A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers.


Child rearing and education are among the foremost significant obligations one can embrace. To be effective in coordinating and supporting the taking after time, it’s essential to take after to specific guidelines. This web diary post focuses on supplying a comprehensive coordinate for gatekeepers and teachers, publicizing bits of information into compelling child-rearing and instruction.

Assess Yourself First.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Sometime recently setting out on the travel of directing children, it is basic to start with self-reflection. As guardians or instructors, the address that ought to direct us is this: “Am I the kind of part show I wish my children or understudies to imitate?” Fair self-assessment is the foundation of compelling direction.
Understanding Defiance and Disobedience
When children manifest defiance and disobedience, the first step is introspection. One must examine their actions and behavior. Are we, as adults, setting a positive example by not disobeying Allah’s commands and rights? It is through our conduct that we can hope to lead the young ones by example.

Continuous Self-Improvement.

After self-evaluation, the travel of self-improvement starts. Guardians and instructors ought to endeavor to be superior people since we cannot give qualities to others that we don’t have ourselves. By continuously working on self-improvement, we set the standard for the children and students under our guidance.

Beyond Basic Care.
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Parenting and teaching extend far beyond the provision of food, clothing, and shelter. It is about instilling good morals, values, and bravery within the young minds entrusted to our care. Our role is not just to cater to their physical needs but also to cultivate their character.

Instill Love and Fear of Allah.

Rather than instilling fear in the surroundings and society, the primary focus should be on instilling the love and fear of Allah in the hearts of children. A deep connection with spirituality can serve as an unwavering guide throughout their lives, providing a moral compass in times of uncertainty.

Teach the Sunnah and Respect.
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Children ought to be instructed to take after the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to regard his companions. These lessons are most compelling when guardians and instructors lead by illustration, practicing the values and regard they point to instill within the youthful minds they sustain.

Cultivate Hard Work and Honesty.

Children ought to not be raised in complacency. Instead, we ought to energize the propensities of difficult work, give up, and appreciation. Empower them to speak the truth, making honesty a non-negotiable virtue. Furthermore, educate them about their boundaries and instill the importance of respecting those boundaries.

Differentiate Between Discourtesy and Bravery.

An important aspect of upbringing is understanding the distinction between discourtesy and bravery. Every action and behavior should adhere to the framework of the Sunnah and ethical boundaries. This differentiation helps children grow with an understanding of respect and courtesy, balanced with the courage to stand up for what is right.

Differentiate Between Discourtesy and Bravery.
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers

Every child is unique, possessing distinct qualities and virtues. It is the role of parents and teachers to recognize these individual characteristics and nurture them. This nurturing is akin to tending to a seed that, with proper care and guidance, will flourish into its unique potential.

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers.


In the roles of parenting and teaching, the responsibilities are significant. By following these guiding principles and continuously working on self-improvement, we can lead children and students not just through words, but by example. Nurturing their individual qualities, instilling good values, and providing ethical guidance will prepare them for a successful and fulfilling life. This comprehensive guide is a testament to the importance of conscientious child-rearing and education, as we shape the leaders and citizens of tomorrow.

1. Why is self-reflection crucial before guiding children?

Self-reflection is essential before guiding children as it forms the foundation of effective parenting and teaching. The question to ask is whether we are setting a positive example that we wish our children or students to emulate. Fair self-assessment is crucial in influencing young minds.

2. How should adults handle defiance and disobedience in children?

When children exhibit defiance and disobedience, adults should first engage in introspection. It involves examining one’s actions and behavior to ensure they are setting a positive example. Addressing disobedience starts with self-improvement and leading by example.

3. Why is continuous self-improvement necessary for parents and teachers?

Continuous self-improvement is necessary because adults cannot instill values in others that they do not possess themselves. By continuously working on self-improvement, parents and teachers set a standard for the children and students under their guidance.

4. What does parenting and teaching encompass beyond basic care?

Parenting and teaching extend beyond basic care, encompassing the instillation of good morals, values, and bravery in young minds. It involves cultivating character and providing guidance in matters beyond physical needs.

