’s mental health?

Marital discord can contribute to children experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues due to the stress and instability in their home environment. Constant exposure to parental conflicts can erode children’s sense of security and lead to emotional distress.

2. What are the consequences of parental conflicts on children’s attitudes and personalities?

Children exposed to parental conflicts may develop negative attitudes towards relationships, mistrust in others, and difficulties in forming healthy attachments. They may internalize the conflicts they witness, leading to low self-esteem, insecurity, and challenges in regulating their emotions.

3. How does marital discord impact children’s education?

Marital discord can disrupt children’s academic performance by creating distractions, emotional turmoil, and a lack of stability at home. Children may struggle to concentrate, complete homework assignments, and participate in school activities, leading to academic underachievement and decreased motivation.

4. What are the long-term effects of parental conflicts on children’s future prospects?

Children exposed to marital discord may face challenges in forming stable and healthy relationships in adulthood. They may struggle with intimacy, communication, and trust issues, affecting their personal and professional lives. Additionally, unresolved conflicts between parents can perpetuate intergenerational cycles of dysfunction and conflict within families.

5. How can parents mitigate the impact of marital discord on their children?

Parents can mitigate the impact of marital discord on their children by prioritizing effective communication, and conflict resolution skills, and seeking professional support when needed. Creating a nurturing and supportive home environment, free from constant tension and hostility, can foster children’s emotional resilience and well-being.

6. What are the different parenting styles and their impact on children’s development?

Different parenting styles, such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved, can significantly influence children’s development, behavior, and attitudes toward relationships. Each style has its unique characteristics and consequences, underscoring the importance of understanding and implementing effective parenting practices to promote positive outcomes for children.