5. How can adults instill the love and fear of Allah in children?

Instead of instilling fear in the surroundings and society, the focus should be on instilling the love and fear of Allah in the hearts of children. A deep connection with spirituality serves as a moral compass, guiding them through life’s uncertainties.

6. What role does the teaching of Sunnah and respect play in upbringing?

Children should be taught to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and respect his companions. Leading by example is crucial in reinforcing these values and respect within the young minds parents and teachers nurture.

7. How can parents encourage the habits of hard work and honesty in children?

Parents should encourage the habits of hard work, sacrifice, and honesty in children. They should promote a work ethic and make honesty a non-negotiable virtue. Additionally, educating children about boundaries and the importance of respecting them is essential.

8. What is the importance of differentiating between discourtesy and bravery?

Differentiating between discourtesy and bravery is crucial in upbringing. Actions and behavior should adhere to the framework of the Sunnah and ethical boundaries. This understanding helps children grow with respect and courtesy, balanced with the courage to stand up for what is right.

9. How can parents and teachers recognize and nurture the individual qualities of each child?

Every child is unique, possessing distinct qualities and virtues. Parents and teachers should recognize these individual characteristics and nurture them, akin to tending to a seed that, with proper care and guidance, will flourish into its unique potential.

10. What is the significance of conscientious child-rearing and education in shaping future leaders and citizens?

Conscientious child-rearing and education are significant in shaping future leaders and citizens. By following guiding principles, continuously improving oneself, and providing ethical guidance, adults lead children not just through words but by example. Nurturing individual qualities and instilling good values prepares them for a successful and fulfilling life.


Supporting Connections and Engaging Teenagers.

Building More Grounded Family Bonds and Cultivating Autonomous, Upbeat Children:

In today’s fast-paced society, it is simple to disregard the significant effect that our child-rearing choices can have on our children’s lives. It’s vital to think approximately how we handle our connections with each other and our children’s prosperity. This web journal article investigates the subject of capable child rearing, emphasizing the got to construct solid family bonds, fortify associations, and permit children organization.

Sustaining Connections inside the Family:

As guardians, we frequently confront challenges when it comes to connections inside the family. It’s not exceptional for debate and clashes to emerge, particularly inside amplified families. The address we ought to inquire ourselves is, ought we exchange ill will towards near relatives to our children? The reply may be a reverberating “no.” Children are not vessels for carrying hard feelings and quarrels. Instep, they are people who merit cherish, understanding, and direction.

One key angle of sustaining connections is open communication. Rather than forcing our will on our children or utilizing them as apparatuses for retaliation, we ought to teach them about connections, instruct them right from off base, and instill a sense of separation between right and off-base. By doing so, we enable them to form educated choices and become dynamic individuals in society.

Settling clashes inside the family requires a fragile adjustment of tending to the issues while protecting the respect and passionate well-being of all parties included. Empower your children to voice their sentiments, contemplations, and concerns in a secure and strong environment. Educate them on struggle determination abilities, compassion, and pardoning, appearing to them that connections can mend and develop more grounded when taken care of with care.

keeping solid connections inside the family:

Additionally, keeping solid connections inside the family can have a significant effect on a child’s mental advancement. Children who develop up in an environment characterized by cherish, regard, and understanding are more likely to display these qualities in their claim connections as they develop more seasoned.

Empowering Children as Independent Beings:

One common parental desire is for our children to be obedient. However, true empowerment means allowing children to express themselves and develop their individuality. We must abstain from passionate control, control, and coercive strategies.

Engaging children includes more than fair giving them flexibility; it’s approximately preparing them with the information, abilities, and values they have to make sound choices all through their lives. Here’s what you’ll be able to do.

Education: Encourage a love for learning:

Provide them with the resources and opportunities to explore their interests and develop critical thinking skills.

Teaching Right from Wrong:

Help your children understand the moral and ethical implications of their actions. Foster a strong sense of integrity and responsibility.

Instilling a Sense of Differentiation Between Right and Wrong:

Instead of imposing rules, encourage them to think critically and make ethical choices independently.

Teaching Them to Identify People.

Educate your children on how to recognize healthy relationships and distinguish them from potentially harmful ones. This knowledge will empower them to make informed decisions regarding the company they keep.

Making Them Active Members of Society:

Involve your children in community service and social activities. This will educate them on the esteem of giving back and the significance of civic engagement.

Planning Them to Be of Advantage to Others:

Cultivate sympathy and kindness, empowering your children to be kind and obliging toward others. Teach them to find fulfillment in helping those in need.

Empowering your children doesn’t mean neglecting discipline or boundaries. Instead, it’s about providing them with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges independently and responsibly.

Conscientious Methods for Handling Family Connections:

Being open and honest with your children is essential when handling family problems or disputes. We can take inspiration from the wisdom of figures like Hazrat Ali (RA), who involved his children in decision-making processes. By presenting all the facts and discussing motivations and consequences with children, we help them understand family dynamics better, avoid misunderstandings, and foster strong family bonds.

Parents should also be cautious about threatening to marry off their children to settle scores within the family. Marriages should be based on compatibility, happiness, and the child’s nature, not for personal interests or to maintain family ties. Bitterness from the past should not dictate our children’s futures. Instead, we should prioritize their happiness over our own.

When it comes to settling disputes, maintaining harmony in the family, and addressing fights, it is our responsibility as parents to set an example. when it comes to handling arguments, resolving issues, and upholding harmony in the home. By modeling empathy, respect, and skillful communication, we teach our kids how to negotiate the tricky terrain of relationships.

In summary, putting love, understanding, and happiness first:

In summary, building deeper family ties, empowering kids, and cultivating loving relationships are all necessary for responsible parenting. The idea that children are one-of-a-kind people with sentiments and the independence to create life choices for themselves is steadily taking the put of The thought that children are simply objects to be procured or rebellious for narrow-minded closes is continuously giving way to the idea that children are similar to other individuals, with sentiments and the capacity for free thought.

We ought to put our children’s worship, understanding, and bliss to start with in organize to create past any question they make into certain, free individuals who make major commitments to society. Let’s focus on supporting one another in our family ties instead of controlling our kids. By spreading this word, you’ll make the world distant better; much better; a higher; a stronger; an improved and improved put for the coming eras.


Your children merit nothing less than the finest from you, their guardians. As you set out on this travel of capable child rearing, may your children flourish, bringing bliss and fulfillment into their lives, and eventually, into the world around them.

In sustaining connections and engaging children, we shape not only their fates but also the longer term of our society. It could be a significant obligation, but it is one that can bring immense rewards when drawn closer with cherish, understanding, and care.


Fifteen rules for teenagers rearing at home.


Teenagers require parents to give a large number of commands and instructions that everyone forgets the next day. Problems with raising children include an abundance of advice, overlapping instructions, and a lack of clear rules. Because of this, fathers and mothers forget them, ignore them, or fall into them later. To make my instructions a clear and concise reference for myself and my family members, I decided sixty years ago to write them down, hang them in my children’s rooms, and revise them from time to time.

Another aspect.

Just a few days ago I saw Umm Hassam standing in front of the paper in Russell and Maya’s room and she smiled and said: I wish you would publish this as an article. So that other parents like us can benefit! I thought that would work for you, and it wasn’t a shocking proposal at all. It’s a concept so that each family can make their possess list, include to it, or alter it to fit their needs. I opened the same address and hung the following instructions in the bedroom.

  • Do not raise your voice or speak angrily to siblings or employees.
  • Parental guidance is normal and normal and does not mean chasing, making mistakes, or hating you.
  • It is important to always repeat the word (present) for the request (and apology) when everyone makes a mistake (and thank you).
  • You must realize that academic excellence is a matter that concerns you alone. It is not the concern of your parents or anybody else.
  • Although they don’t, educational credentials do indicate success in life. Constantly develop yourself and improve your skills.
  • Life is full of trials and beautiful things, but that’s all. It doesn’t come without hard work, fatigue, and a lot of money!
  • He who works in our house is a person like us. He also has respect and self-esteem.
  • It is taboo to require a computer or phone into the room (or turn it on with the TV while examining).
  • It is taboo to stay up afterward than ten o’clock at night on school days, and everybody gets up autonomously
  • Natural. Eat a solid, natural slim down and get ready for the larger part of your suppers at domestic.
  • Eating or carrying nourishment exterior is in this manner denied, with the special case of once per week.
  • Eating or carrying food outside is therefore prohibited, with the exception of once per week.
  • Employees also have human rights and they have the right to leave us whenever they want. Each individual is responsible for his own affairs and cannot demand them from others (even servants).
  • Lunch and dinner are served for everyone at the same time, and the latecomer will bring his own food!
  • When people come together, it is natural for conflict and differences of opinion to arise, and for this, we must learn to compromise, negotiate politely, resort to voting, and be satisfied with the final decision.
  • Remember that parents don’t differentiate between their children, but children’s actions and their behavior limit their respect for parents, forcing them to treat each person differently (and by the way, that’s what comes later). All people will do with you).
  • Finally, no one can stay at home after graduating from high school: the successful one enters university, the outstanding one gets a scholarship, the unsuccessful one looks for a job, and the girls find a groom!

Under these rules,

I have placed a small box in which I have written the punishments that affect those who violate them, and they are as follows.


Write previous instructions in handwriting so that you remember them well every time they come up.


Deduction from allowance (at the discretion of parents).

Deprivation of your favorite device (computer, iPad, mobile phone).

Stay in his room or turn off the power. Not leaving the house for several days.

As I said before,

What is important here is the idea that it can be changed. Change the same items according to each family’s situation.

Take what I’m saying and hang your instructions in your kids’ rooms, or at least cut out this article and hang it in front of them. Just documenting and writing it down makes it clear in their minds. And turn it into a reference that comforts you and them. The trouble of repeating these instructions daily is saved.

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers.

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers.

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers can be profound and far-reaching. Just like throwing a favorite cloth into the bushes, where it becomes badly tangled and torn, the emotional impact of harsh words and actions can leave lasting scars on the young psyche. This essay delves into various scenarios where tone bitterness affects teenagers and underscores the importance of empathy, understanding, and support in nurturing their emotional well-being.

Take your favorite cloth and throw it into the bushes, so that it gets tangled badly. And when they get badly tangled in these bushes, pull them out.

What happened? The fabric is torn. If it is not torn, there are many holes in it, and the cloth looks old and rotten. As a result, that cloth is no longer used by you.

Similar to that, your soul is penetrated after you take advantage of someone’s belief, certainty, honor, adore, and regard. At that point whether it is your children, your guardians, your kin, companions, or somebody who works for you.

Analyze a few situations and draw your conclusion:

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers.

First statement: The house is full of guests. You yelled at your child and mortified him before everybody. Thinking that this is still a child. That child was learning that his parents were his support, his support system, but instead of supporting him, the parents reversed the matter.

Moment truth: The child is disturbed and comes to you to tell you approximately his issues. The child trusts merely will illuminate all his issues. But did you shout?

You’ll never illuminate any of your issues by yourself, You’ve got finished up so tremendous, you’ve got never given up peace, and you’ve been stressed. When will you think to yourself, when will you move forward, will you ever know anything extraordinary from your side or not? Did you’ve got certainty, conviction, and conviction in yourself?

What did you do?

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers.

Another fact: The child came home happy today. He got full marks on his test or he won on sports day. He first wants to share his happiness with you. Everyone will be very happy today. I will also get gifts.

Your reaction: Let’s be thankful that you won once, you never got full marks, thankfully you also did something good.

Well, what do I do now?

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers.

What a great achievement! It was just a test. Well, your heart is only in sports, focus on studies. Not indeed a word of support. The child had come considering merely would be happy with his victory, but what did you are?

Take another example: Tired of the entire day, the spouse came domestic and started to complain now and then to the mother-in-law, in some cases to the father-in-law, in some cases to the rest of the mother-in-law, or to the children. Hello, he had come domestic in the look of peace.

The effects of tone bitterness on teenagers.


In conclusion, it is imperative to recognize the power of our words and actions, especially when dealing with teenagers. The fabric of their souls is delicate, and harsh tones can tear at their sense of self-worth and belonging. By fostering an environment of kindness, empathy, and support, we can help teenagers navigate the challenges of adolescence with resilience and grace. Let us remember that our words have the power to uplift or tear down, and choose to create a sense of warmth and understanding in our interactions with the youth.

Q: Why is it important to be mindful of tone bitterness when interacting with teenagers?

A: The teenage years are a critical period of emotional development, and harsh words or actions can have long-lasting effects on their self-esteem and mental well-being. Being mindful of our tone helps create a supportive and nurturing environment for teenagers to thrive.

Q: How can parents and caregivers avoid using a tone of bitterness with teenagers?

A: It’s essential for parents and caregivers to practice active listening, empathy, and understanding. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a moment to understand the teenager’s perspective and communicate with kindness and respect.

Q: What are the consequences of using tone bitterness on teenagers?

A: Tone bitterness can lead to feelings of resentment, low self-esteem, and strained relationships between parents and teenagers. It can also hinder the teenager’s emotional growth and ability to express themselves openly.

Q: How can teenagers cope with tone bitterness from others?

A: Teenagers can cope with tone bitterness by seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or counselors. Developing healthy coping mechanisms, such as journaling, mindfulness, or engaging in creative activities, can also help teenagers navigate challenging emotions effectively.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi's instructions about children.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions about children.

Here are some important instructions from Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi regarding the upbringing of children.

Women have a habit of scaring children with ghosts and other scary things, it is very wrong, and it weakens the child’s heart.

The mother should scare the child from the father. If there is a boy, do not grow hair on his head, and if there is a girl, do not wear jewelry until you can sit in the curtain. One is the risk of life and secondly, it is not a good thing to have a passion for jewelry since childhood.

Provide food, clothes, money, and such things to the poor with the hands of children. In the same way, distribute food to their brothers and sisters or other children so that your children have the habit of generosity.

Do the evil of the one who eats more in front of the children, but not by name that he eats more, but those who eat more, people call him Abyssinian.

If he is a boy, then instill in his heart the desire for white clothes and make him hate the colorful clothes that girls wear such clothes. Always do such things in front of him, If she is a girl, do not get used to her clothes.

Do not fulfill all the stubbornness of children. It spoils the child’s mood.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions about children.

Stop shouting, especially if it is a girl, and reprimand her for shouting. Otherwise, it will grow and become a firm habit.

Avoid sitting with and playing with children who have bad habits run away from reading and writing are used to eating and dressing badly, and are abusive.

Keep hating these things, anger, telling lies, being angry at someone or being greedy, stealing, gossiping, and talking a lot to no avail. Laughing without reason or laughing too much, cheating, not thinking about good or bad. And when any of these things happen, immediately stop it and warn him.

If the child destroys something or hits someone, give appropriate punishment to the child so that he does not do it again. In such matters, love loses the child.

When the child is seven years old, make the habit of prayer. When you can go to school, read the Holy Quran first.

Don’t sleep too early in the morning and get utilized to getting up early.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions about children.

Sometimes tell children stories of good people.

Don’t let them see books that contain love stories or nonsense stories and ghazals.

After coming from school, let the child play for some time for some entertainment so that his physical condition does not become dull. But the game should be such that there is no sin and there is no fear of injury.

Don’t give money to buy fireworks, or frivolous things, and don’t get into the habit of showing sports spectacles.
(In today’s age, pointless mobiles, smartphones, and video games, that are harmful to health and just a waste of money, hanging out with friends from your neighborhood, schools, colleges, or universities. (All inclusive of money and permission etc.)

Make sure to teach the children some skills that will help them and their children by earning four rupees in times of need and trouble.

Girls must be taught to read and write at least enough to do the necessary letters and do house calculations.

Get children used to doing their work with their hands. Don’t be crippled and lazy. Place them somewhere in your bed at night wake up in the morning and fold them carefully.

Give instructions to the girls to learn the work of cooking, sewing, and dyeing clothes with a lot of heart.

When something good is revealed from the child, you must praise him, love him, and give him some reward so that his heart grows and when you see something bad, explain to the child in private that good people do not do such things and people who do it know bad And if the child repeats the wrong behavior, punish the child accordingly.

Don’t let the child do anything secretly. Be it sports or food or any job.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions about children.

Dole out him an assignment of difficult work that will keep him sound and bold, and anticipate sluggishness.

Empower the children not to walk as quickly and not to see up while strolling.

Instruct him to be humble, in dialect, in conduct, and conduct. Do not brag.

Provide the child with a little cash to spend according to his wishes. But get him into the propensity of not buying anything furtively from you.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions about children.

In conclusion, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions provide valuable insights into the upbringing and nurturing of children. These instructions emphasize the importance of instilling virtues such as humility, generosity, and discipline from a young age. By fostering an environment of love, guidance, and responsibility, parents can help shape the character and values of their children, preparing them to become upright and capable individuals in society.

Q: What are some key principles highlighted in Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions about children’s upbringing?

A: Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions emphasize various principles, including avoiding fear tactics, promoting generosity, discouraging stubbornness, and instilling a sense of responsibility and discipline in children.

Q: How can parents encourage positive behaviors and discourage negative ones according to Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions?

A: Parents are advised to praise and reward good behavior while privately addressing and correcting undesirable behavior. Consistent guidance, encouragement, and appropriate consequences help reinforce positive habits and deter negative ones.

Q: What skills should children be taught according to Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions?

A: Children should be taught practical skills such as prayer, reading, writing, household chores, and basic financial management. Additionally, emphasis is placed on cultivating virtues like humility, honesty, and industriousness.

Q: How can parents create a nurturing environment for their children based on Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions?

A: Parents can create a nurturing environment by providing love, encouragement, and guidance while setting clear expectations and boundaries. They should also lead by example, demonstrating the values and behaviors they wish to instill in their children.

Q: What role do discipline and consistency play in implementing Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions?

A: Discipline and consistency are essential for effective child-rearing according to Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s instructions. Consistent reinforcement of expectations and consequences helps establish a framework for positive behavior and moral development.

Some suggestions for improving the curriculum.

Some suggestions for improving the curriculum.

Japan is considered to be the foremost high-tech country in the world,  there’s still preparing in different expressions at school, college, and college levels.
These are the expressions that have been a portion of Japan’s culture and convention for centuries. Such as Origami, making toys and different objects out of paper, making objects out of brass, making ceramics, etc.

Alongside this, cultivation is additionally a portion of the instruction educational modules in Japan. The address emerges that when the full world is embracing a computerized culture, why did Japan make crafted works and create a portion of the educational programs in its schools?

There are two reasons for that.

Some suggestions for improving the curriculum

Japan is one of the nations that has continuously been pleased with its culture and conventions. This can be the reason why they organize to teach centuries-old culture and conventions within the 21st century.
And there can be no better means than making the children familiar with the old traditions by making them part of the school curriculum.
This is also one of the main reasons behind teaching arts and crafts by hand to students of different educational levels. Now a lot of time is spent on screens in the digital culture which also leads to mental confusion.
In such a situation, taking up the skill of the hands away from the screen or taking up a creative hobby is on one hand the best meditation which leads to peace of mind, and on the other hand, it creates balance and flexibility in the personality.
Morality is a regular part of the curriculum in Japan, teaching children small values ​​about life through role-play.

Watched a video in which the classroom was given the atmosphere of a bus.

All the children were sitting on the seats like passengers. A child was the driver, while a child disguised as an elderly person boarded the bus and did not get a seat.
After a while, a child sitting on a seat stands up in respect to the elder and gives him his seat. These children are still learning high moral values ​​through role play at the age of six or seven, far from practical life. And there can be no better means than making the children familiar with the old traditions by making them part of the school curriculum.
This is also one of the main reasons behind teaching arts and crafts by hand to students of different educational levels. Now a lot of time is spent on screens in the digital culture which also leads to mental confusion.
In such a situation, taking up the skill of the hands away from the screen or taking up a creative hobby is on one hand the best meditation which leads to peace of mind, and on the other hand, it creates balance and flexibility in the personality.

Morality is a regular part of the curriculum in Japan, teaching children small values ​​about life through role-play.

Some suggestions for improving the curriculum

Watched a video in which the classroom was given the atmosphere of a bus. All the children were sitting on the seats like passengers. A child was the driver, while a child disguised as an elderly person boarded the bus and did not get a seat.
After a while, a child sitting on a seat stands up in respect to the elder and gives him his seat. These children are still learning high moral values ​​through role play at the age of six or seven, far from practical life.

You can teach children moral values by making them a part of a story and a character by role-playing.
Now we come to our education system where only students are made rats of numbers race and all these things need to be included in our curriculum of practical life.

If there is a great need to adapt to the demands, other moral values need to be made a part of the curriculum. Every morning millions of Pakistanis drop their children from school and pick them up from school. They pay thousands of rupees for their monthly fees.

They bear their daily school expenses but what are their children learning in return for all these expenses?

Our children get 16 years of schooling and go to college and university but they do not learn basic human values from these institutions. Some time ago I was invited by a trust school there and I was surprised that practical life issues and skills are part of the curriculum that has been built and teaches students all the modern requirements as well as the kitchen garden.
They teach kitchen-related subjects, teach block printing, and teach various skills. From school to university level, students should be engaged in creative activities and it should also be a part of the regular curriculum.

Some suggestions for improving the curriculum

As a curriculum, they should teach painting, gardening, and cooking skills to both boys and girls. Time management is also regularly studied and taught in Japanese education.
This virtue needs to be taught to our students as well as to their elders who complain of lack of time in practical life. Some other practical life skills that I think should be part of the curriculum at all levels are how to organize your belongings and your surroundings.
How to declutter old things. Similarly, how to maintain balance in human relationships. How to focus on your work in the whirlwind of social media and digital chaos. Likewise, confidence is a quality that can be taught.

Communication skills should also be taught. How to tolerate differences in dialogue is a very important skill for successful living.

Today, students have smartphones in their hands.

Training to teach responsible use of smartphones should also be part of the curriculum. These are skills that are needed at every step in practical life, but our students learn even one of these skills after 16 years of education. They do not leave educational institutions.

Some suggestions for improving the curriculum.


In conclusion, the integration of traditional arts and practical life skills into education is essential for nurturing well-rounded individuals. Japan’s approach serves as a testament to the enduring value of cultural preservation and holistic learning. As we look towards the future, let us prioritize education reforms that empower students to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Why does Japan prioritize traditional arts in its education system?
  • Japan values its cultural heritage and believes in passing down traditions to future generations. Integrating traditional arts into education helps preserve cultural identity.
What practical life skills are essential for students?
  • Practical life skills include time management, communication, financial literacy, and problem-solving. These skills are vital for success in both personal and professional life.
How can countries improve their education systems?
  • By prioritizing holistic learning and integrating practical education into the curriculum, countries can better prepare students for the challenges of the modern world.
Why is moral education important in schools?
  • Moral education instills values such as empathy, respect, and responsibility in students, shaping them into compassionate and ethical individuals.
What role do traditional arts play in fostering creativity?
  • Engaging in traditional arts encourages creativity and critical thinking among students, providing them with a hands-on outlet for self-expression and exploration.